
Category Archives for "Networking"

How to sort ps output

The ps command is key to understanding what's running on your Linux system and the resources that each process is using. It's useful to know how to display the information that ps provides in whatever way helps you focus on the problem you're trying to resolve. One aspect of this is being able to sort the output of the ps aux command by any column to highlight particular information, such as how much memory processes are using or how long they've been running.The trick involves using the ps command's --sort option and knowing how to specify the column that you want to use for the sort. By default, ps sorts by process IDs (PIDs), showing the smallest first. PID 1 will appear at the top of the list, right under the column headings. The rest will follow in numeric order.To read this article in full, please click here

Video: Getting a Packet Across a Network

After (hopefully) agreeing on what routing, bridging, and switching are, let’s focus on the first important topic in this area: how do we get a packet across the network? Yet again, there are three fundamentally different technologies:

  • Source node knows the full path (source routing)
  • Source node opened a path (virtual circuit) to the destination node and uses that path to send traffic
  • The network performs hop-by-hop destination-address-based packet forwarding.

More details in the Getting Packets Across the Network video.

The video is part of How Networks Really Work webinar and available with Free Subscription.

NetApp launches cloud-native storage solution for containers

After its purchase of cloud storage automation specialist Spot for $450 million this past June, NetApp is releasing its first new product under the brand. Called Spot Storage, it's a "storageless" solution that's designed to enable automated administration of cloud-native, container-based applications.NetApp describes Spot Storage as a cloud-based, serverless offering for application-driven architectures that run microservices-based applications in Kubernetes containers."Serverless computing" is a bit of a misnomer. Your application and data still reside on servers, but they're not tied to one particular physical location. Just like the cloud means never using the same physical box twice, a serverless storage service means the cloud provider runs the server and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources.To read this article in full, please click here

Real-time network telemetry for automation

The video discusses telemetry and requirements for network automation, providing an overview of sFlow measurement architecture and a discussion of recently added packet drop monitoring functionality, and ending with a live demonstration of GPU compute cluster analytics. The slides from the video are available here.

The video is part of recent talk Using Advanced Telemetry to Correlate GPU and Network Performance Issues [A21870] presented at the NVIDIA GTC conference

New Features in MANRS Observatory: More Informative, Intuitive, and Easy to Use

In August 2019, the Internet Society supported the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative by creating a platform to visualize its members’ routing security data from around the globe. The MANRS Observatory’s interactive dashboard allows networks to check their progress in improving their routing security.

Last week, we updated some key features of the MANRS Observatory guided by member feedback. Below we share a summary of those changes.

Please note, detailed statistics and reports for specific networks are only available to MANRS participants. Your organization can become an MANRS member for free, and join a global group of people committed to making the Internet safer for us all. Find out how.

MANRS Observatory 3.0.1: Latest updates

  1. Shorter reporting cycle
  2. Improved favorite functionality
  3. Access to RIPEstat widget
  4. Change to how we round numbers

1. Shorter reporting cycle

Previously the MANRS Observatory provided status report updates up to 31 days after members’ had added their latest figures. While this wasn’t a real problem when looking at general trends, it was an issue for network operators who use the platform to check their network conformance. It was also an issue for the MANRS team, as we Continue reading

Network Automation Can Relieve Network Engineers Stretched Thin by Covid-19

The network has never been more vulnerable. Covid-19 has flung users out from the data center to home offices—where they are accessing critical systems, applications, and other users from unsecured devices and WiFi connections. As a result, it’s all hands on deck for IT, with network engineers deputized as IT support staff in a mad rush to give remote users fast and reliable, yet secure, access to the tools and information they need.

But what of the regular duties of these engineers? They are being pushed back in favor of new priorities—stretching network engineering resources, already spread thin, to the breaking point.

Enter network automationVMware NSX-T allows organizations to automate and simplify operations in the age of Covid. Tasks that were once performed manually through the UI or CLI can now be automated with the NSX API—creating the foundation for dynamic, flexible and responsive network architectures that can support a world where users, devices, applications and data connect across private, public and hybrid cloud environments.  

Virtual Cloud Network VMworld On-Demand Sessions


Networking professionals who want to learn more about how to automate operations should check out the following on-demand sessions from VMworld: 

NSX-T Network Automation: What To Do When You Have Continue reading

UK Black History Month at Cloudflare

UK Black History Month at Cloudflare
UK Black History Month at Cloudflare

In February 2019, I started my journey at Cloudflare. Back then, we lived in a COVID-19 free world and I was lucky enough, as part of the employee onboarding program, to visit our San Francisco HQ. As I took my first steps into the office, I was greeted by a beautiful bouquet of Protea flowers at the reception desk. Being from South Africa, seeing our national flower instantly made me feel at home and welcomed to the Cloudflare family - this memory will always be with me.

Later that day, I learnt it was Black History Month in the US. This celebration included African food for lunch, highlights of Black History icons on Cloudflare’s TV screens, and African drummers. At Cloudflare, Black History Month is coordinated and run by Afroflare, one of many Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that celebrates diversity and inclusion. The excellent delivery of Black History Month demonstrated to me how seriously Cloudflare takes Black History Month and ERGs.

Today, I am one of the Afroflare leads in the London office and led this year’s UK Black History Month celebration. 2020 has been a year of historical events, which made this celebration uniquely significant. George Floyd’s murder Continue reading

With COVID-19 hanging on, migration to the cloud accelerates

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating, migration to the cloud is expected to accelerate as enterprises choose to let someone else worry about their server gear.In its global IT outlook for 2021 and beyond, IDC predicts the continued migration of enterprise IT equipment out of on-premises data centers and into data centers operated by cloud service providers (such as AWS and Microsoft) and colocation specialists (such as Equinix and Digital Realty).The research firm expects that by the end of 2021, 80% of enterprises will put a mechanism in place to shift to cloud-centric infrastructure and applications twice as fast as before the pandemic. CIOs must accelerate the transition to a cloud-centric IT model to maintain competitive parity and to make the organization more digitally resilient, the firm said.To read this article in full, please click here

With COVID-19 hanging on, migration to the cloud accelerates

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating, migration to the cloud is expected to accelerate as enterprises choose to let someone else worry about their server gear.In its global IT outlook for 2021 and beyond, IDC predicts the continued migration of enterprise IT equipment out of on-premises data centers and into data centers operated by cloud service providers (such as AWS and Microsoft) and colocation specialists (such as Equinix and Digital Realty).The research firm expects that by the end of 2021, 80% of enterprises will put a mechanism in place to shift to cloud-centric infrastructure and applications twice as fast as before the pandemic. CIOs must accelerate the transition to a cloud-centric IT model to maintain competitive parity and to make the organization more digitally resilient, the firm said.To read this article in full, please click here

Worth Reading: Protocol Options Rusted Shut

A long while ago I found a great article explaining TLS 1.3 and its migration woes on CloudFlare blog. While I would strongly recommend you read it just to get familiar with TLS 1.3, the real fun starts when the author discusses migration problems, kludges you have to use trying to fix them, less-than-compliant implementations breaking those kludges, and options that were supposed to be dynamic, but turn out to be static (rusted shut) due to middleboxes that implemented protocols as-seen-in-the-wild not as-described-in-RFCs.

Change a few TLAs and you could be reading about TCP, IP stack, IPv6, BGP… I addressed those aspects in the ossification and centralization part of Upcoming Internet Challenges webinar.

Palo Alto cloud service prevents distributed enterprise data loss

Palo Alto is rolling out a cloud service that promises to protect the highly distributed data in contemporary enterprises.The cloud service -- Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – will help prevent data breaches by automatically identifying confidential intellectual property and personally identifiable information across the enterprise, Palo Alto stated.Data breaches are a huge and growing problem worldwide, but most of the current DLP systems were only designed to help global-scale organizations that have huge data protection budgets and staffs.  Legacy and point solutions are not accessible, appropriate or effective for many of the companies that need them, said Anand Oswal, senior vice president and general manager with Palo Alto Networks.To read this article in full, please click here

Palo Alto cloud service prevents distributed enterprise data loss

Palo Alto is rolling out a cloud service that promises to protect the highly distributed data in contemporary enterprises.The cloud service -- Enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – will help prevent data breaches by automatically identifying confidential intellectual property and personally identifiable information across the enterprise, Palo Alto stated.Data breaches are a huge and growing problem worldwide, but most of the current DLP systems were only designed to help global-scale organizations that have huge data protection budgets and staffs.  Legacy and point solutions are not accessible, appropriate or effective for many of the companies that need them, said Anand Oswal, senior vice president and general manager with Palo Alto Networks.To read this article in full, please click here

Internet Insights – On Track for Launch

Things might have seemed quiet on our Measuring the Internet activities for the last few weeks, but lots of work has been taking place behind the scenes to ensure that the Internet Society’s Internet Insights platform will be ready for phase one of its launch in December 2020.

What We’re Working On

To help everyone gain deeper insight into the Internet, we’re consolidating trusted third-party Internet measurement data from various sources into a single platform – Insights. We’ll use this data to examine trends, generate reports, and tell data-driven stories. Insights will be available to everyone, everywhere so that anyone can better understand the health, availability, and evolution of the Internet.

Our Data Partners

Phase one of Insights will launch with an initial set of data that will help to illustrate two of our four focus areas: Internet Shutdowns and Enabling Technologies. We’re sharing data sourced from the following trusted third-party data providers and are working to integrate data from more organizations as the platform develops.

Access NowInternet shutdown event data
AFRINICInternet resilience data
Akamai IPv6 deployment 
APNICIPv6 deployment 
CAIDA Impact of Internet shutdowns on Internet connectivity
FacebookIPv6 deployment, disruptions, and shutdowns
Google Continue reading

2020 Latin America Chapter Workshop: Celebrating Successes and Mobilizing for an Internet of Opportunity

Our global community of Chapters is vibrant. Chapter members implement projects, share ideas, and take actions that help bring the Internet Society’s vision to life. In particular, the leaders of the Latin American Chapters have had the opportunity to meet annually in a workshop dedicated to them.

2020 has led us to think of new ways to keep in touch and continue working for the Internet to remain open, globally-connected, trustworthy, and secure for everyone. This is why, from October 26 to 30, we held the 2020 Latin American Chapters Workshop in virtual format, with 100% participation of the Latin American Chapters.

Through 20 sessions, the workshop was a collaborative space and a meeting point for the staff and the Internet Society community. The 333 people who participated shared their knowledge and experience around topics related to our 2020 Action Plan. To offer a holistic approach, we also held sessions on leadership and Chapter management.

At the end of each day we created a summary of the most important points of each session. For these summaries we decided to give the audio format a try and created a playlist that you cannot miss. Listen – each episode lasts about five Continue reading

Tech Bytes: Getting The Benefits Of Proactive Network Monitoring With Riverbed (Sponsored)

Today's Day Two Cloud Tech Bytes is all about proactive network monitoring with sponsor Riverbed. The goal of proactive network monitoring is to see and respond to an emerging issue before it becomes a problem that affects end users or application performance. Our guest is Chris Eckert, Technical Solutions Architect at Riverbed.

The post Tech Bytes: Getting The Benefits Of Proactive Network Monitoring With Riverbed (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.

My internship: Brotli compression using a reduced dictionary

My internship: Brotli compression using a reduced dictionary

Brotli is a state of the art lossless compression format, supported by all major browsers. It is capable of achieving considerably better compression ratios than the ubiquitous gzip, and is rapidly gaining in popularity. Cloudflare uses the Google brotli library to dynamically compress web content whenever possible. In 2015, we took an in-depth look at how brotli works and its compression advantages.

One of the more interesting features of the brotli file format, in the context of textual web content compression, is the inclusion of a built-in static dictionary. The dictionary is quite large, and in addition to containing various strings in multiple languages, it also supports the option to apply multiple transformations to those words, increasing its versatility.

The open sourced brotli library, that implements an encoder and decoder for brotli, has 11 predefined quality levels for the encoder, with higher quality level demanding more CPU in exchange for a better compression ratio. The static dictionary feature is used to a limited extent starting with level 5, and to the full extent only at levels 10 and 11, due to the high CPU cost of this feature.

We improve on the limited dictionary use approach and add Continue reading