To kick off the new year, we sat down with Docker CEO Scott Johnston and asked him what the future holds for software development. Here are his 2020 predictions and trends to keep an eye on.
Developers will find new ways to reuse existing code instead of reinventing the wheel to start from scratch. Additionally, we’ll see companies extend the value to existing apps by adding more functionality via microservices.
Today’s applications are more complex than those of yesterday. In 2020, modern apps will power tomorrow’s innovation and this requires a diverse set of tools, languages and frameworks for developers. Developers need even more flexibility to address this new wave of modern apps and evolve with the rest of the industry.
Now that containers are typically considered a common deployment mechanism, the conversation will evolve from the packaging of individual containers to the packaging of the entire application (which are becoming increasingly diverse and distributed). Organizations will increasingly look for guidance and solutions that help them unify how they build and manage Continue reading
As has been my custom over the last five years or so, in the early part of the year I like to share with my readers a list of personal projects for the upcoming year (here’s the 2019 list). Then, near the end of that same year or very early in the following year, I evaluate how I performed against that list of personal projects (for example, here’s my project report card for 2018). In this post, I’ll continue that pattern with an evaluation of my progress against my 2019 project list.
For reference, here’s the list of projects I set out for myself for 2019 (you can read the associated blog post, if you like, for additional context):
Here’s how I Continue reading
The Docker Community is the heart of Docker’s success and a huge reason why Docker was named the most wanted and second most loved developer tool in the 2019 Stack Overflow Survey. This year, we honored the following members of the Docker Community for their exemplary contributions to Docker users around the globe. On behalf of Docker and developers everywhere, thank you for your passion and commitment to this community!
Ajeet is a Docker Captain and Docker Community Leader for Docker Bangalore, the largest Docker Meetup in the world with nearly 8,000 members. His meetups are more like mini-conferences, commonly exceeding hundreds of RSVPs and involving free hands on workshop and training content that he and his docker community have developed. Ajeet is also a prolific blogger, sharing docker and kubernetes content on his blog Collabnix, which had over a million views in 2019. Ajeet also helped to organize and/or speak at more than 30+ events over the past year. This year, Ajeet was recognized by his fellow Captains to receive the Tip of the Captains Hat Award for his tireless dedication to sharing his expertise with the broader tech community. Keep up with Ajeet Continue reading
I’ll skip the build-up and jump straight to the whole point of this post: a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has come up and I’m embarking on a new adventure starting in early 2020. No, I’m not changing jobs…but I am changing time zones.
Sometime in the next month or two (dates are still being finalized), I’ll be temporarily relocating to Tokyo, Japan, to help build out VMware’s Cloud Native Field Engineering team to provide consulting and professional services around cloud-native technologies and modern application platforms for customers in Japan. Basically, my charter is to replicate the former Heptio Field Engineering team (now the Cloud Native Field Engineering Practice within VMware) in Japan.
Accomplishing this feat will involve a variety of responsibilities: a pretty fair amount of training/enablement, engaging customers on the pre-sales side, helping lead projects on the post-sales (delivery) side, mentoring team members, performing some project management, probably some people management, and the infamous “other duties as required.” All in about six months (the inital duration of my assignment), and all while learning Japanese! No big deal, right?
I’m both simultaneously excited and scared. I’m excited by the idea of living in Tokyo, but let’s be honest—the language barrier is Continue reading
Welcome to Technology Short Take #122! Luckily I did manage to get another Tech Short Take squeezed in for 2019, just so all my readers could have some reading materials for the holidays. I’m kidding! No, I mean I really am kidding—don’t read stuff over the holidays. Spend time with your family instead. The investment in your family will pay off in later years, trust me.
As this decade comes to a close, we are rounding up some of your favorite content from 2019. Catch up on anything you missed and get ready for a lot more to come in 2020!
Brian Christner did an analysis of VMware, Docker, and Kubernetes Google Trends and the results just might surprise you. . . or maybe not.
John Lees Miller updated his 2016 Lessons from Building a Node App in Docker. Run through the updated tutorial to learn how to Dockerize your node.js apps by setting up the chat example with Docker, from scratch to production-ready.
Ajeet Singh Raina wrote nearly 30 blogs in 2019, and the most popular was 5 Minutes to Kubernetes Dashboard running on Docker Desktop for Windows Find yourself five minutes before the end of the year to try this out yourself.
Łukasz Lach and Thomas Shaw spread holiday cheer with some seasonal docker run commands:
$ docker run -it lukaszlach/merry-christmas
docker run --rm -t tomwillfixit/hohoho
Bret Fisher hosts a weekly Docker and DevOps YouTube live show – a fun and educational way to spend an hour on Thursdays. Continue reading
There was amazing attendance at Containers Today in Stockholm a couple of weeks ago. For those who were unable to make it, here is a quick overview of what I talked about at the event in my session around the future of the developer journey.
Before we talk about what we think will change the journey, we need to think about why it changes. The fundamental goal of any change to the way of working for developers should be to reduce the number of boring, mundane and repetitive tasks that developers have to do or to allow them to reach new customers/solve new problems. Developers create amazing value for companies and provide solutions to customers’ real world problems. But if they are having to spend half of their time working out how to get things into the hands of their customers, then you are getting half the value.
The role of developers has changed a lot over the last ~40 years. Developers no longer deploy to mainframes or in house hardware, they don’t do waterfall deployments and not many of them write in machine code. Developers have to now think about web languages and ML, work in Continue reading
With the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform release in November, we released over 50 network resource modules to help make automating network devices easier and more turn-key for network engineers. In addition to the new resource modules, Andrius also discussed fact gathering enhancements in his blog post, which means with every new resource module, users gain increased fact coverage for network devices. For this blog post I want to cover another cool enhancement that may have gone unnoticed. This is the ability for network devices to make use of the wait_for_connection module. If you are a network engineer that has operational Ansible Playbooks that need to reboot devices or take them offline, this module will help you make more programmatic playbooks to handle disconnects. By leveraging wait_for_connection network automation playbooks can look and behave more like playbooks for Linux or Windows hosts.
Comparing wait_for and wait_for_connection
Using reset_connection in combination
There are two great modules that can wait for a condition to be met, wait_for and the wait_for_connection. I highly recommend against using the pause module if you Continue reading
In Getting Started With Ansible Content Collections, which presented the general idea behind what is becoming a new standard in the distribution of Ansible content, we learned about the what, the why and the how of Ansible Collections (and hopefully it got you excited about Ansible Collections!). In this post, we'll take things a bit further, continuing the journey into the world of Ansible Collections accompanied by the certified Sensu Go Ansible Collection that our team at XLAB Steampunk developed and supports for Sensu.
This article will guide you through the process of creating a fully functioning automated deployment of the Sensu Go monitoring agent and backend with the help of roles and modules included in the Sensu Go Ansible Collection.
If you are not familiar with Sensu Go, this quick introduction to Sensu Go will help you get up to speed.
Before we begin, let's first talk about the collection we're taking along for the ride.
What exactly do we need for a complete and fully functioning deployment of Sensu Go? First, the Sensu Go monitoring backend. Then, to allow the backend to Continue reading
The latest Edge release of Docker Desktop for Windows has a completely new filesharing system using FUSE instead of Samba. The initial blog post we released presents the performance improvements of this new implementation and explains how to give feedback. Please try it out and let us know what you think. Now, we are going to go into details to give you more insight about the new architecture.
Instead of Samba running over a Hyper-V virtual network, the new system uses a Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) server running over gRPC over Hypervisor sockets.
The following diagram shows the path taken by a single request from a container, for example to read a PHP file:
In step (1) the web-server in the container calls “read” which is a Linux system call handled by the kernel’s Virtual File System (VFS) layer. The VFS is modular and supports many different filesystem implementations. In our case we use Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) which sends the request to a helper process running inside the VM labelled “FUSE client.” This process runs within the same namespace as the Docker engine. The FUSE client can handle some requests locally, but Continue reading
A common developer workflow when using frameworks like Symfony or React is to edit the source code using a Windows IDE while running the app itself in a Docker container. The source is shared between the host and the container with a command like the following:
$ docker run -v C:\Users\me:/code -p 8080:8080 my-symfony-app
This allows the developer to edit the source code, save the changes and immediately see the results in their browser. This is where file sharing performance becomes critical.
The latest Edge release of Docker Desktop for Windows has a completely new filesharing implementation using Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) instead of Samba which:
This improvement is available today in the Edge release and will roll-out to the stable Continue reading
Welcome to Technology Short Take #121! This may possibly be the last Tech Short Take of 2019 (not sure if I’ll be able to squeeze in another one), so here’s hoping that you find something useful, helpful, or informative in the links that I’ve collected. Enjoy some light reading over your festive holiday season!
Docker Application eases the packaging and the distribution of a Docker Compose application. The TICK stack – Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor – is a good candidate to illustrate how this actually works. In this blog, I’ll show you how to deploy the TICK stack as a Docker App.
This application stack is mainly used to handle time-series data. That makes it a great choice for IoT projects, where devices send data (temperature, weather indicators, water level, etc.) on a regular basis.
Its name comes from its components:
– Telegraf
– InfluxDB
– Chronograf
– Kapacitor
The schema below illustrates the overall architecture, and outlines the role of each component.
Data are sent to Telegraph and stored in an InfluxDB database. Chronograf can query the database through a web interface. Kapacitor can process, monitor, and raise alerts based on the data.
The tick.yml file below defines the four components of the stack and the way they communicate with each other:
version: '3.7' services: telegraf: image: telegraf configs: - source: telegraf-conf target: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf ports: - 8186:8186 influxdb: image: influxdb chronograf: Continue reading
On November 25, 2019, AWS announced the release of AWS IoT Greengrass 1.10 allowing developers to package applications into Docker container images and deploy these to edge devices. Deploying and running Docker containers on AWS IoT Greengrass devices enables application portability across development environments, edge locations, and the cloud. Docker images can easily be stored in Docker Hub, private container registries, or with Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR).
Docker is committed to working with cloud service provider partners such as AWS who offer Docker-compatible on-demand container infrastructure services for both individual containers as well as multi-container apps. To make it even easier for developers to benefit from the speed of these services but without giving up app portability and infrastructure choice, Docker Hub will seamlessly integrate developers’ “build” and “share” workflows with the cloud “run” services of their choosing.
“Docker and AWS are collaborating on our shared vision of how workloads can be more easily deployed to edge devices. Docker’s industry-leading container technology including Docker Desktop and Docker Hub are integral to advancing developer workflows for modern apps and IoT solutions. Our customers can now deploy and run Docker containers seamlessly on AWS IoT Greengrass devices, enabling development Continue reading
In a previous blog I wrote about Getting Started with Automation Analytics, but now want to expand on what data is collected and how to gain access to that data. I highly recommend reading the previous blog if you are new to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, Ansible Tower concepts and our SaaS offerings. This is important to many customers because they all have their own security concerns with what data leaves their premises as well as obligations to their own customers and stakeholders to make sure data sent will not be compromised in any way.
Login to the Ansible Tower host with Continue reading
In honor of Black Friday, America’s favorite shopping holiday, we’ve rounded up the best deals on Docker + Kubernetes learning materials from Docker Captains. Docker Captain is a distinction that Docker awards to select members of the community that are both experts in their field and are committed to sharing their Docker knowledge with others.
Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, Elton Stoneman (Save 40% with the code webdoc40).
Docker in Action Second Edition (2019), Jeff Nickeloff (Save 50% with the code tsdocker).
Manning publications is also offering half off when you spend $50 this week.
Nigel Poulton’s The Kubernetes Book and Docker Deep Dive ebook bundles is $7 (for both!) through December 1st with this link.
All of Bret Fisher’s courses are $9.99 through Friday, November 29th. Choose from Docker Mastery, Kubernetes Mastery, Swarm Mastery, and Docker for Node.js.
Elton Stoneman has a wealth of courses, from Handling Data and Stateful Applications in Docker to Modernizing .Net Framework Apps with Docker on Pluralsight. Get 40% an annual or premium subscription through Friday November 29th.
Nick Janetakis’ Dive into Docker and Build Web Applications with Flask and Docker Continue reading
As part of the release of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, we’re happy to announce the release of Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.6. Ansible Tower is the scalable execution framework of the Ansible Automation Platform, providing an API around automation that you can use to scale automation across your enterprise and integrate automation into your tools and processes.
Not all automation processes can proceed entirely without human input. In Ansible Tower 3.6, we’ve added pause and approval to Ansible Tower workflows to help enable more flexible automation. At any step in a workflow you can pause and wait for an approval from an administrator, or any other you delegate approval permissions to. Need to verify that your deployment was fully successful before updating the external DNS entries? Need to ensure that your developers won’t spin up 300 extra cloud servers when provisioning new dev environments? Now you can do that, integrated directly in Ansible Tower workflows.
Notifications were introduced in Ansible Tower 3.0, allowing the status of any job to be reported out via email, Slack, IRC, and more. In Ansible Tower 3.6, we’ve made the content Continue reading
Welcome to Technology Short Take #120! Wow…hard to believe it’s been almost two months since the last Tech Short Take. Sorry about that! Hopefully something I share here in this Tech Short Take is useful or helpful to readers. On to the content!
to inspect kubectl
traffic. I’m now inspired to go do this myself and see what knowledge I can gain.I don’t have anything to share this time around, but I’ll stay alert for content to include future Tech Short Takes.
as found in CentOS 8 may prove useful to some readers. I’ve been messing around with firewalld
ever since Continue readingBryan Liles kicked off the day 3 morning keynotes with a discussion of “finding Kubernetes’ Rails moment”—basically focusing on how Kubernetes enables folks to work on/solve higher-level problems. Key phrase from Bryan’s discussion (which, as usual, incorporated the humor I love to see from Bryan): “Kubernetes isn’t the destination. Kubernetes is the vehicle that takes us to the destination.” Ian Coldwater delivered a talk on looking at Kubernetes from the attacker’s point of view, and using that perspective to secure and harden Kubernetes. Two folks from Walmart also discussed their use case, which involves running Kubernetes clusters in retail locations to support a point-of-sale (POS) application at the check-out register. Finally, there was a discussion of chaos engineering from folks at Gremlin and Target.
Due to booth duty and my flight home, I wasn’t able to attend any breakout sessions today.
If I’m completely honest, I didn’t get as much out of the event as I’d hoped. I’m not yet sure if that is because I didn’t get to attend as many sessions as I’d hoped/planned (due to problems with sessions being moved/rescheduled or whatever), if my choice of sessions was just poor, Continue reading
This morning’s keynotes were, in my opinion, better than yesterday’s morning keynotes. (I missed the closing keynotes yesterday due to customer meetings and calls.) Only a couple of keynotes really stuck out. Vicki Cheung provided some useful suggestions for tools that are helping to “close the gap” on user experience, and there was an interesting (but a bit overly long) session with a live demo on running a 5G mobile core on Kubernetes.
Due to some power outages at the conference venue resulting from rain in San Diego, the Prometheus session I had planned to attend got moved to a different time. As a result, I sat in this session by Lyft instead. The topic was about running large-scale stateful workloads, but the content was really about a custom solution Lyft built (called Flyte) that leveraged CRDs and custom controllers to help manage stateful workloads. While it’s awesome that companies like Lyft can extend Kubernetes to address their specific needs, this session isn’t helpful to more “ordinary” companies that are trying to figure out how to run their stateful workloads on Kubernetes. I’d really like the CNCF and the conference committee to try Continue reading