Another step toward blending AWS and the enterprise network.
They plan to share the network-to-network interface and open API code with standards bodies.
It’s virtualizing in its core network as a first step.
An SDN win for the part of Brocade that Broadcom can't keep.
In a recent post we discussed how we have been adding resilience to our network.
The strength of the Internet is its ability to interconnect all sorts of networks — big data centers, e-commerce websites at small hosting companies, Internet Service Providers (ISP), and Content Delivery Networks (CDN) — just to name a few. These networks are either interconnected with each other directly using a dedicated physical fiber cable, through a common interconnection platform called an Internet Exchange (IXP), or they can even talk to each other by simply being on the Internet connected through intermediaries called transit providers.
The Internet is like the network of roads across a country and navigating roads means answering questions like “How do I get from Atlanta to Boise?” The Internet equivalent of that question is asking how to reach one network from another. For example, as you are reading this on the Cloudflare blog, your web browser is connected to your ISP and packets from your computer found their way across the Internet to Cloudflare’s blog server.
Figuring out the route between networks is accomplished through a protocol designed 25 years ago (on two napkins) called BGP.
BGP allows interconnections between Continue reading
Ladies and gentlemen, start your crystal balls—it is close to the end of the year, that favorite time of prognosticators and analysts everywhere to tell us what is going to be “hot” and “not” next year. But before you drop out of a good conversation with your family, or sitting around the dinner table eating one more piece of pie, let me ask—have you ever checked on last year’s predictions?
Here is a favorite of mine: “Books will soon be obsolete in schools.” So up to the minute, right? So in touch with the reality of today. Only it’s not. This is Thomas Edison in 1913. While I wasn’t alive back then to read the papers, I can assure you I’ve heard many other folks make the same prediction in the intervening years. The way these sorts of predictions normally work is this:
Patel was a 19-year veteran of Cisco.
The post Worth Reading: Blocking DDoS at Domain Registration appeared first on 'net work.