
Category Archives for "Networking"

BiB100: Zero Trust With Araali Networks

Today’s briefing summary is about startup Araali Networks, one of the most interesting startups we’ve chatted with in a while. Abhishek Singh, CEO and co-founder, gave Ethan Banks and Drew Conry-Murray at Packet Pushers an overview of their approach to modern application security on March 31, 2021.

It’s time for Enterprise Cloud Networking

It’s time to get things cranking here again and a big topic is going to be enterprise cloud networking. What I mean by that in simple terms is how an enterprise can use the networking services of cloud providers to build, migrate, and run their most important applications in the cloud.

Over the last 6 years a lot has happened in the shift to public cloud. I don’t need to explain that to you. We already know that building and migrating applications in/to the cloud is what the world is doing – and for reasons that no longer need explaining.

What’s more interesting now is that the term “the cloud” used to mean one thing: Amazon Web Services. Six years ago, when you said to somebody, “Yeah, so, we are going to migrate this application to the cloud.” – nobody asked what cloud you were talking about and why.

And in the very same stride “cloud networking” implied AWS Networking. If you told somebody that you were a cloud network architect, nobody questioned that either. It meant that you knew AWS VPC, Direct Connect, Route 53, NAT Gateways, Security Groups, VPC subnets and route tables, the various AWS instances Continue reading

Nokia Lab | LAB 1 Basic |


Hi there!

I'm starting a series of notes focused on Nokia SR-OS labs. It's a part of my preparing for NRSII and SRA.

Some input points:
  • Labs contain: tasks and questions, topology, final configs, useful debug commands, and different tips;
  • It’s not a lab guide. it’s just my notes which may be useful for someone. I will try to give the right structure of labs and ask reasonable questions. But you can use them as a reference for your own labs. Change everything and have fun :)
  • I make more emphasis on structure and coverage than explanation and step-by-step configuration. In my opinion, step-by-step guides or Youtube tutorials are unuseful for exam preparing or learning something. It's looking like entertainment content. So I don't provide answers,  CLI outputs, debug outputs, traffic dumps. I'm sure you should try it yourself.
  • I use TiMOS-B-12.0.R6 (It’s temporary)

Topology example

Lab tasks and questions:
  • card provisioning
  • provision card and MDA
  • examine card and MDA status
  • examine card and MDA detail info
  • ports configuration
  • enable ports
  • examine ports status
  • What is a default port mode?
  • What’s a default port MTU for every port mode?
    • L3 interface configuration(ipv4 and ipv6)

    Heavy Networking 571: Network Automation Workflows With Jenkins

    Today on Heavy Networking, we talk about how to roll your own network automation workflow. Guest Steve Puluka has developed an automation workflow system that uses GitLab and Jenkins, among other tools, to make sure the network devices he supports are pure gold. We talk about how it works, and how you can put your own together.

    The post Heavy Networking 571: Network Automation Workflows With Jenkins appeared first on Packet Pushers.

    Arm’s latest: A CPU design to better serve AI, ML

    Arm Holdings has introduced the Armv9 microarchitecture, the first overhaul of its CPU architecture in a decade, with heavy emphasis on security and all things artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).Arm, for the unfamiliar, does not make CPUs like Intel and AMD. It makes basic architectural designs that licensees modify with their own special technological sauce. It makes variances for high-performance, mobile, embedded, and edge/cloud.[Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters.] As part of Arm’s Vision Day event earlier this week, the company announced the first details of the Armv9 architecture, with more to come later this year. The company has to tread cautiously as it is in the process of being acquired by Nvidia, and forces are lining up to oppose the deal.To read this article in full, please click here

    Arm’s latest: A CPU design to better serve AI, ML

    Arm Holdings has introduced the Armv9 microarchitecture, the first overhaul of its CPU architecture in a decade, with heavy emphasis on security and all things artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).Arm, for the unfamiliar, does not make CPUs like Intel and AMD. It makes basic architectural designs that licensees modify with their own special technological sauce. It makes variances for high-performance, mobile, embedded, and edge/cloud.[Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters.] As part of Arm’s Vision Day event earlier this week, the company announced the first details of the Armv9 architecture, with more to come later this year. The company has to tread cautiously as it is in the process of being acquired by Nvidia, and forces are lining up to oppose the deal.To read this article in full, please click here

    The Teams Dashboard: A New Place to Call Home

    The Teams Dashboard: A New Place to Call Home

    Over the past few weeks, our team has written a lot about the Cloudflare for Teams Dashboard, and more specifically, about our approach to design and the content within it. In these recent posts, we charted the journey of developing omni-directional communication channels across product, design, and content, and how these relationships directly influence the user experiences we aim to create.

    Today, we’re announcing a new feature within the Teams Dash. We called it “Home”. We created Home with a simple goal in mind: design an adaptive and informative landing page where users can see a round-up of their environment.

    In this last post of our series, we’ll show, rather than tell, how we collaborated as a team that rows in the same direction and towards the same goal — to create a great user experience.

    In this blog post, we’ll walk you through your new Teams Home by calling out a few of the guiding principles we had in mind as we designed it. Transparency, adaptiveness, guidance and warmth aren’t only foundational words in the Cloudflare for Teams product principles — they’re part of our day-to-day brainstorming and discussion around user experience.

    Here’s how the Teams Home reflects these Continue reading

    How to execute an object file: Part 2

    Handling relocations

    How to execute an object file: Part 2

    In the previous post, we learned how to parse an object file and import and execute some functions from it. However, the functions in our toy object file were simple and self-contained: they computed their output solely based on their inputs and didn't have any external code or data dependencies. In this post we will build upon the code from part 1, exploring additional steps needed to handle code with some dependencies.

    As an example, we may notice that we can actually rewrite our add10 function using our add5 function:


    int add5(int num)
        return num + 5;
    int add10(int num)
        num = add5(num);
        return add5(num);

    Let's recompile the object file and try to use it as a library with our loader program:

    $ gcc -c obj.c
    $ ./loader
    Executing add5...
    add5(42) = 47
    Executing add10...
    add10(42) = 42

    Whoa! Something is not right here. add5 still produces the correct result, but add10 does not . Depending on your environment and code composition, you may even see the loader program crashing instead of outputting incorrect results. To understand what happened, let's investigate the machine code generated by the compiler. We Continue reading

    The Evolving WAN Part 2

    On April 6 at 9 am PDT I’m moderating the second part of a discussion on the evolution of wide area networks. This time we’re going to focus on more of the future rather than the past, relying on our guests, Jeff Tantsura, Brooks Westbrook, and Nick Buraglio to answer questions about putting new WAN technologies to use, and how to choose between private and public wide area options.

    Please register here.

    Docker Installation on VyOS

    Docker really makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers, and containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package [1]. I would like to share the script, which […]
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