
Category Archives for "sFlow"

Internet Exchange (IX) Metrics

IX Metrics has been released on GitHub, The application provides real-time monitoring of traffic between members in an Internet Exchange (IX).

Close monitoring of exchange traffic is critical to operations:
  1. Ensure that there is sufficient capacity to accommodate new and existing members.
  2. Ensure that all traffic sources are accounted for and that there are no unauthorized connections.
  3. Ensure that only allowed traffic types are present.
  4. Ensure that non-unicast traffic is strictly controlled.
  5. Ensure that packet size policies are controlled to avoid loss due to MTU mismatches.
IX Metrics imports information about exchange members using the IX Member List JSON Schema. The member information is used to create traffic analytics and traffic is checked against the schema to identify errors, for example, if a member is using a MAC address that isn't listed.

The measurements from the exchange infrastructure are useful to members since it allows them to easily see how much traffic they are exchanging with other members through their peering relationships. This information is easy to collect using the exchange infrastructure, but much harder for members to determine independently.

The sFlow standard has long been a popular method of monitoring exchanges for a number of reasons:
  1. sFlow Continue reading

Network and system analytics as a Docker microservice

Microservices describes why the industry standard sFlow instrumentation embedded within cloud infrastructure is uniquely able to provide visibility into microservice deployments.

The sFlow-RT analytics engine is well suited to deployment as a Docker microservice since the application is stateless and presents network and system analytics as a RESTful service.

The following steps demonstrate how to create a containerized deployment of sFlow-RT.

First, create a directory for the project and edit the Dockerfile:
mkdir sflow-rt
cd sflow-rt
vi Dockerfile
Add the following contents to Dockerfile:
FROM   centos:centos6
RUN yum install -y java-1.7.0-openjdk
RUN rpm -i
EXPOSE 8008 6343/udp
CMD /etc/init.d/sflow-rt start && tail -f /dev/null
Build the project:
docker build -t sflow-rt .
Run the service:
docker run -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow-rt
Access the API at http://docker_host:8008/ to verify that the service is running.

Now configure sFlow agents to send data to the docker_host on port 6343:
The following articles provide examples of using the sFlow-RT REST API:
The diagram shows how new and existing cloud based or locally hosted orchestration, operations, and security tools can leverage sFlow-RT's analytics service to gain real-time visibility. The solution is extremely scaleable, a single sFlow-RT instance can monitor thousands of servers and the network devices connecting them.


Figure 1: Visibility and the software defined data center
In the land of microservices, the network is the king(maker) by Sudip Chakrabarti, Lightspeed Venture Partners, makes the case that visibility into network traffic is the key to monitoring, managing and securing applications that are composed of large numbers of communicating services running in virtual machines or containers.
While I genuinely believe that the network will play an immensely strategic role in the microservices world, inspecting and storing billions of API calls on a daily basis will require significant computing and storage resources. In addition, deep packet inspection could be challenging at line rates; so, sampling, at the expense of full visibility, might be an alternative. Finally, network traffic analysis must be combined with service-level telemetry data (that we already collect today) in order to get a comprehensive and in-depth picture of the distributed application.
Sampling isn't just an alternative, sampling is the key to making large scale microservice visibility a reality. Shrink ray describes how sampling acts as a scaling function, reducing the task of monitoring large scale microservice infrastructure from an intractable measurement and big data problem to a lightweight real-time data center wide visibility solution for monitoring, managing, Continue reading

Open vSwitch version 2.5 released

The recent Open vSwitch version 2.5 release includes significant network virtualization enhancements:
   - sFlow agent now reports tunnel and MPLS structures.
- Add experimental version of OVN. OVN, the Open Virtual Network, is a
system to support virtual network abstraction. OVN complements the
existing capabilities of OVS to add native support for virtual network
abstractions, such as virtual L2 and L3 overlays and security groups.
The sFlow Tunnel Structures specification enhances visibility into network virtualization by capturing encapsulation / decapsulation actions performed by tunnel end points. In many network virtualization implementations VXLAN, GRE, Geneve tunnels are terminate in Open vSwitch and so the new feature has broad application.

The second related feature is the inclusion of the Open Virtual Network (OVN), providing a simple method of building virtual networks for OpenStack and Docker.

The following articles provide additional background:

Linux bridge, macvlan, ipvlan, adapters

The open source Host sFlow project added a feature to efficiently monitor traffic on Linux host network interfaces: network adapters, Linux bridge, macvlan, ipvlan, etc. Implementation of high performance sFlow traffic monitoring is made possible by the inclusion of random packet sampling support in the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) implementation in recent Linux kernels (3.19 or later).

In addition to the new BPF capability, hsflowd has a couple of other ways to monitor traffic:
  • iptables, add a statistic rule to the iptables firewall to add traffic monitoring
  • Open vSwitch, has built-in sFlow instrumentation that can be configured by hsflowd.
The BPF sampling mechanism is less complex to configure than iptables and can be used to monitor any Linux network device, including: network adapters (e.g. eth0) and the Linux bridge (e.g. docker0). Monitoring a network adapter also provides visibility into lightweight macvlan and ipvlan network virtualization technologies that are likely to become more prevalent in the Linux container ecosystem, see Using Docker with macvlan Interfaces.

The following commands build and install hsflowd on an Ubuntu 14.03 host:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github. Continue reading

CloudFlare DDoS Mitigation Pipeline

The Usenix Enigma 2016 talk from Marek Majkowski describes CloudFlare's automated DDoS mitigation solution. CloudFlare provides reverse proxy services for millions of web sites and their customers are frequently targets of DDoS attacks. The talk is well worth watching in its entirety to learn about their experiences.
Network switches stream standard sFlow data to CloudFlare's "Gatebot" Reactive Automation component, which analyzes the data to identify attack vectors. Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) rules are constructed to target specific attacks and apply customer specific mitigation policies. The rules are automatically installed in iptables firewalls on the CloudFlare servers.
The chart shows that over a three month period CloudFlare's mitigation system handled between 30 and 300 attacks per day.
Attack volumes mitigated regularly hit 100 million packers per second and reach peaks of over 150 million packets per second. These large attacks can cause significant damage and automated mitigation is critical to reducing their impact.

Elements of the CloudFlare solution are readily accessible to anyone interested in building DDoS mitigation solutions. Industry standard sFlow instrumentation is widely supported by switch vendors. Download sFlow-RT analytics software and combine real-time DDoS detection with business policies to automate mitigation actions. A number of DDoS mitigation examples are Continue reading


SignalFx is an example of a cloud based analytics service. SignalFx provides a REST API for uploading metrics and a web portal that it simple to combine and trend data and build and share dashboards.

This article describes a proof of concept demonstrating how SignalFx's cloud service can be used to cost effectively monitor large scale cloud infrastructure by leveraging standard sFlow instrumentation. SignalFx offers a free 14 day trial, making it easy to evaluate solutions based on this demonstration.

The diagram shows the measurement pipeline. Standard sFlow measurements from hosts, hypervisors, virtual machines, containers, load balancers, web servers and network switches stream to the sFlow-RT real-time analytics engine. Metrics are pushed from sFlow-RT to SignalFx using the REST API.

Over 40 vendors implement the sFlow standard and compatible products are listed on The open source Host sFlow agent exports standard sFlow metrics from hosts, virtual machines and containers and local services. For additional background, the Velocity conference talk provides an introduction to sFlow and case study from a large social networking site.

SignalFx's service is priced based on the number of data points that they need to store and they estimate a cost of $15 per host Continue reading

Dell OS10 SDN router demo

In this video from Dell's Network Field Day 11 (#NFD11) presentation,  Madhu Santhanam demonstrates an interesting use case for the new OS10 switch operating system that was introduced at the event.
The core of OS10 is an unmodified Linux kernel with an application development environment for Control Plane Services (CPS). These APIs allow software running on the switch: native linux applications, third party applications, and native OS10 applications to run on the core OS10 operating system.
The FIB Optimization application consists of three components: an sFlow agent to provide network visibility, Quagga for BGP routing, and the Selective Route Push agent which provides a REST API for selectively populating the hardware routing tables in the switch ASIC. The FIB Optimization application allows an inexpensive data center switch to replace a much more expensive high capacity Internet router.
In this use case, the data center is connected to a single transit provider and multiple additional peer networks. Initially all traffic is sent via a default route to the transit provider. The full Internet routing table consists of nearly 600,000 prefixes - far too many to fit in the switch hardware forwarding tables which in typical low cost switches can only handle Continue reading

Podcast with Nick Buraglio and Brent Salisbury

"Have you seen sFlow options in your router configuration or flow collector? Are you looking for alternatives to SNMP or NetFlow? Have you been curious about the instrumentation of your new white box or virtual switch? Yes? Then you will probably enjoy learning more about sFlow!"

Non-Blocking #1: SFlow With Peter Phaal Of InMon And SFlow.Org is a discussion between Brent Salisbury (, Nick Buraglio (, and Peter Phaal (

Web sites and tools mentioned in the podcast:
  2. Devices that support sFlow
  3. Software to analyze sFlow
  4. mailing list
  5. sFlow structures
  6. (incorrectly referenced as in the podcast)
  7. Host sFlow
  8. sflowtool

The podcast touches on a number of topics that have been explored in greater detail on this blog. The topics are listed in roughly the order they are mentioned in the podcast:
  1. Widespread support for sFlow among switch vendors
  2. Disaggregated flow cache
  3. ULOG
  4. Push vs Pull
  5. sFlow vs SNMP for interface counters
  6. Broadcom ASIC table utilization metrics, DevOps, and SDN
  7. Broadcom BroadView Instrumentation
  8. Rapidly detecting large flows, sFlow vs. NetFlow/IPFIX
  9. SDN and large flows
  10. Probes
  11. Packet headers
  12. Network virtualization Continue reading

Demystifying NFV Infrastructure Hotspots

Slides from the recent Dell NFV Summit 2015 are now available. Steve Wright's 7 Fallacies of NFV talk describes the importance of managing network resources in an NFV stack. The diagram above shows the complex network data paths that result from NFV as packets flow between virtual functions across physical and virtual switches.
The presentation describes how the Fallacies of Distributes Computing apply to NFV, highlighting the importance of effective management of network resources for effective NFV deployment.

Another paper, Demystifying NFV Infrastructure Hotspots by Ramki Krishnan, Anoop Ghanwani, and Michael Tien, demonstrates how industry standard sFlow instrumentation build into physical and virtual switches can provide the comprehensive real-time analytics needed to manage NFV deployments.
The vIMS (virtualized IP Multimedia Subsystem) is used as an example. The diagram below shows the functional elements of the logical architecture deployed on the hardware testbed shown above.
sFlow telemetry from the physical switches in the leaf and spine network, virtual switch instances, and hypervisors is streamed to an instance of the sFlow-RT analytics platform.
The dashboard application running on sFlow-RT demonstrates visibility into the traffic flows between virtual network functions.
The final set of charts in the dashboard shows the multi-media traffic flows running Continue reading

Environmental metrics with Cumulus Linux

Custom metrics with Cumulus Linux describes how to extend the set of metrics exported by the sFlow agent and used the export of BGP metrics as an example. This article demonstrates how environmental metrics (power supplies, temperatures, fan speeds etc.) can be exported.

The smonctl command can be used to dump sensor data as JSON formatted text:
cumulus@cumulus$ smonctl -j
"pwm_path": "/sys/devices/soc.0/ffe03100.i2c/i2c-1/1-004d",
"all_ok": "1",
"driver_hwmon": [
"min": 2500,
"cpld_path": "/sys/devices/ffe05000.localbus/ffb00000.CPLD",
"state": "OK",
"prev_state": "OK",
"msg": null,
"input": 8998,
"type": "fan",
"pwm1": 121,
"description": "Fan1",
"max": 29000,
"start_time": 1450228330,
"var": 15,
"pwm1_enable": 0,
"prev_msg": null,
"log_time": 1450228330,
"present": "1",
"target": 0,
"name": "Fan1",
"fault": "0",
"pwm_hwmon": [
"driver_path": "/sys/devices/soc.0/ffe03100.i2c/i2c-1/1-004d",
"div": "4",
"cpld_hwmon": [
The following Python script,, invokes the command, parses the output, and posts a set of custom sFlow metrics:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import socket
from subprocess import check_output

res = check_output(["/usr/sbin/smonctl","-j"])
smon = json.loads(res)
fan_maxpc = 0
fan_down = 0
fan_up = 0
psu_down = 0
psu_up = 0
temp_maxpc = 0
temp_up = 0
temp_down = 0
for s in smon:
type = s["type"]
if(type == Continue reading

Custom events

Measuring Page Load Speed with Navigation Timing describes the standard instrumentation built into web browsers. This article will use navigation timing as an example to demonstrate how custom sFlow events augment standard sFlow instrumentation embedded in network devices, load balancers, hosts and web servers.

The JQuery script can be embedded in a web page to provide timing information:
var samplingRate = 10;
if(samplingRate !== 1 && Math.random() > (1/samplingRate)) return;

if(window.performance) {
var t = window.performance.timing;
var msg = {
sampling_rate : samplingRate,
t_url : {type:"string",value:window.location.href},
t_useragent : {type:"string",value:navigator.userAgent},
t_loadtime : {type:"int32",value:t.loadEventEnd-t.navigationStart},
t_connecttime : {type:"int32",value:t.responseEnd-t.requestStart}
}, 0);
The script supports random sampling. In this case a samplingRate of 10 means that, on average, 1-in-10 page hits will generate a measurement record. Measurement records are sent back to the server where the navtiming.php script acts as a gateway, augmenting the measurements and sending them as custom sFlow events.
$rawInput = file_get_contents("php://input");
$rec = json_decode($rawInput);
$rec->datasource = "navtime";
$rec->t_ip = array("type" => "ip", "value" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

$sock = fsockopen("udp://localhost",36343,$errno,$errstr);
if(! $sock) { Continue reading

Custom metrics with Cumulus Linux

Cumulus Networks, sFlow and data center automation describes how Cumulus Linux is monitored using the open source Host sFlow agent that supports Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, and AIX operating systems and KVM, Xen, XCP, XenServer, and Hyper-V hypervisors, delivering a standard set of performance metrics from switches, servers, hypervisors, virtual switches, and virtual machines.

Host sFlow version 1.28.3 adds support for Custom Metrics. This article demonstrates how the extensive set of standard sFlow measurements can be augmented using custom metrics.

Recent releases of Cumulus Linux simplify the task by making machine readable JSON a supported output in command line tools. For example, the cl-bgp tool can be used to dump BGP summary statistics:
cumulus@leaf1$ sudo cl-bgp summary show json
{ "router-id": "", "as": 65080, "table-version": 5, "rib-count": 9, "rib-memory": 1080, "peer-count": 2, "peer-memory": 34240, "peer-group-count": 1, "peer-group-memory": 56, "peers": { "swp1": { "remote-as": 65082, "version": 4, "msgrcvd": 52082, "msgsent": 52084, "table-version": 0, "outq": 0, "inq": 0, "uptime": "05w1d04h", "prefix-received-count": 2, "prefix-advertised-count": 5, "state": "Established", "id-type": "interface" }, "swp2": { "remote-as": 65083, "version": 4, "msgrcvd": 52082, "msgsent": 52083, "table-version": 0, "outq": 0, "inq": 0, "uptime": "05w1d04h", "prefix-received-count": 2, "prefix-advertised-count": 5, "state": "Established", "id-type": "interface" } }, Continue reading

Using a proxy to feed metrics into Ganglia

The GitHub gmond-proxy project demonstrates how a simple proxy can be used to map metrics retrieved through a REST API into Ganglia's gmond TCP protocol.
The diagram shows the elements of the Ganglia monitoring system. The Ganglia server contains runs the gmetad daemon that polls for data from gmond instances and stores time series data. Trend charts are presented through the web interface. The transparent gmond-proxy replaces a native gmond daemon and delivers metrics in response to gmetad's polling requests.

The following commands install the proxy on the sFlow collector - an Ubuntu 14.04 system that is already runnig sFlow-RT:
sudo mv /etc/init.d/
sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/
sudo service start
sudo update-rc.d start
The following commands install Ganglia's gmetad collector and web user interface on the Ganglia server - an Ubuntu 14.04 system:
sudo apt-get install gmetad
sudo apt-get install ganglia-webfrontend
cp /etc/ganglia-webfrontend/apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
Next edit the /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf file and configure the proxy as a data source:
data_source "my cluster" sflow-rt
Restart the Apache and gmetad daemons:
sudo service gmetad restart
sudo service apache2 Continue reading

Broadcom BroadView Instrumentation

The diagram above, from the BroadView™ 2.0 Instrumentation Ecosystem presentation, illustrates how instrumentation built into the network Data Plane (the Broadcom Trident/Tomahawk ASICs used in most data center switches) provides visibility to Software Defined Networking (SDN) controllers so that they can optimize network performance.
The sFlow measurement standard provides open, scaleable, multi-vendor, streaming telemetry that supports SDN applications. Broadcom has been augmenting the rich set of counter and flow measurements in the base sFlow standard with additional metrics. For example, Broadcom ASIC table utilization metrics, DevOps, and SDN describes metrics that were added to track ASIC table resource consumption.

The highlighted Buffer congestion state / statistics capability in the slide refers to the BroadView Buffer Statistics Tracking (BST) instrumentation. The Memory Management Unit (MMU) is on-chip logic that manages how the on-chip packet buffers are organized.  BST is a feature that enables tracking the usage of these buffers. It includes snapshot views of peak utilization of the on-chip buffer memory across queues, ports, priority group, service pools and the entire chip.
The above chart from the Broadcom technical brief, Building an Open Source Data Center Monitoring Tool Using Broadcom BroadView™ Instrumentation Software, shows buffer utilization trended over an Continue reading

DDoS Blackhole

DDoS Blackhole has been released on GitHub, The application detects Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) flood attacks in real-time and can automatically install a null / blackhole route to drop the attack traffic and maintain Internet connectivity. See DDoS for additional background.

The screen capture above shows a simulated DNS amplification attack. The Top Targets chart is a real-time view of external traffic to on-site IP addresses. The red line indicates the threshold that has been set at 10,000 packets per second and it is clear that traffic to address exceeds the threshold. The Top Protocols chart below shows that the increase in traffic is predominantly DNS. The Controls chart shows that a control was added the instant the traffic crossed the threshold.
The Controls tab shows a table of the currently active controls. In this case, the controller is running in Manual mode and is listed with a pending status as it awaits manual confirmation (which is why the attack traffic persists in the Charts page). Clicking on the entry brings up a form that can be used to apply the control.
The chart above from the DDoS article shows an actual attack Continue reading

OVN service injection demonstration

Enabling extensibility in OVN, by Gal Sagie, Huawei and Liran Schour, IBM, Open vSwitch 2015 Fall Conference describes a method for composing actions from an external application with actions installed by the Open Network Virtualization (OVN) controller.

An API allows services to be attached to logical topology elements in the OVN logical topology, resulting in a table in the OVN logical flow table that is under the controller of the external service. Changes to the logical table are then automatically instantiated as concrete flows in the Open vSwitch instances responsible for handling the packets in the flow.

The demo presented involves detecting large "Elephant" flows using sFlow instrumentation embedded in Open vSwitch. Once a large flow is detected, logical flows are instantiated in the OVN controller to mark the packets. The concrete marking rules are inserted in the Open vSwitch packet processing pipelines handling the logical flow's packets. In the demo, the marked packets are then diverted by the physical network to a dedicated optical circuit.

There are a number of interesting traffic control use cases described on this blog that could leverage the capabilities of Open vSwitch using this approach:

Open vSwitch 2015 Fall Conference

Open vSwitch is an open source software virtual switch that is popular in cloud environments such as OpenStack. Open vSwitch is a standard Linux component that forms the basis of a number of commercial and open source solutions for network virtualization, tenant isolation, and network function virtualization (NFV) - implementing distributed virtual firewalls and routers.

The recent Open vSwitch 2015 Fall Conference agenda included a wide variety speakers addressing a range of topics, including: Open Network Virtualization (OVN), containers, service chaining,  and network function virtualization (NFV).

The video above is a recording of the following sFlow related talk from the conference:
New OVS instrumentation features aimed at real-time monitoring of virtual networks (Peter Phaal, InMon)
The talk will describe the recently added packet-sampling mechanism that returns the full list of OVS actions from the kernel. A demonstration will show how the OVS sFlow agent uses this mechanism to provide real-time tunnel visibility. The motivation for this visibility will be discussed, using examples such as end-to-end troubleshooting across physical and virtual networks, and tuning network packet paths by influencing workload placement in a VM/Container environment.
This talk is a follow up to an Open vSwitch 2014 Fall Conference talk on the Continue reading

Network virtualization visibility demo

New OVS instrumentation features aimed at real-time monitoring of virtual networks, Open vSwitch 2015 Fall Conference, included a demonstration of real-time visibility into the logical network overlays created by network virtualization, virtual switches, and the leaf and spine underlay carrying the tunneled traffic between hosts.

The diagram above shows the demonstration testbed. It consists of a leaf and spine network connecting two hosts, each of which is running a pair of Docker containers connected to Open vSwitch (OVS). The vSwitches are controlled by Open Virtual Network (OVN), which has been configured to create two logical switches, the first connecting the left most containers on each host and the second connecting the right most containers. The testbed is described in more detail in Open Virtual Network (OVN) and is built from free components and can easily be replicated.

The dashboard in the video illustrates the end to end visibility that is possible by combining standard sFlow instrumentation in the physical switches with sFlow instrumentation in Open vSwitch and Host sFlow agents on the servers.

The diagram on the left of the dashboard shows a logical map of the elements in the testbed. The top panel shows the two logical switches Continue reading

SC15 live real-time weathermap

Connect to between now and November 19th to see a real-time heat map of the The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC15) network.

From the SCinet web page, "SCinet brings to life a very high-capacity network that supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC conference. SCinet will link the convention center to research and commercial networks around the world. In doing so, SCinet serves as the platform for exhibitors to demonstrate the advanced computing resources of their home institutions and elsewhere by supporting a wide variety of bandwidth-driven applications including supercomputing and cloud computing."

The real-time weathermap leverages industry standard sFlow instrumentation built into network switch and router hardware to provide scaleable monitoring of the over 6 Terrabit/s aggregate link capacity comprising the SCinet network. Link colors are updated every second to reflect operational status and utilization of each link.

Clicking on a link in the map pops up a 1 second resolution strip chart showing the protocol mix carried by the link.

The SCinet real-time weathermap was constructed using open source components running on the sFlow-RT real-time analytics engine. Download sFlow-RT and see what Continue reading
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