Friendor – a vendor person who pretends to be your friend but all they really want is your money / purchase order.
The post Dictionary: friendor appeared first on EtherealMind.
Some of the engineers building Ansible-with-VIRL lab in my Building Network Automation Solutions online course experienced interesting challenges, so I made the how-to instructions more explicit and added a troubleshooting section to the Using Ansible Playbooks with Cisco VIRL document. Hope you’ll find them useful.
Sometimes the best way to learn to do something useful with a scripting language is with a starting point and a real world use case. While I don’t consider myself a Python expert, I can usually figure out how to put things together and get a task accomplished. For this article I challenged myself to create a simple script that performs the following:
I am sharing the script below as an example. Note this Python file uses paramiko. Therefore that library needs to be installed (MAC users – sudo pip install paramiko)
import paramiko ####devices.txt format #### username,password,host #### username,password,host qbfile = open("devices.txt", "r") for aline in qbfile: values = aline.split(",") myuser = values[0] mypass = values[1] myhost = values[2].rstrip() ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(myhost, username=myuser, password=mypass) channel = ssh.invoke_shell() stdin = channel.makefile('wb') stdout = channel.makefile('rb') stdin.write(''' conf t no ntp server Continue reading
A lot of people who aren’t familiar with Napalm tend to laugh nervously when you suggest they use it in their network. The name Napalm is partly based on getting that perfect acronym and partly a desire to incinerate the old way of doing things and move to network automation. This article is about explaining what Napalm is and what lies behind the acronym.
Continue readingIn the VXLAN Multi-fabric design discussed in this post, each data center normally represents a separate BGP autonomous system (AS) and is assigned a unique BGP autonomous system number (ASN).
Three types of BGP peering are usually established as part of the VXLAN Multi-fabric solution:
This section discusses support for host mobility when a distributed Layer 3 Anycast gateway is configured across multiple VXLAN EVPN fabrics.
In this scenario, VM1 belonging to VLAN 100 (subnet_100) is hosted by H2 in fabric 1, and VM2 on VLAN 200 (subnet_200) initially is hosted by H3 in the same fabric 1. Destination IP subnet_100 and subnet_200 are locally configured on leaf nodes L12 and L13 as well as on L14 and L15.
This example assumes that the virtual machines (endpoints) have been previously discovered, and that Layer 2 and 3 reachability information has been announced across both sites as discussed in the previous sections.
Figure 1 highlights the content of the forwarding tables on different leaf nodes in both fabrics before virtual machine VM2 is migrated to fabric 2.
The following steps show the process for maintaining communication between the virtual machines in a host mobility scenario, as depicted in Figure 2
A distributed anycast Layer 3 gateway provides significant added value to VXLAN EVPN deployments for several reasons:
The first use case is simple. Each VXLAN fabric behaves like a traditional Layer 2 network with a centralized routing block. External devices (such as routers and firewalls) provide default gateway functions, as shown in Figure 1.
In the Layer 2–based VXLAN EVPN fabric deployment, the external routing block is used to perform routing functions between Layer 2 segments. The same routing block can be connected to the WAN advertising the public networks from each data center to the outside and to propagate external routes to each fabric.
The routing block consists of a “router-on-a-stick” design (from the fabric’s point of view) built with a pair of traditional routers, Layer 3 switches, or firewalls that serve as the IP gateway. These IP gateways are attached to a pair of vPC border nodes that initiate and terminate the VXLAN EVPN tunnels.
Connectivity between the IP gateways and the border nodes is achieved through a Layer 2 trunk carrying all the VLANs that require routing services.
To improve performance with active default gateways in each data center, reducing the hairpinning of east-west traffic for Continue reading
With my friend and respectful colleague Max Ardica, we have tested and qualified the current solution to interconnect multiple VXLAN EVPN fabric. We have developed this technical support to clarify the network design requirements when the function Layer 3 Anycast gateways is distributed among all server node platform and all VXLAN EVPN Fabrics. The whole article is organised in 5 different posts.
Recently, fabric architecture has become a common and popular design option for building new-generation data center networks. Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) with Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol (MP-BGP) Ethernet VPN (EVPN) is essentially becoming the standard technology used for deploying network virtualization overlays in data center fabrics.
Data center networks usually require the interconnection of separate network fabrics, which may also be deployed across geographically dispersed Continue reading
One of the most useful and least updated pieces of network documentation is the network diagram. We all know this, and yet we still don’t have/make time to update this until something catastrophic happens and then we says to ourselves
Wow. I wish I had updated this sooner…
According to the website
Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains.
note: Lots of great examples and docs there BTW. Definitely check it out.
So you’re going to have to first install graphviz from their website. Go ahead… I’l wait here.
This should be easy assuming you’ve already got python and pip installed. I’m assuming that you do.
>>> pip install graphviz
You can use the Arista pyeapi library, also installable through pip as well. There’s a blog which introduces you to the basics here which you can check out. Essentially I followed that blog and then substituted the Continue reading
Check out this advisory from Cisco that came out a couple days ago. You need to read it and act on it immediately! I’ll summarize for you : Thanks to a faulty clock signal component, certain Cisco devices will stop functioning after about 18 months and become really expensive bricks! Reading through it, you’ll see phrases like “we expect product failures” and “is not recoverable.” Seriously, what the hell? This really warms the heart.
The fault affects a couple Meraki devices, the Nexus 9504, and some models of the ISR 4000s – the ISR4331, ISR4321, and ISR4351. The 4000s are part of Cisco’s flagship branch routers, and I know several people (including myself!) who have some of the affected units deployed in production. Some unnamed people on Twitter tell me that they have 50 and even 120 of these guys deployed in the field. That’s a lot of faulty clocks.
The fix is to open a TAC case and get a new device. Cisco is using the word “platform” when talking about replacement, meaning that they’ll send you a naked device. If you have cards or memory upgrades or a Continue reading