
Category Archives for "Networking"

Kim Stevenson’s exit from Intel hints at problems in the PC business

Kim Stevenson, who served as the second-in-command at Intel’s PC chip division, has left the company after just six months in her new role.Stevenson tweeted last week that she had left the company after serving more than seven years at Intel, and she would move “on to new adventures.”  She served as the chief operating officer for its Client and Internet of Things Business and Systems Architecture group—a catchall for Intel’s consumer-focused products, including its traditional PC business. Stevenson reported to Murthy Renduchintala, the group’s president. LinkedIn Kim Stevenson has left Intel for "new adventures."ent.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Samsung Galaxy S8: What we know so far

Samsung is expected to announce its next flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S8, in April, but it looks like we won't have to wait that long to see the final product. Evan Blass from VentureBeat, who has a reputation for reporting legitimate smartphone leaks, published images last week showing the designs of the two forthcoming Samsung Galaxy S8 models.Based on the images, it looks like past reports from The Guardian were correct: The new Galaxy S8 will be available in two sizes, featuring thin bezels allowing for more screen real-estate than the Galaxy Note 7 in a smaller form factor.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

PHP vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share

It’s a classic Hollywood plot: the battle between two old friends who went separate ways. Often the friction begins when one pal sparks an interest in what had always been the other pal’s unspoken domain. In the programming language version of this movie, it’s the introduction of Node.js that turns the buddy flick into a grudge match: PHP and JavaScript, two partners who once ruled the internet together but now duke it out for the mind share of developers.In the old days, the partnership was simple. JavaScript handled little details on the browser, while PHP managed all the server-side tasks between port 80 and MySQL. It was a happy union that continues to support many crucial parts of the internet. Between WordPress, Drupal, and Facebook, people can hardly go a minute on the web without running into PHP.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What cyberinsurance gotchas companies must be ready for

Insurance challengesImage by ThinkstockBusinesses shelled out $2 billion in cyber insurance premiums in 2015 but current projections show that astronomical growth rates will result in a market of over $20 billion by 2025. The single biggest challenge faced by insurance companies today is the lack of actuarial data on cyber attacks which makes pricing these cyber insurance policies very difficult. As a result, insurance companies are increasingly resorting to other methods to assist them in more accurately pricing these policies which is good news for them but which will result in a number of challenges for businesses.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What cyberinsurance gotchas companies must be ready for

Insurance challengesImage by ThinkstockBusinesses shelled out $2 billion in cyber insurance premiums in 2015 but current projections show that astronomical growth rates will result in a market of over $20 billion by 2025. The single biggest challenge faced by insurance companies today is the lack of actuarial data on cyber attacks which makes pricing these cyber insurance policies very difficult. As a result, insurance companies are increasingly resorting to other methods to assist them in more accurately pricing these policies which is good news for them but which will result in a number of challenges for businesses.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Can the FTC save the IoT?

Nobody in the IT industry would argue that the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more secure. Pretty much the opposite.But not for lack of effort. There have been multiple, ongoing initiatives over the past decade, both public and private. There have been dire warnings, publication of various standards and best practices, technology improvements, legislation to encourage threat information sharing and exhortations from government agencies, congressional committees, security firms and conference speakers.Unfortunately, none of them has worked very well so far.In spite of some of the best minds and technology improvements in the world focused on it, most of the IoT’s billions and billions of connected devices remain catastrophically insecure, lacking what experts call the most basic “security hygiene.” The flaws include hard-coded credentials, simple and default user names and passwords and the lack of any way to patch or update exploitable vulnerabilities.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Can the FTC save the IoT?

Nobody in the IT industry would argue that the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more secure. Pretty much the opposite.But not for lack of effort. There have been multiple, ongoing initiatives over the past decade, both public and private. There have been dire warnings, publication of various standards and best practices, technology improvements, legislation to encourage threat information sharing and exhortations from government agencies, congressional committees, security firms and conference speakers.Unfortunately, none of them has worked very well so far.In spite of some of the best minds and technology improvements in the world focused on it, most of the IoT’s billions and billions of connected devices remain catastrophically insecure, lacking what experts call the most basic “security hygiene.” The flaws include hard-coded credentials, simple and default user names and passwords and the lack of any way to patch or update exploitable vulnerabilities.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Integration of a Go service with systemd

Unlike other programming languages, Go’s runtime doesn’t provide a way to reliably daemonize a service. A system daemon has to supply this functionality. Most distributions ship systemd which would fit the bill. A correct integration with systemd is quite straightforward. There are two interesting aspects: readiness & liveness.

As an example, we will daemonize this service whose goal is to answer requests with nifty 404 errors:

package main

import (

func main() {
    l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8081")
    if err != nil {
        log.Panicf("cannot listen: %s", err)
    http.Serve(l, nil)

You can build it with go build 404.go.

Here is the service file, 404.service1:

Description=404 micro-service




The classic way for an Unix daemon to signal its readiness is to daemonize. Technically, this is done by calling fork(2) twice (which also serves other intents). This is a very common task and the BSD systems, as well as some other C libraries, supply a daemon(3) Continue reading

Oracle settling with ex-worker over alleged fiddling of cloud accounts

Oracle has informed a federal court that it is settling a lawsuit in which a former employee had charged that she had been terminated from her job for refusing to go along with accounting principles that she did not consider lawful.In a joint submission Wednesday to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, lawyers for Oracle and the former employee Svetlana Blackburn asked for the vacation of a case management conference scheduled for Thursday, while submitting a notice of settlement to notify the court “that the lawsuit has been settled in principle, and to request thirty (30) days in which to file a dismissal.”The lawsuit had drawn interest amid concern that companies could be dressing up their cloud revenue in a highly competitive environment. Gartner, for example, warned in December 2015, that “assessing vendor cloud revenue claims has become more challenging, with many vendors' IT-related businesses being complicated and nuanced.”To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Zingbox launhces IoT protection for business

Zingbox, a cloud-based, internet-of-things security startup, is coming out with its first product that it says can tell good IoT behavior from bad and sends alerts when it finds activity outside the norm.Called Guardian, the solution consists of a virtual appliance that gathers and processes network traffic data and sends it to the Zingbox cloud, where it is analyzed for anomalies. When they are found, it can send alerts to security staff or intervene automatically via integration with firewalls, says May Wang, a founder of the company and its CTO.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Zingbox launches IoT protection for business

Zingbox, a cloud-based, internet-of-things security startup, is coming out with its first product that it says can tell good IoT behavior from bad and sends alerts when it finds activity outside the norm. Called Guardian, the solution consists of a virtual appliance that gathers and processes network traffic data and sends it to the Zingbox cloud, where it is analyzed for anomalies. When they are found, it can send alerts to security staff or intervene automatically via integration with firewalls, says May Wang, a founder of the company and its CTO.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Zingbox launhces IoT protection for business

Zingbox, a cloud-based, internet-of-things security startup, is coming out with its first product that it says can tell good IoT behavior from bad and sends alerts when it finds activity outside the norm.Called Guardian, the solution consists of a virtual appliance that gathers and processes network traffic data and sends it to the Zingbox cloud, where it is analyzed for anomalies. When they are found, it can send alerts to security staff or intervene automatically via integration with firewalls, says May Wang, a founder of the company and its CTO.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Zingbox launches IoT protection for business

Zingbox, a cloud-based, internet-of-things security startup, is coming out with its first product that it says can tell good IoT behavior from bad and sends alerts when it finds activity outside the norm. Called Guardian, the solution consists of a virtual appliance that gathers and processes network traffic data and sends it to the Zingbox cloud, where it is analyzed for anomalies. When they are found, it can send alerts to security staff or intervene automatically via integration with firewalls, says May Wang, a founder of the company and its CTO.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Low-power IoT networks go global with a satellite backbone

Inmarsat says it’s built a global IoT network by combining land-based low-power networks with its mesh of communications satellites, bringing data connections to things like cattle in Australia and reservoirs in Malaysia.The system will combine global reach with one of an emerging class of networks designed for small, low-power devices like sensors. With cellular-or-better range but slower speeds than LTE, these networks can be an economical way to connect widely dispersed devices that use small amounts of data.The land networks that link to Inmarsat’s satellites will use LoRaWAN, a technology that enterprises can roll out on their own, including at sites that mobile operators don’t serve. Multiple vendors make equipment for LoRaWAN, which is based on a specification from the LoRa Alliance.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Low-power IoT networks go global with a satellite backbone

Inmarsat says it’s built a global IoT network by combining land-based low-power networks with its mesh of communications satellites, bringing data connections to things like cattle in Australia and reservoirs in Malaysia.The system will combine global reach with one of an emerging class of networks designed for small, low-power devices like sensors. With cellular-or-better range but slower speeds than LTE, these networks can be an economical way to connect widely dispersed devices that use small amounts of data.The land networks that link to Inmarsat’s satellites will use LoRaWAN, a technology that enterprises can roll out on their own, including at sites that mobile operators don’t serve. Multiple vendors make equipment for LoRaWAN, which is based on a specification from the LoRa Alliance.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What’s next for open-source Spark?

Boston -- A conference focused on a single open source project sounds like the sort of event that will feature a lone keynote speaker speaking to maybe 100 interested parties in a lecture hall at a local college. Spark Summit East was very much the opposite.A total of 1,503 people watched the five keynote speakers in a cavernous ballroom at the Hynes Convention Center lay out the future of Spark, the big data processing engine originally developed at the University of California – Berkeley by Matei Zaharia. Spark underlies huge data-driven applications being used by major players like Salesforce, Facebook, IBM and many others, helping organize, analyze, and surface specific grains of sand from beach-sized databases.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here