
Category Archives for "Networking"

Social Media Crisis Drives Ongoing Decline In Global Internet Freedom

Global Internet freedom declined for the ninth consecutive year in 2019, largely as a result of social media increasingly being used by governments around the world as a conduit for mass surveillance and electoral manipulation. The Freedom on the Net 2019 report, the latest edition of the annual country-by-country assessment of Internet freedom, was released on November 5 by Freedom House, and highlights the shift in social media from a level playing field for civic discussion to an instrument of political distortion and societal control.

The Freedom on the Net 2019 report analyzed Internet freedom in 65 countries worldwide, covering 87% of global Internet users. Surveyed countries are designated as ‘Free’, ‘Partly Free’, or ‘Not Free’ based on an examination of, and scoring against, three categories: obstacles to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights.

Of the 65 countries assessed, 33 of them saw Internet freedom decline over the last year, with the biggest drops observed in Sudan and Kazakhstan. The longtime presidents of both countries were ousted, leading to widespread blocking of social media platforms, disruptions of Internet connectivity, and the increased use of electronic surveillance to undermine free expression.

The report called digital platforms Continue reading

Explore the Content Outline of Our Networking in Public Clouds Online Course

A few days ago we published the content outline for our Networking in Public Clouds online course.

We’ll start with the basics, explore the ways to automate cloud deployments (after all, you wouldn’t want to repeat the past mistakes and configure everything with a GUI, would you?), touch on compute and storage infrastructure, and the focus on the networking aspects of public cloud deployments including:

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SEC 2. Data plane and control plane protection in the networking (Nokia, Cisco and Mellanox/Cumulus) for IPv6.

Hello my friend,

After the release of the previous article outlining the data and control plane security for IPv4 in Cisco, Nokia and Mellanox/Cumulus (link) I’ve got several requests about the security in IPv6. The requests were fair enough and with this article we close this gap.

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Special thanks for Avi Alkobi from Mellanox and Pete Crocker and Attilla de Groot from Cumulus for providing me the Mellanox switch and Cumulus license for the tests. 


This is the fourth article in the series about the Mellanox/Cumulus switch. The three previous are:

Brief description

The importance of the security for the network in terms of the control and data plane protection was explained in the previous article Continue reading

Cheap IoT satellite network gets approval

Space communications start-up Swarm Technologies will begin delivering commercial, bi-directional Internet of Things (IoT) data early next year, according to the company, which has just received its regulatory go-ahead to launch its satellites and transmit.“Swarm will begin rolling out its commercial, two-way data offerings in early 2020,” Sara Spangelo, co-founder and CEO told me in a recent e-mail. The company aims to deploy 150 satellites before the end of 2020, she says. The FCC, in October, granted Part 25 approval for the startup to deploy and operate 150 non-geostationary, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, for non-voice purposes.To read this article in full, please click here

Arista targets cloud networking with CloudEOS software

Arista this week rolled out software it hopes will help customers more easily fuse enterprise-class networking with on-premises and hybrid-cloud services.The company rolled out two new packages. One, CloudEOS Multi Cloud, normalizes the network connectivity to and between private clouds or public clouds. The package sets up a virtual machine and can redirect traffic across the most effective and efficient networking path using real-time topology, in-band telemetry and other attributes, the company said. It also automatically encrypts all traffic on those paths as well. To read this article in full, please click here

Verizon Opens SD-WAN Policy Management

The new tier lets customers change SD-WAN policies using the operator's self-service, policy...

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Looker 7 Looks Away From Traditional Business Intelligence

This is the first major release since Google announced plans to buy the startup for $2.6 billion in...

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VMware, Menlo Security Unite, Safeguard SD-WAN Stronghold

Menlo Security claims to provide VMware VeloCloud customers with direct access to the internet...

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Microsoft Smears Premium Shine on Azure Functions

The Azure Functions Premium product tackles serverless challenges like cold start, network...

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Dish Gets Deadline Reprieve in FCC Merger Approval

“The framework established by the FCC will facilitate and accelerate Dish’s entry as a new...

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Vitess Earns Vernerable CNCF’s Graduate Distinction

It was the second cloud-based storage project accepted by the CNCF in 2018 and the eighth project...

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A Step Further in Making Pakistan Digitally Accessible

In a bid to improve digital accessibility in Pakistan – a country with about 30 million persons with disability (PWDs), according to the World Health Organization –  we recently partnered with the Ministry of IT (MoIT) and the National IT Board (NITB) so that more existing government websites could include accessibility features and future websites could incorporate such designs. We set out to make five websites more accessible – as a start – and are already seeing encouraging results.

According to local study and research paper, a majority of websites in Pakistan, including government, are not accessible for PWDs. PWDs face various challenges in using websites based on their impairment.

For example, persons with visual impairments can face compatibility challenges when screen reader software is used to access visual displays that are not labelled or hyperlinks that do not make sense when read out of context. Those with low vision are not able to access websites that cannot be adjusted for font type and size, contrast, and use of colors, and individuals who are deaf are not able to understand the narration in an online video if it is not properly captioned.

As part of this commitment given by Continue reading

Fortinet Locks SD-WAN, WAF Into Azure

The deeper integration provide a consistent operational security model for customers running...

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What’s new with Workers KV?

What’s new with Workers KV?
What’s new with Workers KV?

The Storage team here at Cloudflare shipped Workers KV, our global, low-latency, key-value store, earlier this year. As people have started using it, we’ve gotten some feature requests, and have shipped some new features in response! In this post, we’ll talk about some of these use cases and how these new features enable them.


We’ve shipped some new APIs, both via, as well as inside of a Worker. The first one provides the ability to upload and delete more than one key/value pair at once. Given that Workers KV is great for read-heavy, write-light workloads, a common pattern when getting started with KV is to write a bunch of data via the API, and then read that data from within a Worker. You can now do these bulk uploads without needing a separate API call for every key/value pair. This feature is available via, but is not yet available from within a Worker.

For example, say we’re using KV to redirect legacy URLs to their new homes. We have a list of URLs to redirect, and where they should redirect to. We can turn this list into JSON that Continue reading

29 top cloud certifications

When it comes to the most in-demand skills, the cloud is the place to be. Our guide to top cloud certifications looks at programs designed for AWS, Google and Microsoft services -- as well as vendor-neutral certifications.