Docker will be at Open Source Summit from to highlight new development with the Moby Project and it’s various components: containerd, LinuxKit, InfraKit, Notary, etc.
Come see us at Booth #510 to learn more about:
As part of the OSS NA, Docker is also organizing a Moby Summit on September 14, 2017. Following the success of the previous editions, we’ll keep the same format which consists of short technical talks / demos in the morning and Birds-of-a-Feather in the afternoon.
We have an excellent line up of speakers in store for you and are excited to share the agenda below. We hope that these sessions inspire you to come participate in the Moby community and register for this Moby summit.
For those of you who can’t attend the summit we recommend the following sessions as part of the main event / tracks:
Speaker: Patrick Chanezon
This talk will explain how you can leverage the Moby project to assemble your own Continue reading
The DockerCon Europe website has a fresh look and new sessions added. The DockerCon Review Committee is still working through announcing final sessions in each breakout track, but below is an overview of the tracks and content you’ll find this year in Copenhagen. To view abstracts in more detail check out the Agenda Page.
In case you missed it, we have two summits happening on Thursday, October 19th. The Moby Summit, a hands-on collaborative event for advanced container users who are actively maintaining, contributing or generally interested in the design and development of the Moby Project and it’s components. The Enterprise Summit, a full day event for enterprise IT practitioners who want to learn how they can embrace the journey to hybrid IT and implement a new strategy to help fund their modernization efforts.
We have an excellent line up of speakers in store for you and are excited to share the agenda below. We hope that these sessions inspire you to register to DockerCon Europe.
Using Docker sessions are introductory sessions for Docker users, dev and ops alike. Filled with practical advice, learnings, and insight, these sessions will help you get started with Docker or Continue reading
Docker will be at VMworld 2017 next week (August 27-31) in Las Vegas to highlight new developments with Docker Enterprise Edition (EE), the only Container as a Service (CaaS) platform for managing and securing Windows, Linux and mainframe applications across any infrastructure, both on premises and in the cloud.
Stop by Booth #1206 to learn more about:
Just as VMware vSphere simplified the management of VMs and made virtualization the de facto standard inside the data center, Docker is driving containerization of your entire application portfolio with Docker EE and helping organizations like yours to achieve their cloud and app modernization goals without requiring you to change how you operate.
Don’t miss the chance to get hands-on experience with Docker with our in-booth labs. Led by Docker experts, you will get to see for yourself how Docker brings all applications—traditional and cloud-native, Windows and Linux, on-prem and in Continue reading
I’ve been at Docker for just over two years now, and I’ve worked with every version of Docker Enterprise Edition (née Docker Datacenter) since before there even was a Docker Enterprise Edition (EE). I’m more excited about this new release than any previous release.
There are several new features that are going to ease the management of your applications (both traditional and cloud-native) wherever you need them to run: the cloud or the data center, virtual or physical, Linux or Windows – and now even IBM Z mainframes.
It would take too long to discuss all of the new features, so with that in mind, I’m going to talk about my three favorite features in Docker EE 17.06.
Docker and Microsoft introduced support for Windows Server containers last fall. This was a major milestone that helped Docker move towards the goal of embracing apps across the entirety of the data center. With this latest release Docker extends hybrid OS operations even further: IT admins can now build and manage clusters comprised of Linux, Windows Server 2016, and IBM Z mainframes – all from the same management plane. This means you can manage applications comprised of both Windows Continue reading
The Docker team will be in sunny San Diego, CA, August 21-23 for Gartner Catalyst. Come by and visit us in Booth #508 to meet with our Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) experts, see a demo of Docker EE, and ask us any questions you may have before and after any of the Gartner sessions on Docker and containers. Better yet, schedule a meeting with us and we’ll not only answer all your questions, you will also get a special gift.
This year’s Catalyst event includes an entire topic dedicated to Docker and containers, which you can find by looking for the topic “Docker & Containers” in the schedule builder. If you are still trying to separate all the fact from fiction about Docker and want a specific recommendation, there is a great Tech Demo session by Gartner analyst Richard Watson we think you might like titled Seven Docker & Container Myths We Need To Bust.
We hope you will join us at Gartner Catalyst to get the latest research on the next big trends for IT, but if you are not in San Diego, we hope to see you at one of these other upcoming events:
We are excited to share the new release of Docker Enterprise Edition. By supporting IBM Z and Windows Server 2016, this release puts us further in the lead with the first Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS) solution in the market for the modernization of all applications without disruption to you and your IT environment.
Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) 17.06 embraces Windows, Linux and Linux-based mainframe applications, bringing the key benefits of CaaS to the enterprise application portfolio. Most enterprises manage a diverse set of applications that includes both traditional applications and microservices, built on Linux and Windows, and intended for x86 servers, mainframes, and public clouds. Docker EE unites all of these applications into single platform, complete with customizable and flexible access control, support for a broad range of applications and infrastructure, and a highly automated software supply chain. These capabilities allow organizations to easily layer Docker EE onto existing processes and workflows, aligning to existing organizational structures while delivering improved resource utilization and reduced maintenance time.
This release includes UCP 2.2 and DTR 2.3 and establishes Docker EE as a key IT platform for both new application development as well as application modernization across both on-premises and Continue reading
This post provides an extremely basic “quick reference” to some commonly-used AWS CLI commands. It’s not intended to be a deep dive, nor is it intended to serve as any sort of comprehensive reference (the AWS CLI docs nicely fill that need).
This post does make a couple of important assumptions:
This post assumes you already have a basic understanding of the key AWS concepts and terminology, and therefore doesn’t provide any definitions or explanations of these concepts.
This post assumes the AWS CLI is configured to output in JSON. (If you’re not familiar with JSON, see this introductory article.) If you’ve configured your AWS CLI installation to output in plain text, then you’ll need to adjust these commands accordingly.
I’ll update this post over time to add more “commonly-used” commands, since each reader’s definition of “commonly used” may be different based on the AWS services consumed.
To list SSH keypairs in your default region:
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs
To use jq
to grab the name of the first SSH keypair returned:
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs | jq -r '.KeyPairs[0].KeyName'
To store the name of the first SSH keypair returned in a variable for use in later commands:
KEY_NAME=$(aws Continue reading
A few months ago, I stumbled across a service called ODrive (“Oh” Drive) that allows you to combine multiple cloud storage services together. Since that time, I’ve been experimenting with ODrive, testing it to see how well it works, if at all, with my Fedora Linux environment. In spite of very limited documentation, I think I’ve finally come to a point where I can share what I’ve learned.
Before I proceed any further, I do feel it is necessary to provide a couple of disclaimers. First, while I’m using ODrive myself, I’m not using their paid (premium) service, even though it offers quite a bit more functionality. Why? Maybe this is a “chicken-and-egg” scenario, but I have a really hard time paying for a premium service where Linux client functionality is very limited and the documentation is extraordinarily sparse. (ODrive, if you’re reading this: put some effort into your Linux support and your docs, and you’ll probably get more paying customers.) Second, I’m providing this information “as is”; use it at your own risk.
OK, with those disclaimers out of the way, let’s get into the content. For Linux users, this page is about the extent of ODrive’s documentation. Continue reading
For various reasons that we don’t need to get into just yet, I’ve started exploring Microsoft Azure. Given that I’m a command-line interface (CLI) fan, and given that I use Fedora as my primary laptop operating system, this led me to installing the Azure CLI on my Fedora 25 system—and that, in turn, led to this blog post.
First, some background. Microsoft has instructions for installing Azure CLI on Linux, but there are two problems with these instructions:
Official packages that can be installed via a package manager are only provided for Ubuntu/Debian. Clearly, this leaves Fedora/CentOS/RHEL users out in the cold.
Users of other Linux distributions are advised to use curl
to download a script and pipe that script directly into Bash. (“Danger, Will Robinson!”) Clearly, this is not a security best practice, although I am glad that they didn’t recommend the use of sudo
in the mix.
Now, if you dig into #2 a bit, you’ll find that the InstallAzureCli
script you’re advised to download via curl
really does nothing more than download a Python script named
. The
Python script really just uses pip
and virtualenv
to install the Azure Continue reading
Next up in our #AskAnsible posts is Chris Meyers, our Senior Software Engineer.
Learn his take on five key questions we often get regarding testing Ansible Playbooks and roles.
1. Why should I test my Playbooks and roles?
Chris: Ansible Playbooks and roles should be treated like production code. Production code usually has unit tests, functional tests, and integration tests.
Chris: You can start at any time! Tests can be added for new Playbooks or to existing Playbooks. Testing Continue reading
Welcome to Technology Short Take #85! This is my irregularly-published collection of links and articles from around the Internet related to the major data center technologies: networking, hardware, security, cloud computing, applications/OSes, storage, and virtualization. Plus, just for fun, I usually try to include a couple career-related links as well. Enjoy!
Each year, DockerCon brings the community together to learn, belong and contribute. With the support of Docker and our DockerCon Europe Scholarship sponsor, the Open Container Initiative (OCI) our team has created the DockerCon Europe Scholarship Program to provide members of the Docker community, who are traditionally underrepresented, mentorship and a financial scholarship to attend DockerCon in Copenhagen this year. This scholarship program aims to foster inclusivity by supporting members of our community through access to resources, tools and mentorship needed to facilitate career and educational development.
If you are interested in applying for the DockerCon Scholarship, follow the steps below:
Application Process:
The application process includes completing one of the five self-paced trainings along with the scholarship application form.
Step 1
Complete at least one of the free self-paced courses available in the Docker Playground. These courses are intended for both Dev and Ops beginner and intermediate level Docker users. Select which course you feel best fits you.
Step 2
After you’ve finished one of the courses, complete the application here. In the application, you will need to provide the name(s) of the lab(s) you completed along with the answers to the quiz at the end of Continue reading
Earlier this week, I completed the migration of this site to an entirely new platform, marking the third or fourth platform migration for this site in its 12-year history. Prior to the migration, the site was generated using Jekyll and GitHub Pages following a previous migration in late 2014. Prior to that, I ran WordPress for about 9 years. So what is it running now?
The site is now generated using Hugo, an extraordinarily fast static site generator. I switched to Hugo because it offers a couple of key benefits over Jekyll:
Hugo also gives me more flexibility that I had with Jekyll, such as generating lists of articles by tag or lists of articles by category. Along with those additions—the ability to browse by tag or category—I’ve also removed the pagination (I mean, who’s really going to page through 188 pages of Continue reading
We recently started a multi-part learning series for SysAdmins and IT professionals called IT Starts With Docker. We started with the basics, covering container technology and Docker solutions for the enterprise. Now, we shift to the important question: Is it worth your time and your company’s investment to further explore Docker Enterprise Edition (EE)?
The resounding answer to that question is YES. IT teams who have adopted Docker EE are finding it faster and easier to deploy and maintain their applications, plus drive better infrastructure utilization, all without touching the underlying code. Developer teams are realizing productivity gains of their own by being able to onboard new developers faster, shortening the cycles from development to production, and elimination of the burdensome “it worked on my machine” problems.
Try the simple ROI calculator for yourself. It takes just a couple of minutes and allows you to estimate your own savings with Docker EE and how you can become the budget hero of your department. Then, register for our live webinar on Tuesday, August 15th, The Business Value of Docker, where we will outline how organizations like your own are saving 50% on their total costs with Docker EE. Continue reading
We have done a few talks in the past on different features of containerd, how it was designed, and some of the problems that we have fixed along the way. Containerd is used by Docker, Kubernetes CRI, and a few other projects but this is a post for people who may not know what containerd actually does within these platforms. I would like to do more posts on the featureset and design of containerd in the future but for now, we will start with the basics.
I think the container ecosystem can be confusing at times. Especially with the terminology that we use. Whats this? A runtime. And this? A runtime… containerd as the name implies, not contain nerd as some would like to troll me with, is a container daemon. It was originally built as an integration point for OCI runtimes like runc but over the past six months it has added a lot of functionality to bring it up to par with the needs of modern container platforms like Docker and Kubernetes.
Since there is no such thing as Linux containers in the kernelspace, containers are various kernel features tied together, when you are building a large Continue reading
Docker is standardizing the way to package applications, making it easier for developers to code and build apps on their laptop or workstation and for IT to manage, secure and deploy into a variety of infrastructure platforms
In last week’s webinar, Docker 101: An Introduction to Docker, we went from describing what a container is, all the way to what a production deployment of Docker looks like, including how large enterprise organizations and world-class universities are leveraging Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) to modernize their legacy applications and accelerate public cloud adoption.
If you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording here:
We ran out of time to go through everyone’s questions, so here are some of the top questions from the webinar:
Q: How does Docker get access to platform resources, such as I/O, networking, etc. Is it a type of hypervisor?
A: Docker EE is not a type of hypervisor. Hypervisors create virtual hardware: they make one server appear to be many servers but generally know little or nothing about the applications running inside them. Containers are the opposite: they make one OS or one application server appear to be many isolated instances. Containers explicitly must know the Continue reading
Welcome to another post in our Getting Started series. Keep reading to learn how to draft a Playbook that can be run in Ansible or Ansible Tower. You can also use it along with the Module Index and the other docs to build your own Playbooks later.
Playbooks are esentially sets of instructions (plays) that you send to run on a single target or groups of targets (hosts). Think about the instructions you get for assembling an appliance or furniture. The manufacturer includes instructions so you can put the parts together in the correct order. When followed in order, the furniture looks like what was purchased.
That's basically how a Playbook works.
The Playbook we're building will install a web server on a target RHEL/CentOS 7 host, then write an index.html file based on a template file that will reside with the final Playbook. You'll be able to take the example Playbook and additional files from this blog and test it out for yourself. While going over the example Playbook, we'll explain the modules that are used.
AuthorsThe author adds instructions for the modules to run, often with additional values (arguments, locations, etc. Continue reading
Summer is flying by and DockerCon Europe 2017 (October 16-19) will be here before we know it! The DockerCon team is heads down reviewing all of the proposals submitted and we are almost ready to release a full agenda. With that, we are thrilled to share with you the DockerCon Europe 2017 Website including the first confirmed speakers and sessions.
Learn more about DockerCon:
Announcing the first @DockerCon Europe 2017 speakers cc @arungupta @adrianmouat @abbyfuller
Click To Tweet
The post Announcing the first DockerCon Europe 2017 Speakers appeared first on Docker Blog.
Happy SysAdmin Day! Cheers to all of you who keep your organizations running, keep our data secure, respond at a moment’s notice and bring servers and apps back to life after a crash. Today we say, “Thank You!”
Anniversaries are a great time to reflect on accomplishments of the last year: the projects you’ve completed, the occasions you’ve saved your company money or time, the new technology you’ve learned. In a role like IT, so much can change each year as technology progresses and becomes more challenging to stay ahead of that curve. So this SysAdmin Day, we at Docker want to congratulate your past successes and prepare you for the year to come.
Containers are not just for developers anymore and Docker is the standard for packaging all kinds of applications – Windows, Linux, traditional, and microservices. Over the next few months, we’ll be covering how SysAdmins like yourself are enabling their organizations to innovate faster while saving their companies’ money by embracing containers with Docker Enterprise Edition.
Sign up here to start your journey and learn how IT Starts with Docker.
This multi-part series will include:
At VMworld 2017 in Las Vegas, I’m organizing—as I have in previous years—a gathering of Christians for a brief time of prayer while at the conference. If you’re interested in joining us, here are the details.
What: A brief time of prayer
Where: Mandalay Bay Convention Center, level 1 (same level as the food court), at the bottom of the escalators heading upstairs (over near the business center)
When: Monday 8/28 through Thursday 8/31 at 7:45am (this should give everyone enough time to grab breakfast before the keynotes start at 9am)
Who: All courteous attendees are welcome, but please note that this will be a distinctly Christian-focused and Christ-centric activity (I encourage believers of other faiths/religions to organize equivalent activities)
Why: To spend a few minutes in prayer over the day, the conference, the attendees, and each other
You don’t need to RSVP or anything like that, although you’re welcome to if you’d like (just hit me up on Twitter). There’s also no need to bring anything other than an open heart, your faith, and your willingness to display that faith in front of others. This is quite casual—we’ll gather together, share a few prayer requests and needs, and Continue reading