
Category Archives for "Networking"

Masergy Debuts AIOps, Your Virtual Network Assistant

The company said AIOps has the potential to significantly reduce downtime, enable faster fault...

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Is Pentagon JEDI Program a $10B Cloud Security Fiasco?

If the Pentagon suffers a security breach, there’s a lot more to worry about than cost. That’s...

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Verizon Bolsters VCE With Cisco Partnership, SD-WAN Backbone

Verizon unveiled major enhancements its Virtual Communications Express cloud calling service...

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Network Operators in Mexico Strengthen Their Collaboration

Collaboration is a basic element for Internet development. Without it, connections among networks would be non-existent and the Internet wouldn’t have its global reach. Without it, the Internet wouldn’t exist as we know it. Fortunately, there are many groups that use collaboration and other elements of the Internet networking model.

On August 14, NIC Mexico convened the second meeting of network operators in the country. After a first successful meeting held in 2018, this year’s event exceeded the expectations of the organizers. Edmundo Cázarez, Internet Resource Manager at NIC Mexico, said the organization placed greater emphasis on promoting the meeting among network operators, which led to increased participation.

MEXNOG, as the group of operators is also known, has capitalized on the enthusiasm of the participants through their meetings, but also through a mailing list. In the style of other Internet development groups, the mailing list has served as a meeting point and as a space for exchanging information and best practices among participants.

Therefore, the next step for the group is to strengthen participation in this space, as Edmundo points out: “We want the mailing list to be the contact point of the group. It has been used to Continue reading

Best Magazines for an NYC Fashion Internship

New York City is considered one of the fashion capitals of the world; therefore, if you are interested in fashion and want to take an internship for a fashion magazine, finding an internship with one of the NYC fashion magazines is worth the effort. 

An NYC fashion internship at any New York fashion magazine can give you a ton of valuable experience both in the magazine and fashion industry. Not only do interns get to see the latest fashions, but they also learn how to accessorize clothing, how to set up a fashion shoot, how to work closely with fashion editors, and how to write for the magazine, review fashion shows and so much more. The experience you gain in the field of fashion at an NYC fashion internship is invaluable, whether you are a budding fashion designer or simply interested in working full time for a large fashion magazine. 

You do need to be aware that many NYC fashion internship programs are either unpaid or offer very low pay, so you will need to have some way of covering your living expenses while doing your internship. That’s why student interns usually get these jobs rather than adults. Continue reading

Recommended Networking Resources for September 2019 Second Week

There are so many good resources for Network Engineers out there. I started to share the ones I liked last week. Click here to see September 2019, First Week Networking Recommended Resources. As you know, I will share 5 resource every week. There are so many in my list already, I can’t wait for the …

The post Recommended Networking Resources for September 2019 Second Week appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

Response: The OSI Model Is a Lie

Every now and then I stumble upon a blog post saying “OSI 7-layer model sucks” or “OSI 7-layer model is a lie”, most recent one coming from Robert Graham.

Before going into the details, let’s agree on the fundamentals.

Most everyone who ever tried to build a network spanning more than one transmission technology and including intermediate nodes came to the conclusion that layered approach to networking makes sense.

Whether you have three, four, five, or seven layers in your model doesn’t matter. What really matters is that your model contains all the functionality you need to implement host-to-host networking in target environment.

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AT&T’s Debt Lands It in Crosshair of Activist Investor

Elliott Management is targeting the media conglomerate for what it calls “long-term...

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Packet analysis using Docker

Why use sFlow for packet analysis? To rephrase the Heineken slogan, sFlow reaches the parts of the network that other technologies cannot reach. Industry standard sFlow is widely supported by switch vendors, embedding wire-speed packet monitoring throughout the network. With sFlow, any link or group of links can be remotely monitored. The alternative approach of physically attaching a probe to a SPAN/Mirror port is becoming much less feasible with increasing network sizes (10's of thousands of switch ports) and link speeds (10, 100, and 400 Gigabits). Using sFlow for packet capture doesn't replace traditional packet analysis, instead sFlow extends the capabilities of existing packet capture tools into the high speed switched network.

This article describes the sflow/tcpdump  and sflow/tshark Docker images, which provide a convenient way to analyze packets captured using sFlow.

Run the following command to analyze packets using tcpdump:
$ docker run -p 6343:6343/udp -p 8008:8008 sflow/tcpdump

19:06:42.000000 ARP, Reply is-at c0:ea:e4:89:b0:98 (oui Unknown), length 64
19:06:42.000000 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3380015689:3380015713, ack 515038158, win 41992, options [nop,nop,TS val 1720029042 ecr 904769627], length 24
19:06:42.000000 Continue reading

Microsoft Launches Azure Into Orbit With ExpressRoute

The cloud giant announced partnerships with SES, Viasat, and Intelsat to bring Azure to remote...

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Veteran AT&T Exec Gets Candid About Operator Challenges

Mobile network operators need to make money now and have “massive strengths” that remain...

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Google Fortifies Kubernetes Nodes Against Boot Attacks

The Google angle hardens the underlying Google Kubernetes Engine node against rootkits and...

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How to use Terminator on Linux to run multiple terminals in one window

If you’ve ever wished that you could line up multiple terminal windows and organize them in a single window frame, we may have some good news for you. The Linux Terminator can do this for you. No problemo!Splitting windows Terminator will initially open like a terminal window with a single window. Once you mouse click within that window, however, it will bring up an options menu that gives you the flexibility to make changes. You can choose “split horizontally” or “split vertically” to split the window you are currently position in into two smaller windows. In fact, with these menu choices, complete with tiny illustrations of the resultant split (resembling = and ||), you can split windows repeatedly if you like. Of course, if you split the overall window into more than six or nine sections, you might just find that they're too small to be used effectively.To read this article in full, please click here

Network Break 251: AWS Outage Is A Backup Reminder; What’s New At FutureNET?

Today's Network Break podcast delves into an AWS outage, tracks a slump in server sales, examines acquisitions by Commvault and Microsoft, and shares highlights from VMworld's FutureNET program. Guest Ed Horley stops by to share commentary and insights.

The post Network Break 251: AWS Outage Is A Backup Reminder; What’s New At FutureNET? appeared first on Packet Pushers.

BrandPost: Moving to SD-WAN? Consider Security Carefully, Say Experts and IT Managers

For those of you migrating from MPLS to SD-WAN, here’s a truism that all too often is forgotten: don’t overlook your security architecture.Failure to consider security as part of SD-WAN deployments is a major cause of security breaches.  Last year, enterprises with completed SD-WAN implementations were 1.3 times more likely to experience a branch office security breach than those without one, says Shamus McGillicuddy, Research Director at analyst firm Enterprise Management Associates.To read this article in full, please click here

The Week in Internet News: Covert Social Media Campaign Champions Military Rulers

The Internet as warfighting tool: Military rulers in Sudan and other countries are paying “Internet warfare” firms to develop social media campaigns to praise their leadership, the New York Times reports. The story highlights a social media company called New Waves, run by a former member of the Egyptian military and a self-described “researcher on Internet wars.”

Internet warfare, part 2: Meanwhile, a “virtual army” from mainland China has focused on recent protests in Hong Kong, with social media posts boosting government interests, the South China Morning Post writes. New recruits to the nationalist Diba group are taught how to use VPNs and circumvent the government firewall to reach the “battlefield” – social media pages and websites normally banned.

Protestors strike back: The Hong Kong protestors had their own Internet-related tactics, reports. In response to threats of Internet shutdown, protestors began to use Bluetooth-based mesh networking technologies, allowing them to communicate through a network of devices that are linked locally, rather than over an Internet connection.

Encryption loves blockchain: The Tide Foundation, a nonprofit building an open-source framework for protecting data, has developed a blockchain-based encryption approach, Silicon Angle says.  This type of encryption is much more difficult Continue reading