
Category Archives for "Networking"

Russian hackers breach DNC computers, steal data on Trump

Russian hackers managed to breach the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and stole opposition research on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.The hackers had access to email and chat traffic as far back as last summer, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday. No financial data was stolen, however, suggesting that espionage was the motive.The hackers belong to two separate groups that have been linked to the Russian government, according to security firm Crowdstrike, which was hired to mitigate the data breach.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What is flow-based load balancing ?

Flow-based load balancing is used mostly in layer 2 networks, although in Layer 3 routing, packets can be load balanced per packets or per flow, flow-based load balancing is commonly used with the Local area network, datacenter and datacenter interconnect technologies. There are two important load balancing mechanisms in layer 2. Vlan-based load balancing and […]

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Microsoft released 16 security bulletins for June, 5 rated critical

Microsoft released 16 security bulletins for June, five of which are rated critical for remote code execution vulnerabilities. Even the MSRC team doesn’t seem too excited over this month’s patches as the entire Patch Tuesday announcement is a mere three sentences.FYI: You should be keeping an eye out for the Adobe Flash Player patch as Adobe issued a security advisory, warning of a Flash exploit being used in the wild for targeted attacks. The fix for Flash is expected to be released on Thursday, June 16.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Microsoft released 16 security bulletins for June, 5 rated critical

Microsoft released 16 security bulletins for June, five of which are rated critical for remote code execution vulnerabilities. Even the MSRC team doesn’t seem too excited over this month’s patches as the entire Patch Tuesday announcement is a mere three sentences.FYI: You should be keeping an eye out for the Adobe Flash Player patch as Adobe issued a security advisory, warning of a Flash exploit being used in the wild for targeted attacks. The fix for Flash is expected to be released on Thursday, June 16.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Microsoft and LinkedIn: A match made in uncool heaven

Normally, I’m a huge skeptic of big-bucks tech mergers. But I’m 100 percent on board with Microsoft’s $26.2 billion surprise acquisition of LinkedIn, announced earlier this week.+ Also on Network World: Microsoft scoops up LinkedIn for $26.2B in cash +Why? Because as I see it, merger success isn’t usually based on technology fit or market positioning or trivia like that. Instead, most of the time it all hinges on the compatibility of corporate culture and values, and Microsoft and LinkedIn are eerily similar those regards—like twin sons from different mothers.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

No Capes, No Wands

As a keen observer of the network engineering world for the last twenty… okay, maybe longer, but I don’t want to sound like an old man telling stories quite yet… years, there’s one thing I’ve always found kind-of strange. We have a strong tendency towards hero worship.

I don’t really know why this might be, but I’ve seen it in Cisco TAC—the almost hushed tones around a senior engineer who “is brilliant.” I’ve seen it while sitting in a meeting in the middle of an argument over some technical point in a particular RFC. Someone says, “we should just ask the author…” Which is almost always followed by something like: “Really? You know them?”

To some degree, this is understandable—network engineering is difficult, and we should truly honor those in our world who have made a huge impact. In many other ways, it’s unhelpful, and even unhealthy. Why?

First, it tends to create an “us versus them,” atmosphere in our world. There are engineers who work on “normal” networks, and then there are those who work on, well, you know, special ones. Not everyone needs those “special skills,” so we end up creating a vast pool of people Continue reading

What does PE-CE mean in MPLS ?

What does PE-CE mean in the context of MPLS ? What is CE , P and PE device in MPLS and MPLS VPN ? These are foundational terms and definition in MPLS. MPLS is one of the most commonly used encapsulation mechanism in Service Provider networks and before studying more advanced mechanisms, this article is […]

The post What does PE-CE mean in MPLS ? appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

BeagleBone board gets long-overdue Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities

Before Raspberry Pi rocked the world of makers, boards from were the computers of choice among developers who were looking to create cool gadgets.One of its boards, BeagleBone, isn't as popular as it used to be, but it still has a loyal following. Seeed Studios has taken a version of the open-source board and given it a much-needed wireless upgrade, adding Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support.The BeagleBone Green Wireless is a significant improvement over predecessors: among other things it now allows makers to add wireless capabilities to smart home devices, wearables, health monitors and other gadgets. The upgrade also brings BeagleBone into the Internet of Things era, in which wirelessly interconnected devices are constantly exchanging data.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

U.S. appeals court upholds net neutrality rules, but fight is not over

Rejecting challenges by ISPs and broadband trade groups, an appeals court has upheld the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's controversial net neutrality rules, passed in 2015.  The legal wrangling will likely continue for years, however, and may go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, in an opinion issued Tuesday, ruled that the FCC had the authority to reclassify broadband as a common-carrier telecom service to provide a foundation for net neutrality rules that prohibit broadband providers from selectively blocking or slowing Internet traffic. Past court rulings have given agencies the authority to change their minds, like the FCC did when it re-regulated broadband, Judges David Tatel and Sri Srinivasan wrote in an 184-page opinion.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Scality launches single-server open source software for S3-compliant storage

News this morning from storage vendor Scality that the company is announcing the general availability of its S3 Server Software. The offering is an open source version of Scality's S3 API and allows developers to code to Amazon Web Services' S3 storage API on a local machine.Packaged as a Docker container (what else!) the idea is that developers can local build applications that thereafter can be deployed on premises, on AWS or some combination of the above.RING storage capabilities Scality has grown to scale (pun intended) by offering storage solutions that now store some 800 billion objects. Scality's RING storage supports any file and object application, sited on any hardware and with no capacity constraints. Given its standard API approaches, RING enables storage to be completed across public or private services and can be deployed on any standard x86 hardware, without the need to re-architect as infrastructure changes occur.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Merchant silicon based routing, flow analytics, and telemetry

Drivers for growth describes how switches built on merchant silicon from Broadcom ASICs dominate the current generation of data center switches, reduce hardware costs, and support an open ecosystem of switch operating systems (Cumulus Linux, OpenSwitch, Dell OS10, Broadcom FASTPATH, Pica8 PicOS, Open Network Linux, etc.).

The router market is poised to be similarly disrupted with the introduction of devices based on Broadcom's Jericho ASIC, which has the capacity to handle over 1 million routes in hardware (the full Internet routing table is currently around 600,000 routes).
An edge router is a very pricey box indeed, often costing anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 per 100 Gb/sec port, depending on features in the router and not including optical cables that are also terribly expensive. Moreover, these routers might only be able to cram 80 ports into a half rack or full rack of space. The 7500R universal spine and 7280R universal leaf switches cost on the order of $3,000 per 100 Gb/sec port, and they are considerably denser and less expensive. - Leaving Fixed Function Switches Behind For Universal Leafs
Broadcom Jericho ASICs are currently available in Arista 7500R/7280R routers and in Cisco NCS 5000 series routers. Expect further disruption Continue reading

What’s behind CenturyLink buying hybrid cloud vendor ElasticBox

In an effort to solidifying its footing in the still-shifting public IaaS cloud computing market, CenturyLink today announced plans to buy ElasticBox, a company that specializes in hybrid cloud management software.+MORE AT NETWORK WORLD: VMware buys Arkin to increase virtual networking adoption +During a week filled with mega M&A news, this deal cloud deal could fly under the radar, but it's worth noticing because it highlights important trends in the cloud industry.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Deutsche Bank: Nearly a third of finance workloads could hit cloud in 3 years

The financial industry has been one of the most reticent to adopt IaaS public cloud computing services, but researchers at Deutsche Bank predict that big banks’ use of cloud will ramp up “materially” in 2017.+MORE AT NETWORK WORLD: How Goldman Sachs and Bank of America are using containers and cloud | What happened at Apple’s WWDC +Regulatory barriers, questions about security and legacy IT installations are the leading reasons financial services companies have not used public cloud compute and storage services thusfar, DB researchers say. Increasingly however, banks are facing pressure to cut costs and increase flexibility of IT environments. Meanwhile, public cloud vendors like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure have become more compliance centric in order to cater to the financial services industry.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Gartner: ‘Insider threat is alive and well on the dark Web’

National Harbor, Md. -- Corporate employees who help carry out cyberattacks are increasingly being sought and are seeking criminals to hire them, a Gartner analyst told a group at the consulting firm’s Security and Risk Management Summit.A group of 60 CIOs and CISOs she worked with say this recruitment is more active and becoming a larger concern because of their use of the Dark Web to sell their services, says Gartner analyst Avivah Litan.+More on Network World: National Intelligence office wants to perfect the art of security deception+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Gartner: ‘Insider threat is alive and well on the dark Web’

National Harbor, Md. -- Corporate employees who help carry out cyberattacks are increasingly being sought and are seeking criminals to hire them, a Gartner analyst told a group at the consulting firm’s Security and Risk Management Summit.A group of 60 CIOs and CISOs she worked with say this recruitment is more active and becoming a larger concern because of their use of the Dark Web to sell their services, says Gartner analyst Avivah Litan.+More on Network World: National Intelligence office wants to perfect the art of security deception+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here