Having set up an Ubuntu Linux server running on a free micro-instance in Amazon’s Web Services EC2 service, I’d like to see how some of the open-source network simulation tools I’ve been using work in the cloud.
First, I will install the CORE Network Emulator on my Amazon AWS EC2 virtual private server. Please read the rest of this post to see how it works.
I expect that the CORE Network Emulator will install and run on an Amazon EC2 instance because it uses Linux Containers (LXC) as its virtualization technology. I have already observed that LXC containers work when run inside a virtual machine on my Laptop computer. It should work the same when running in a virtual machine in Amazon’s EC2 cloud computing service.
I’ve already described how to install the CORE network emulator in previous posts so I will list the installation steps below without any explanation. For details, please see my post on how to install the CORE Network Emulator from source code.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install bash bridge-utils ebtables
iproute libev-dev python tcl8.5 tk8.5 libtk-img
autoconf automake gcc libev-dev make python-dev
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I’m sitting in the San Francisco airport with nothing better to do than writing blog posts, so let’s see what we’ve seen and learned during the Networking Field Day 9.
Most videos recorded during the week are already online. You’ll find links to them in the Presentation Calendar section.
Read more ...Cisco just announced to the Cisco Champion community that the guest speaker for the keynote is going to be none other than …… Mike Rowe!! In case you don’t know, Mike Rowe is an American TV host, narrator, actor, and former opera singer. He is best-known for his extensive work on the Discovery Channel. He has starred on the shows Dirty Jobs, and narrated many shows including Deadliest Catch, American Hot Rod, and Ghost Hunters. He also did a quick stint on the QVC Shopping Network where he was hired after talking about a pencil for nearly eight minutes. According to his bio, he worked the graveyard shift for just three years, until he was ultimately fired for making fun of products and belittling viewers. I’ve included one of my favorite videos from his time at QVC down below, be sure to check out some of the other ones if you haven’t seen them.
Mike also founded the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which promotes hard work. Mike has long been a supporter of the skilled trades and his foundation works hard at awarding scholarships to men and women who demonstrate an aptitude for doing the work that America needs. He is also Continue reading
The time has come to announce the guest closing Keynote speaker for Thursday! This information is hot off the press so be prepared for some serious excitement! The closing Keynote speaker is going to be just AWESOME. I have been asking, as well as have others, for a few years to get this man for the closing […]
The post Cisco Live 2015 – Guest Keynote Speaker appeared first on Fryguy's Blog.
So I go to the IRS Page that allows taxpayers to check status of a refund. This is under the number “3” at the following URL–
The following banner pops up prior to setting a browser cookie.
I’m not a lawyer, so I have some questions regarding how to interpret this–
This week, Facebook announced a new modular switch called the “6-pack,” which builds off of The Wedge (Facebook’s innovative piece of networking equipment announced last June.) The development of the “6-pack” comes on the heels of a relatively new white box movement within the networking industry where generic, off-the-shelf switching and routing hardware is used rather than custom-made infrastructure, making networks more manageable and easy to scale. Julie Bort covered this very topic earlier this week in her Cisco earnings roundup for Business Insider, and cited Plexxi as one of the startups leading the charge against complicated, legacy-type infrastructures like Cisco. Here at Plexxi, one of our top priorities is to provide our customers with the most efficient network possible and we’re proud to be recognized as an industry trailblazer.
Below please find a few of our top picks for our favorite news articles of the week. Have a great weekend!
Streetwise Journal: Cisco CEO: We Will Crush Facebook and Have Fun Beating VMware
By Larry Banks
On fire since a decent quarterly earnings report in which Cisco revenues rose by 7% and forecast 3 to 5% growth next quarter, the company CEO John Chambers was hugely confident Continue reading