
Category Archives for "Networking"

European legislators debate robot rights for autonomous vehicles

Robots should one day have rights as "electronic persons," members of the European Parliament recommended Thursday -- but not until the machines are all fitted with "kill" switches to shut them down in an emergency.Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee wants the European Commission to propose legislation that will settle a number of ethical and liability issues in the field of robotics -- including who is to blame when an autonomous vehicle is involved in a collision.Granting the more sophisticated autonomous robots some kind of electronic personhood could settle issues of who is responsible for their actions, the committee suggested. More urgent than the question of robot rights, though, is the setting up of an obligatory insurance scheme that would pay out to the victims of a self-driving car if it caused an accident in the European Union.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Amazon commits to hiring 100,000 U.S. workers

Over the next 18 months, Amazon expects to add 100,000 full-time jobs in the U.S.While many of the jobs will be in warehouses, Amazon said the company will be looking for engineers and software developers in such areas as cloud computing and machine learning.[To comment on this article, visit Computerworld's Facebook page.]“Innovation is one of our guiding principles at Amazon, and it’s created hundreds of thousands of American jobs,” said Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO, in a statement. “These jobs are not just in our Seattle headquarters or in Silicon Valley. They’re in our customer service network, fulfillment centers and other facilities in local communities throughout the country.”To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Now it’s AT&T’s turn to talk jobs, investment with Trump

AT&T chief executive Randall Stephenson met with President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday to talk jobs and investment, but the company's multi-billion takeover of Time Warner was not on the table. The company didn't say much about the meeting, which took place at Trump Tower in New York, but characterized it as wide ranging. "As the country’s leading investor of capital for each of the last five years, the conversation focused on how AT&T can work with the Trump administration to increase investment in the U.S., stimulate job creation in America, and make American companies more competitive globally," AT&T said in a statement.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Apple must face claims of monopoly in iPhone app market

An appeals court has ruled that Apple must face antitrust charges in a lawsuit that alleges that the company monopolized the market for iPhone apps.The U.S. Court for Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed Thursday a decision by a lower court and ruled that the app buyers filing the lawsuit are direct purchasers of iPhone apps from Apple, rather than from app developers, and hence have standing to sue. Apple was a distributor of iPhone apps, selling them directly to buyers through its App Store, according to the court.The proposed class-action lawsuit started in 2011 with the complaint changing several times.NEWSLETTERS: Get the latest tech news sent directly to your in-box The purchasers object to the 30 percent "surcharge" that they pay to Apple. The company collects 30 percent of the revenue of third-party apps on its store, with the balance going to the developer, in a closed system in which Apple controls which apps can run on an iPhone, according to court records.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to prepare an old Mac for sale

What steps do I need to take before selling or giving away my old Mac?It's perfectly safe to sell on a Mac second-hand (or pass it on to a friend or relative), provided you take some basic precautions. (Well, if you've been storing state secrets or billion-pound business-critical data on there, you might want to get in some specialist help. The following tips are for the rest of us!)Before you sell your Mac second-hand, you should clean it both inside and out. Here are the most important steps you should take before selling or giving away an old Mac.Read next: Best Mac buying guide 2017 | How to sell an old MacTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Will Trump’s policies increase IT employment?

Estimates for IT employment growth this year range from flat to gangbuster. But the actual 2017 outcome will depend on the economy and the still-uncertain policies of President-elect Donald Trump.Trump has talked about actions such as tariffs to keep some firms from relocating operations to Mexico or other countries. But analysts don't know how deep or broad the tariffs might be and what their hiring impact would be.[To comment on this story, visit Computerworld's Facebook page.]To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 3 things you need to know to effectively scale your team

Success of a company is often a double-edged sword for technology teams. Enthusiastic customers, positive sales numbers and increased opportunity generally mean only one thing for a CTO—the need to scale.For start-ups, determining how and when to scale can be a challenge. Just when you hire your first set of developers and build the product, you’re faced with the need to grow your team and ensure that technology can accommodate an expanding number of users. Resource management is also key—and technology and process, in addition to people, can help you to scale wisely without having to rebuild your product. After managing the challenge of scaling at a number of companies, I’ve narrowed it down to three elements of scaling to keep in mind when it comes to people.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

VXLAN Ping and Traceroute

From the moment Cisco and VMware announced VXLAN some networking engineers complained that they'd lose visibility into the end-to-end path. It took a long while, but finally the troubleshooting tools started appearing in VXLAN environment: NVO3 working group defined Fault Managemnet framework for overlay networks and Cisco implemented at least parts of it in recent Nexus OS releases.

You'll find more details in Software Gone Wild Episode 69 recorded with Lukas Krattiger in November 2016 (you can also watch VXLAN Technical Deep Dive webinar to learn more about VXLAN).

Response: Introducing Open/R — a new modular routing platform | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook

Although this post is from May 2016, Petr Lapukhov at Facebook outlines an method to replace routing protocols with a message bus to enable real network applications.

I’m doubtful that wider networking market would adopt something that doesn’t have BGP in the solution but Facebook has the resources to develop something like this and prove that it works. That could change perceptions. In any case, thought provoking reading.

Introducing Open/R — a new modular routing platform | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook: “The Open/R software enables rapid prototyping and deployment of new applications to the network much more frequently than the industry’s standard development process. To create an interoperable standard, the industry’s process is often lengthy due to code being built independently by multiple vendors and then slowly deployed to their customer networks. Furthermore, every vendor has to accommodate for the demands of numerous customers — complicating the development process and requiring features that are not always useful universally.”

The post Response: Introducing Open/R — a new modular routing platform | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code | Facebook appeared first on EtherealMind.

Response: Coming soon with Cumulus Linux 3.2: EVPN

Increasingly coming to the view that BGP-EVPN is a big deal. Neither vendors or customers can imagine their networks without a 30 year old routing protocol so this is the half-pregnant, half-arsed solution that seems likely to gain widespread adoption.

You can mangle BGP configuration with an application and call it SDN. Heck, IXPs have been doing that for a decade so its not new.

Welcome to networking where “its not new” is the byline for SDN.

Coming soon with Cumulus Linux 3.2: EVPN – Cumulus Networks Blog: “Can you summarize the benefits of deploying EVPN?

Cumulus EVPN provides many benefits to a data center, including:

Controller-less VXLAN: No controller is needed with EVPN, as it enables VTEP peer discovery through BGP.
Scale and Robustness: EVPN uses the standard BGP routing protocol for the control plane. BGP is a mature well-known protocol that powers the internet. For data centers that already run BGP, this involves just adding another address-family.
Fast convergence/mobility: The BGP EVPN address family includes features to track host moves across the datacenter, allowing for very fast convergence.
Multi-vendor interoperable: Since EVPN is a standard, it will be interoperable with other vendors that adhere to the Continue reading

BrandPost: Leadership in ‘Third Network’ efforts

The “Third Network” is a term coined by the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) to communicate a concept that combines the performance and security assurances of Carrier Ethernet (CE 2.0) and the agility and ubiquity of the Internet. “It gives unprecedented levels of network control to for new and evolving types of cloud-centric applications and control for network connectivity services within current network architectures as well as emerging SDN and NFV implementations,” says MEF. Top awards Each year, MEF confers Excellence Awards to recognize service, application, technology, and professional excellence and innovation in the global Third Network. For 2016, AT&T was honored to receive five awards.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Suspected NSA tool hackers dump more cyberweapons in farewell

The hacking group that stole cyberweapons suspected to be from the U.S. National Security Agency is signing off -- but not before releasing another arsenal of tools that appear designed to spy on Windows systems.On Thursday, the Shadow Brokers dumped them online after an attempt to sell these and other supposedly Windows and Unix hacking tools for bitcoin.The Shadow Brokers made news back in August when they dumped hacking tools for routers and firewall products that they claimed came from the Equation Group, a top cyberespionage team that some suspect works for the NSA.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Suspected NSA tool hackers dump more cyberweapons in farewell

The hacking group that stole cyberweapons suspected to be from the U.S. National Security Agency is signing off -- but not before releasing another arsenal of tools that appear designed to spy on Windows systems.On Thursday, the Shadow Brokers dumped them online after an attempt to sell these and other supposedly Windows and Unix hacking tools for bitcoin.The Shadow Brokers made news back in August when they dumped hacking tools for routers and firewall products that they claimed came from the Equation Group, a top cyberespionage team that some suspect works for the NSA.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Guccifer 2.0, alleged Russian cyberspy, returns to deride US

As if the whodunnit into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee wasn't already confusing and murky enough, the supposed Romanian hacker who first released the emails resurfaced on Thursday to say everyone has it wrong.“I’d like to make it clear enough that these accusations are unfounded,” Guccifer 2.0 said in Thursday blog post. “I have totally no relation to the Russian government.”Make of that what you will.According to U.S. intelligence agencies, Guccifer 2.0 is actually a front for Kremlin-backed cyberspies.“It’s obvious that the intelligence agencies are deliberately falsifying evidence,” said a message on the Guccifer 2.0 blog.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Guccifer 2.0, alleged Russian cyberspy, returns to deride US

As if the whodunnit into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee wasn't already confusing and murky enough, the supposed Romanian hacker who first released the emails resurfaced on Thursday to say everyone has it wrong.“I’d like to make it clear enough that these accusations are unfounded,” Guccifer 2.0 said in Thursday blog post. “I have totally no relation to the Russian government.”Make of that what you will.According to U.S. intelligence agencies, Guccifer 2.0 is actually a front for Kremlin-backed cyberspies.“It’s obvious that the intelligence agencies are deliberately falsifying evidence,” said a message on the Guccifer 2.0 blog.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Siblings arrested in Italy’s worst cyberespionage operation ever

The Tuesday arrest of Giulio Occhionero and his sister, Francesca Maria, has brought to light what appears to be the biggest, and highest-profile, hacking of institutional and corporate accounts ever reported in Italy.The siblings have been planting the Pyramid Eye remote access Trojan on computers using a spear-phishing technique over the course of years, according to the arrest order.They attacked no fewer than 18,000 high-profile targets including former Prime Ministers Matteo Renzi and Mario Monti, President of European Central Bank Mario Draghi, as well as employees and heads of various ministries including Internal Affairs, Treasury, Finance, and Education.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Siblings arrested in Italy’s worst cyberespionage operation ever

The Tuesday arrest of Giulio Occhionero and his sister, Francesca Maria, has brought to light what appears to be the biggest, and highest-profile, hacking of institutional and corporate accounts ever reported in Italy.The siblings have been planting the Pyramid Eye remote access Trojan on computers using a spear-phishing technique over the course of years, according to the arrest order.They attacked no fewer than 18,000 high-profile targets including former Prime Ministers Matteo Renzi and Mario Monti, President of European Central Bank Mario Draghi, as well as employees and heads of various ministries including Internal Affairs, Treasury, Finance, and Education.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Withings Thermo Wireless Smart Thermometer – Deal Alert

With an exceedingly simple scan across the forehead, 16 infrared sensors take over 4,000 measurements to find the hottest point. It requires no contact with the skin, unlike traditional methods, making Thermo is the most sanitary way to take anyone’s temperature. Readings appear illuminated on the device, and if desired, will sync to your smartphone for tracking and much more. Its typical list price of $100 has been reduced 30% to $70. See the discounted Withings Thermo thermometer on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here