As cloud providers evolve toward 'premises cloud' hosting, the old networking model isn't just irrelevant, it's impossible.
Detailed but accessible legal review of Cisco vs Arista case. Dated July 2016 so it doesn’t cover the latest developments but provides a lot of insight into the legal.
My current view on this issue:
In December 2015, Cisco Systems, Inc. (Cisco) filed a complaint alleging that certain network devices (switches) imported by Arista Networks, Inc. (Arista) infringed several Cisco patents directed to computer networks. Arista raised several equitable defenses based, in part, on allegations that Cisco submitted a request for comments document RFC 5517 to IETF and promoted RFC 5517 to the public generally as an “informal standard” for private virtual local area networks (PVLANs) for which Cisco would not assert its patents or would license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) Continue reading
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BlueData’s BDaaS platform is helping one client scale its compute and storage resources separately.
NFV interoperability is stalled and may be causing operators to forego deploying NFV.