
Category Archives for "Networking"

Tech pros share advice for new computer science graduates

Computer science graduates are in demand. Last year, 76% of computer science graduates were working full time within six months of finishing school -- the highest full-time employment rate among new college graduates and well above the 58% average across all majors, according to a new report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).But as veterans in the tech world know, earning a degree is just the beginning of a new professional’s education. To help this year’s newcomers navigate the transition from academic life to the professional world, we asked tech pros to share their best advice for computer science graduates entering the workforce. Here’s what they had to say.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Tech pros share advice for new computer science graduates

Computer science graduates are in demand. Last year, 76% of computer science graduates were working full time within six months of finishing school -- the highest full-time employment rate among new college graduates and well above the 58% average across all majors, according to a new report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).But as veterans in the tech world know, earning a degree is just the beginning of a new professional’s education. To help this year’s newcomers navigate the transition from academic life to the professional world, we asked tech pros to share their best advice for computer science graduates entering the workforce. Here’s what they had to say.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

New products of the week 6.20.16

New products of the weekOur roundup of intriguing new products. Read how to submit an entry to Network World's products of the week slideshow.BetterCloud WorkflowsKey features: BetterCloud Workflows automate user provisioning, deprovisioning and access management within Google for Work applications, giving IT greater control over data, costs and time in the modern, cloud-first workplace. More info.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

New products of the week 6.20.16

New products of the weekOur roundup of intriguing new products. Read how to submit an entry to Network World's products of the week slideshow.BetterCloud WorkflowsKey features: BetterCloud Workflows automate user provisioning, deprovisioning and access management within Google for Work applications, giving IT greater control over data, costs and time in the modern, cloud-first workplace. More info.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Intel Management Engine’s security through obscurity should scare the **** out of you

For a long time there was a commonly held belief that open source products were inherently more secure because there was nothing hidden. The thought was that with the code for popular applications out in the open, there’d be scores of good guys looking at every line and bugs and flaws would be few and far between. Alas, this turned out to be a pipe dream because even the most examined code can still contain flaws so obscure and arcane, even highly skilled and incredibly talented coders can’t find them. Why? It’s usually because the good guys don’t have the time to play hacker as intensely as the real hackers do. For the bad guys, the rewards for finding exploitable flaws are tangible while for the good guys, the cost of not finding flaws far exceeds, by orders of magnitude, the value of the few flaws they do find because those flaws are the most easily found.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Intel Management Engine’s security through obscurity should scare the **** out of you

For a long time there was a commonly held belief that open source products were inherently more secure because there was nothing hidden. The thought was that with the code for popular applications out in the open, there’d be scores of good guys looking at every line and bugs and flaws would be few and far between. Alas, this turned out to be a pipe dream because even the most examined code can still contain flaws so obscure and arcane, even highly skilled and incredibly talented coders can’t find them. Why? It’s usually because the good guys don’t have the time to play hacker as intensely as the real hackers do. For the bad guys, the rewards for finding exploitable flaws are tangible while for the good guys, the cost of not finding flaws far exceeds, by orders of magnitude, the value of the few flaws they do find because those flaws are the most easily found.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

The fight over a new Wi-Fi channel is coming to a head

Globalstar’s plan to open a new Wi-Fi channel under its control is nearing the moment of truth after years of regulatory wrangling.The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is considering Globalstar’s plan, and a vote could come at any time. News reports suggest it might be close.If Globalstar gets its way, Wi-Fi users in the U.S. will have one more channel, which could reduce congestion and improve performance. But both their mobile devices and the hotspots they use would need firmware upgrades to take advantage of the new frequency, and the channel wouldn’t necessarily be open to everyone.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

The fight over a new Wi-Fi channel is coming to a head

Globalstar’s plan to open a new Wi-Fi channel under its control is nearing the moment of truth after years of regulatory wrangling.The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is considering Globalstar’s plan, and a vote could come at any time. News reports suggest it might be close.If Globalstar gets its way, Wi-Fi users in the U.S. will have one more channel, which could reduce congestion and improve performance. But both their mobile devices and the hotspots they use would need firmware upgrades to take advantage of the new frequency, and the channel wouldn’t necessarily be open to everyone.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to build a network of Linux routers using quagga

This post lists the commands required on each node to build a network of three Ubuntu Linux routers. Each router is connected to the other two routers and is running quagga. Each router is also connected to a PC running Ubuntu Linux.


I use this network configuration to evaluate network emulators and open-source networking software in a simple scenario. Readers may find these commands useful in building their own configuration scripts.

I provide “copy and paste” commands so the network can be configured quickly.

Creating a basic topology

The physical — or virtual — network installation and the management network setup is outside the scope of this post. The method used to build the lab topology depends on the equipment, and/or the network emulator and hypervisor technology you are using.

I assume you already have six machines running and connected in a network as shown above, and I assume you have a management network set up so that each machine can communicate with the host computer and with the Internet.

Router configuration

Each router needs to install the quagga router package, configure quagga, and then configure the network using the quagga VTY shell. Optionally, quagga daemon configuration files may be Continue reading

5 things you should know about password managers

New data breaches are coming to light almost weekly and they reveal a simple but troubling fact: many people still choose weak passwords and reuse them across multiple sites. The reality is, remembering dozens of complex passwords is almost impossible, and carrying them around on a scrap of paper that you have to keep updating is a huge hassle. That’s why password managers exist. Here’s why they’re important, and how to get the most out of them.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

5 things you should know about password managers

New data breaches are coming to light almost weekly and they reveal a simple but troubling fact: many people still choose weak passwords and reuse them across multiple sites. The reality is, remembering dozens of complex passwords is almost impossible, and carrying them around on a scrap of paper that you have to keep updating is a huge hassle. That’s why password managers exist. Here’s why they’re important, and how to get the most out of them.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

58% off RAVPower FileHub Wireless Hard Drive, WiFi Bridge & Sharing Media Streamer – Deal Alert

You may find many uses for this versatile and powerful file hub from RAVPower, currently discounted 58% on Amazon from $75.99 down to just $31.99. Let's run down the features: Let up to 5 devices wirelessly connect to the FileHub wireless network, to access its SD card and/or USB storage to share files Media server capabilities, allowing wirelessly connected devices to stream audio and video from any attached storage device Move files freely between all connected methods of storage and devices, including tablets and phones Bridge an existing wireless network, create a new secure network and share with family or friends, or bridge to connect to devices such as Chromecast in hotels Built-in power bank charges your device when you can't access a power source RAVPower's FileHub currently averages 4 out of 5 stars from over 1,700 customers (read reviews). For more information or to explore buying options, see the discounted FileHub now on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

58% off RAVPower FileHub Wireless Hard Drive, WiFi Bridge & Sharing Media Streamer – Deal Alert

You may find many uses for this versatile and powerful file hub from RAVPower, currently discounted 58% on Amazon from $75.99 down to just $31.99. Let's run down the features: Let up to 5 devices wirelessly connect to the FileHub wireless network, to access its SD card and/or USB storage to share files Media server capabilities, allowing wirelessly connected devices to stream audio and video from any attached storage device Move files freely between all connected methods of storage and devices, including tablets and phones Bridge an existing wireless network, create a new secure network and share with family or friends, or bridge to connect to devices such as Chromecast in hotels Built-in power bank charges your device when you can't access a power source RAVPower's FileHub currently averages 4 out of 5 stars from over 1,700 customers (read reviews). For more information or to explore buying options, see the discounted FileHub now on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Apple explains why iMessage isn’t coming to Android

Ahead of Apple's WWDC keynote this year, one of the more bizarre and sketchy rumors we saw take shape claimed that Apple was planning to deliver iMessage to Android. As is typically the case, the rumor mill took this somewhat ridiculous rumor and ran with it.+ Also on Network World: A closer look at Apple’s biggest announcements from WWDC 2016 +The only problem is that some people were so busy trying to figure out the ramifications of iMessage hitting Android that they didn't take a step back and try to figure out if this is something Apple would even contemplate in the first place. Remember, every move Apple makes is strategic and geared towards making more money, either via device sales or software. That being the case, iMessage on Android would not only be a free app, but it would also eliminate a user-experience advantage of iOS.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here