Over the next few months, several enhancements and upgrades to the CCIE Routing and Switch product line will be rolled out. I am currently doing a thorough review of the Volume 1 Workbook to ensure that every topic within the Version 5 Blueprint is thoroughly tested and validated. Shortly thereafter, I will be editing and compiling the complete Volume 2 Mock Lab workbook with 5 full 8-hour labs. These labs will fully prepare students for success on the rigorous Cisco CCIE lab exam.
After listening to the feedback of current and prospective students, I realized that the Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Sections were a stumbling block for many and that these sections were under-represented in the current training program. As a result, new Troubleshooting and Diagnostic workbooks are currently under development with a target completion date within the next 2 months. The Troubleshooting workbook will contain 50 tickets that are similar in difficulty to the tickets the student will experience in the Cisco lab exam. Similarly, the Diagnostic workbook will also contain 50 issues and be designed to allow students to hone their skills, and become confident in their ability to identify and choose the correct solution(s) in this section of Continue reading
Feb 11, 2015 was our first Networking Field Day at Cumulus Networks and as many have commented, it was “very informational” and an “excellent” presentation. So, for those of you that could not make it, here is the recap with the recordings.
Being an atypical event, #NFD9 had to start off differently with…. a grandiose entrance from the delegates in a limo and some first-class espressos powered by the Cumulus Networks team before getting off to an exciting 2hours forum.
Kicking off the session was JR Rivers (@JRCumulus), Co-founder and CEO of Cumulus Networks for a straight conversation and great anecdotes on Cumulus Networks and what makes Cumulus Linux different. “Cumulus Linux is fundamentally & unashamedly Linux!” What sets Cumulus Networks apart from others? The responsibility to take patches upstream, the real partnerships, being an enabler rather than a gatekeeper.
What architectures are best suited for today’s date center network? And how does Cumulus Networks make it easier to build networks? Dinesh Dutt (@ddcumulus), Chief Continue reading