
Category Archives for "Networking"

Nvidia CEO says he is open to using Intel for chip fabrication

The old saying “adversity makes for strange bedfellows” has been proven true, with Nvidia saying it is now willing to work with Intel’s foundry business to manufacture its chips.Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang dropped the news on a press call when he was asked . about diversifying the company’s supply chain, which relies on TSMC for its chip manufacturing, and TSMC is both overloaded with orders and in a politically unstable region of the world (Taiwan).Huang said his company realized it needed more resilience going forward, and so over the last couple years has added to the number of process nodes it uses, and is in more fabs than ever. “So we've expanded our supply chain, supply base, probably four-fold in the last two years,” Huang said.To read this article in full, please click here

Set git behavior based on the repository path

I maintain a handful of git accounts at and on private git servers, and have repeated committed to a project using the wrong personality.

My early attempts to avoid this mistake involved scripts to set per-project git parameters, but I've found a more streamlined option.

The approach revolves around the file hierarchy in my home directory: Rather than dumping everything in a single ~/projects directory, they're now in ~/projects/personal, ~/projects/work, etc...

Whenever cloning a new project, or starting a new one, as long as I put it in the appropriate directory, git will chose the behaviors and identity appropriate for that project.

Here's how it works, with 'personal' and 'work' accounts at

1. Generate an SSH key for each account

Not strictly required, I guess, but I like the privacy-preserving angle of using different keys everywhere, so I do this as a matter of habit.
 ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -P '' -f ~/.ssh/  
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -P '' -f ~/.ssh/

2. Add each public key to its respective GitHub account.

Use ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/ (note the .pub suffix).

Instructions here.

3. Continue reading

HS019 Questions on Corporate Technology Strategy

What makes a technology strategy ? Where do you start ? Are you business or solution centric ? Being a leader means risk and funding, being a follower is simpler and faster. What questions should you be asking when establishing an IT strategy ? Heavy Strategy is where the questions are more important than the […]

The post HS019 Questions on Corporate Technology Strategy appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Global enterprise IoT market strong but faces challenges

The global enterprise IoT market grew by 22% to a total of $157.9 billion in 2021despite some adverse conditions  labncluding labor and chip shortages, according to a study released today by Germany-based research firm IoT Analytics.That figure is slightly lower than the 24% that the company projected in previous reports, but it’s still a substantial rate of growth, and one that IoT Analytics expects will be sustained for the next five years, for a projected total market size of $525 billion by 2027.One of the main factors driving enterprise IoT growth below previous estimates was a shortage of skilled workers, according to the report. Businesses in 2021 had trouble finding enough IoT-conversant hires to move digital transformation and IoT projects forward, with job postings related to IoT growing by 41% between July 2021 and Mach 2022. The firm also cited other research, from Inmarsat, as saying that a paucity of in-house IoT knowledge is one of the key blockers to more widespread IoT deployment.To read this article in full, please click here

Multicast Basics

In this blog post, I will explain some of the Multicast basics that most of us look for. MPLS Multicast and many other Multicast Design, Troubleshooting, and Multicast Deployment topics are explained in the different blog posts on the website. Also, this post will cover the many fundamental Multicast frequently asked questions briefly. For a more detailed explanation of the particular topic, you can check our other blog posts on the website.

Before we start, please note that if you are looking for IP and MPLS Multicast video course, you can click here.

What is Multicast used for?

There are many reasons in the real life for Multicast, but mostly we are seeing it in the financial networks, stock exchange, Large Campus Networks for IP Surveillance, and IPTV Multicast purposes.

When it comes to the deployment details, although we will cover them in separate blog posts, in IPTV, Source Specific Multicast, in Financial Networks, Bidirectional Multicast is used.

Also, using Multicasting provides resource optimization, which means,  less bandwidth, less source, and receiver CPU and Memory usage it can provide.


IP Multicast Routing


There are many Multicast Protocols for Multicast to work in the Networks but when it Continue reading

BGP Local Preference

BGP Local Preference is a BGP attribute that is used for Outbound path manipulation in today’s Computer Networks. Path manipulation is known as BGP Traffic Engineering as well and the Local Preference attribute is the most common technique for it in real networks. In this blog post I will be explaining the use case, comparison with other outbound path manipulation techniques, and how the BGP Local Preference attribute works we will understand.

First of all, we should know that it is not a Cisco specific attribute, it is a standard attribute, which is used in other vendor equipment as well. Vendor interoperability works without issue.

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, let’s have a look at the below topology to understand how it works.

bop local pref

In the above topology, AS65000 has two paths to AS1.

Prefixes from AS1 are learned via two paths but AS65000 wants to use the left path as a Primary Path and the right path as a backup path.

The reason in real-life people wants to use their links as primary and backup this way is usually a cost. One of the links might be expensive and another can be cheaper, and they may want Continue reading

WEBINAR: Deploying IPv6 for WISPs and FISPs.

A few weeks ago, we recorded a webinar on deploying IPv6 for WISPs and FISPs. As IPv6 adoption continues to climb, developing an IPv6 strategy for design, deployment and system integration is an important step before subscribers begin asking for IPv6.

Some of the topics that were covered include:

  • IPv6 basics – addressing, subnetting, types
  • IPv6 design and deployment
  • IPv6 systems and operations

Here is an example of getting started with IPv6 deployment at the border of the ASN

Link to the webinar and slide deck

Webinar: click here

Slides: click here

VMware named a Leader in Cloud Networking in GigaOm Radar Report

We’re delighted to report that GigaOm, a global provider of technology industry insights and analysis, has placed VMware in the leader ring in the GigaOm Radar Report for Cloud Networking 2022. In the leader ring, VMware is placed in the Platform Play and Maturity quadrant. This is a testament to the robustness of VMware’s cloud networking solution and its leading position in the cloud networking space. Click here to download the complete report.

Chart, radar chart, sunburst chart Description automatically generated


Noting VMware’s broad portfolio of networking solutions, which covers the entire network stack and includes native network features for observability, micro-segmentation, and beyond, GigaOm says that VMware is in a leading position to help enterprises with complex networking requirements “modernize and optimize their infrastructure.”

Cloud Network Evaluation Criteria

The report evaluates 11 vendors that provide tools or platforms to help build and operate cloud networks. They include major enterprises like VMware, as well as several smaller companies.

GigaOm assessed the vendors on a variety of criteria, including:

  • Network traffic security and micro-segmentation.
  • Observability.
  • Troubleshooting and diagnostics.
  • Optimization and autoscaling.
  • APIs and IaC integration.
  • Application-aware infrastructure.
  • Solution management.

VMware received a triple-plus score – the highest evaluation possible – for most of the categories given above.

Continue reading

How Observability Helps Troubleshoot Incidents Faster

It all starts with the dreaded alert. Something went awry, and it needs to be fixed ASAP. Whether it’s the middle of the night and you’re the on-call responder, or it’s the middle of the afternoon, and your whole team is working together to ship a bundle of diffs, having an incident happen is extremely disruptive to your business — and often very expensive, making every minute count. So how can observability (o11y for short) help teams save precious time and resolve incidents faster? First, let’s explore the changing landscape from monitoring to observability. Debugging Using Traditional Monitoring Tools Savannah Morgan Savannah is senior technical customer success manager at Honeycomb. She is passionate about helping users find creative solutions for complex problems. When she is off the clock, Savannah can be found at the park with her family, binge-watching Netflix or spoiling her big pup, Bruce. The key to resolving an incident quickly is to rapidly understand why things went wrong, where in your code it’s happening, and most of all, who it affects and how to fix it. Most of us learned to debug using static dashboards powered by metrics-based monitoring tools like Prometheus or Datadog, plus a whole Continue reading

What Is Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust is a framework for security in which all users of an application, software, system, or network, inside or outside of an organization, must be authenticated, verified, and frequently validated before being granted access to specific data or tools within the company’s network. In the zero trust framework, networks can be in the cloud, hybrid, or on-premise with employees in any location. The assumption is that no users or devices are to be trusted with access without meeting the necessary validation requirements. In today’s modern digital transformation forward environment, the zero-trust security framework helps to ensure infrastructure and data are kept safe, and more modern business challenges are handled appropriately. For example, as the pandemic has evolved, securing remote workers and their access will be of greater importance for organizations that want to scale their workforce. Ransomware threats and attacks are increasing, and zero trust implementation can detect these threats, from novel ones to custom-crafted malware, far before they cause harm. What Foundation Makes up Zero Trust? Zero Trust security is built on the architecture established by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST). The

Duplicate ARP Replies with Anycast Gateways

A reader sent me the following intriguing question:

I’m trying to understand the ARP behavior with SVI interface configured with anycast gateways of leaf switches, and with distributed anycast gateways configured across the leaf nodes in VXLAN scenario.

Without going into too many details, the core dilemma is: will the ARP request get flooded, and will we get multiple ARP replies. As always, the correct answer is “it depends” 🤷‍♂️

Troubleshooting puzzle: What caused the streaming to degrade?

You’ve just been given the task of solving a network problem that has been unresolved for many months. Where do you start? Is it a solvable problem or is it just the way the network works? Maybe you’ve encountered a limitation on how network protocols function. What follows is an account of just such a problem that stumped many good network engineers for months and how it was resolved by NetCraftsmen’s Samuel Bickham. It may provide tips for solving problems you face down the road. As Bickham says, “Troubleshooting is kinda like a magic trick: It’s impressive until it’s explained.”A customer contacted NetCraftsmen to ask if we could diagnose a networking problem that affected only a few applications and a subset of employees on an intermittent basis.To read this article in full, please click here