
Category Archives for "Networking"

Chinese hacking slows down after public scrutiny and US pressure

U.S. warnings and public scrutiny of hacks by groups believed to be China-based may have led to an overall decrease in intrusions by these groups against targets in the U.S. and 25 other countries, a security firm said.From mid-2014, after the U.S. Government took punitive measures against China, including indicting members of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army for computer hacking, economic espionage and other charges, and raised the possibility of sanctions, FireEye has seen a notable decline in successful network compromises by China-based groups in these countries.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Chinese hacking slows down after public scrutiny and US pressure

U.S. warnings and public scrutiny of hacks by groups believed to be China-based may have led to an overall decrease in intrusions by these groups against targets in the U.S. and 25 other countries, a security firm said.From mid-2014, after the U.S. Government took punitive measures against China, including indicting members of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army for computer hacking, economic espionage and other charges, and raised the possibility of sanctions, FireEye has seen a notable decline in successful network compromises by China-based groups in these countries.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

On the Lossiness of TCP

When someone tells you that “TCP is a lossy protocol” during a job interview, don’t throw him out immediately – he was just trusting the Internet a bit too much (click to enlarge).

Everyone has a bad hair day, and it really doesn’t matter who published that text… but if you’re publishing technical information, at least try to do no harm.

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A post-mortem on this morning’s incident

We would like to share more details with our customers and readers on the internet outages that occurred this morning and earlier in the week, and what we are doing to prevent these from happening again.

June 17 incident

On June 17, at 08:32 UTC, our systems detected a significant packet loss between multiple destinations on one of our major transit provider backbone networks, Telia Carrier.
In the timeframe where the incident was being analysed by our engineers, the loss became intermittent and finally disappeared.

Packet loss on Telia Carrier (AS1299)

Today’s incident

Today, Jun 20, at 12:10 UTC, our systems again detected massive packet loss on one of our major transit provider backbone networks: Telia Carrier.


Packet loss on Telia Carrier (AS1299)

Typically, transit providers are very reliable and transport all of our packets from one point of the globe to the other without loss - that’s what we pay them for. In this case, our packets (and that of other Telia customers), were being dropped.

While Internet users usually take it for granted that they can reach any destination in the world from their homes and businesses, the reality is harsher than that. Our planet is big, and Continue reading

Russian hackers were indeed behind DNC breach, claims another security firm

One lone hacker has tried to take credit for the recent breach of the Democratic National Committee, calling it “easy.” But some security researchers aren’t convinced.On Monday, security company Fidelis Cybersecurity came forward, and agreed that expert hacking groups from Russia were indeed behind the attack.The malware involved was advanced, and at times identical to malware the Russian hacking groups have used in the past, Fidelis said in a blog post on Monday.“This wasn’t ‘Script Kiddie’ stuff,” the company added.It backs the conclusion that security firm CrowdStrike made last week, when the company said two Russia-based hacking groups were behind the breach.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Russian hackers were indeed behind DNC breach, claims another security firm

One lone hacker has tried to take credit for the recent breach of the Democratic National Committee, calling it “easy.” But some security researchers aren’t convinced.On Monday, security company Fidelis Cybersecurity came forward, and agreed that expert hacking groups from Russia were indeed behind the attack.The malware involved was advanced, and at times identical to malware the Russian hacking groups have used in the past, Fidelis said in a blog post on Monday.“This wasn’t ‘Script Kiddie’ stuff,” the company added.It backs the conclusion that security firm CrowdStrike made last week, when the company said two Russia-based hacking groups were behind the breach.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

DockerCon 2016 Vendor Meetings

While at DockerCon 2016 in Seattle today, I took some time on the expo floor to talk to a number of different vendors, mostly focused on networking solutions. Here are some notes from these discussions. I may follow up with additional posts on some of these technologies; it will largely depend on time and the ease by which the technologies/products may be consumed.


My first stop was the Plumgrid booth. I’d heard of Plumgrid, but wanted to take this time to better understand their architecture. As it turns out, their architecture is quite interesting. Plumgrid is one of the primary commercial sponsors behind the IO Visor project, a Linux Foundation project, which leverages the extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) subsystem in the Linux kernel. Using eBPF, Plumgrid has created in-kernel virtual network functions (VNFs) that do things like bridging, routing, network address translation (NAT), and firewalling. Combined with a scale-out central control plane and leveraging the Linux kernel’s built-in support for VXLAN, this enables Plumgrid to create overlay networks and apply very granular security policies to attached workloads (which could be VMs or containers).

Project Calico

Next, I stopped by the Calico booth. Unlike many of the networking Continue reading

52% off HooToo USB 3.0 Flash drive with Lightning Connector for iPhone and iPad devices

This fast drive, currently discounted by 52% on Amazon from $119.99 down to just $57.99, plugs directly in your lightning or USB port allowing you to add 64 GB of storage to your iPhone, iPad and iPod, allowing you to transfer files to and from a computer/laptop without using a cable. You can also copy and browse all files with the FREE IOS app giving you the ability to directly watch movies and listen to music that you can store on the drive.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

52% off HooToo USB 3.0 Flash drive with Lightning Connector for iPhone and iPad devices – Deal Alert

This fast drive, currently discounted by 52% on Amazon from $119.99 down to just $57.99, plugs directly in your lightning or USB port allowing you to add 64 GB of storage to your iPhone, iPad and iPod, allowing you to transfer files to and from a computer/laptop without using a cable. You can also copy and browse all files with the FREE IOS app giving you the ability to directly watch movies and listen to music that you can store on the drive.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Emojis: Now there’s a movie coming

Emojis have become an important and essential communication tool for hundreds of millions of people, so naturally, now there's a movie coming.Sony Pictures Animation said Monday that it will produce an animated movie about "the secret world of our phones and the beloved characters that have become daily necessities in global interpersonal communication.""Emojimovie: Express Yourself" is due in August 2017. It will be written by Eric Siegel and Anthony Leondis and directed by Leondis. He previously wrote and directed "Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch" and "Igor." Sony Pictures Animation Sony Pictures Animation "Emoji Movie: Express Yourself"To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

A blockchain ‘smart contract’ could cost investors millions

Investors in a "smart contract" built on the Ethereum blockchain platform may have lost cryptocurrency worth millions of dollars because they missed a loophole in the contract's fine print.The contract was written in Ethereum's Solidity programming language, and the fine print was the code that set out the rules for investing in, operating, and withdrawing from a crowd-sourced venture capital fund called The DAO (The Distributed Autonomous Organization.) .Ethereum, like other blockchains, is a distributed public ledger, or record of transactions. Where the bitcoin ledger records bitcoin transactions, the Ethereum blockchain records transfers of a cryptocurrency called Ether. But there's more: Ethereum is also a platform for running smart contracts. Its creator, the Ethereum Foundation, describes smart contracts as "applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference."To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Ticketmaster free tickets website off to rough start

Those outrageous Ticketmaster fees you've perhaps grudgingly been paying for years have indeed been found to be outrageous, and now the company has been forced to dole out $400M in vouchers that can be used to buy new tickets.For people like me, who have bought many Red Sox, Celtics and concert tickets over the years, this could be quite a windfall. Or not.As you can read on the FAQ page for Schlesinger et. al. vs. Ticketmaster, the ticket brokerage firm was found to have used an unclear fee system and overcharged those who had tickets shipped to them between Oct. 21, 1999 and Feb. 27, 2013.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Ticketmaster free tickets website off to rough start

Those outrageous Ticketmaster fees you've perhaps grudgingly been paying for years have indeed been found to be outrageous, and now the company has been forced to dole out $400M in vouchers that can be used to buy new tickets.For people like me, who have bought many Red Sox, Celtics and concert tickets over the years, this could be quite a windfall. Or not.As you can read on the FAQ page for Schlesinger et. al. vs. Ticketmaster, the ticket brokerage firm was found to have used an unclear fee system and overcharged those who had tickets shipped to them between Oct. 21, 1999 and Feb. 27, 2013.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Under the hood of Cisco’s Tetration Analytics platform

Cisco’s entrance into the data center analytics market with the introduction of Tetration is the culmination of two years worth of wrangling various open source projects and developing proprietary algorithms in the areas of big data, streaming analytics and machine learning.Tetration is an analytics platform that provides deep visibility into data center and cloud infrastructure operational information. Here’s a description from Network World’s story on Tetration:The platform, Cisco Tetration Analytics gathers information from hardware and software sensors and analyzes the information using big data analytics and machine learning to offer IT managers a deeper understanding of their data center resources. The system will dramatically simplify operational reliability, application migrations to SDN and the cloud as well as security monitoring.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here