
Category Archives for "Virtualization"

How To: Setting up a GRE or VXLAN tunnel on Linux

This is a guide to setting up VXLAN/GRE tunnels between two linux machines, be it virtual or physical. There are so many guides and reference pages on the internet but I couldn't find one that is comprehensive yet simple. Most popular method of setting up tunnels in linux seems to be using OpenvSwitch. There are a few interesting posts [redhat][Brent Sailsbury's blog][David Mahler - Youtube] out there that describe tunnel setup using OVS but few that leverages linux network stack directly. The closest I could find were a kernel reference page for VXLAN and a presentation from LinuxCon2013.

In this post both methods - OpenvSwitch & only linux networking will be discussed. When we speak about VXLAN we normally discuss multicast groups and how endpoints (VTEP) learn and populate both the fdb (forwarding database entry) and the mdb (multicast group database entry). This article describes "not using" a multicast group and dynamic learning when setting the tunnel up natively, i.e. without OVS. Both methods require a fairly newer kernel (3.7 and greater) and needs the "vxlan" kernel module to be loaded. lsmod can be used to check if this Continue reading

Technology Short Take #77

Welcome to Technology Short Take #77. I’ve got a new collection of links and articles from around the Web on various data center-focused technologies.


Technology Short Take #76

Welcome to Technology Short Take #76, the first Technology Short Take of 2017. Normally, I’d publish this on a Friday, but due to extenuating circumstances (my mother-in-law’s funeral is tomorrow) I’m posting it today. Here’s hoping you find something useful!


Happy New Documentation!

The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability of all-new principal documentation for the oVirt 4.0 branch.

There are many people out there who are content to use software without documentation, preferring to muddle through the software based on past experience with similar software or just the desire to put the software through its paces.

We all do this; I could not tell you the last time I looked at documentation for Firefox or Chrome, because I've been using browsers for over 20 years and seriously, what else is there to learn? Until I learn about a cool new feature from a friend or a web site.

In a software community project, one of the biggest things a community must do is to provide proper onboarding to the project's result. This means:

  • Explaining what the software is

  • Providing a clear path to getting the software

  • Demonstrating how to use the software

All three of these onboarding requirements must be done right in order for onboarding to work successfully. Documenation, then, fulfills the third requirement: showing how software can be used. Not every one will need it, but for those users who do need it, it is very nice Continue reading

Upcoming Interview with “The Cube”

Hi folks, as I mentioned earlier in the week, I’ll be in the Northeast next week for the VTUG Winter Warmer event. If you can be there, great.. if not, Stu Miniman of “The Cube” has been gracious enough to invite me to an interview and will be broadcasting it on Thursday, Jan 19th.

Here are the details:

Thursday, January 19th, 2017 @ 1:30 p.m. EST

Many thanks to Stu!

Captain KVM

The post Upcoming Interview with “The Cube” appeared first on Captain KVM.

Boston VTUG Winter Warmer

Hi Folks – if any of you are going to be at the VTUG Winter Warmer at Gillette Stadium, come find me, I’ve got a keynote at 10am at “West Side South”. If you’re going to be in the area, it’s an event that’s been going on for several years now and should be fun..

I’ll be talking about Red Hat’s strategy in the Hybrid Cloud and especially how RHV fits into that.

I believe (don’t quote me on this) that the event is free for VTUG members, and that all you need to do is register to become a VTUG member (I believe that is also free) before the event.


VTUG Winter Warmer Agenda

Date: January 19, 2017
Location: Gillette Stadium, Patriot Place, Foxboro MA

Hope to see you there,

Captain KVM

The post Boston VTUG Winter Warmer appeared first on Captain KVM.

Introduction to Docker: Featured Video of January 2017

The featured webinar in January 2017 is the Introduction to Docker webinar, and in the featured video Matt Oswalt explains the basic Docker tasks. Other videos in this webinar cover Docker images, volumes, networking, and Docker Compose and Swarm.

To view the featured video, log into, select the webinar from the first page, and watch the video marked with star.

Read more ...

Container Namespaces – Deep dive into container networking

Of late, there have been various Open source projects to manage networking for containers. Docker implemented "libnetwork". I've written in the past about using Calico with Docker containers. Debugging and low level tweaks to performance isn't easy without an in-depth understanding of how the network stack works for a container. This post tries to explain network namespaces and its role in container networking using default networking that comes out-of-box with docker.

As you probably already know containers use namespaces to isolate resources and rate limit their use. Linux's network namespaces are used to glue container processes and the host networking stack. Docker spawns a container in the containers own network namespace (use the CLONE_NEWNET flag defined in sched.h when calling the clone system call to create a new network namespace for the subprocess) and later on runs a veth pair (a cable with two ends) between the container namespace and the host network stack. If you are new to network namespaces this blog post by Scott gives a quick overview and serves as a good 101 refresher if you are already familiar with these concepts but haven't used them for a while.

Now lets see how to Continue reading

oVirt System Tests to the Rescue!—How to Run End-to-End oVirt Tests on Your Patch

Today, when an oVirt developer pushes a patch to review on oVirt Gerrit, various validations are triggered in CI via the 'check-patch' job, as defined by the project maintainers. Usually these jobs includes 'unit-tests', 'db tests', static analysis checks, and even an occasional 'functional test'. While it might seem that it covers alot and gives a good indication that the patch is good to be merged, unfortunately it is not always the case.

The reason it's not enough lies in oVirt's complexity and the fact it's a Virtualization project, which means the only real way to know if your patch didn't break things is to install oVirt and try running a few basic commands, like 'adding host', 'adding vm', 'creating snapshots', and other tasks you can only do if you have a full oVirt system up and running. Here is where OST comes in!

oVirt System Tests

oVirt system tests is a testing framework written in Python, using 'python-nose' and oVirt Python SDK and runs on auto-generated VMs created by Lago. It is used by the oVirt CI to run post merge end-to-end testing that runs on a fully deployed oVirt environment and has been proven to detect multiple regressions Continue reading

Technology Short Take #75

Welcome to Technology Short Take #75, the final Technology Short Take for 2016. Fortunately, it’s not the final Technology Short Take ever, as I’ll be back in 2017 with more content. Until then, here’s some data center-related articles and links for your enjoyment.


  • Ajay Chenampara has some observations about running Ansible at scale against network devices.
  • Andrey Khomyakov shares some information on automating the setup of whitebox switches running Cumulus Linux in part 2 of this series on learning network automation.
  • Russell Bryant has shared the results of some testing comparing ML2+OVS and OVN as backends for OpenStack networking. As Russell indicates in his post, some additional analysis is needed to truly understand what’s happening, but early looks at the results of his tests show performance improvements in OVN versus ML2+OVS when it comes to total time required to boot a VM.
  • Ivan Pepelnjak shares a Python script that creates Ansible inventory from Vagrant’s SSH configuration. Handy.


Nothing this time around!


brvirt: when brctl meets virsh

Hypervisors diversity is definitely one of the benefits of having Nuage managing your next-generation network. That means that we, as Nuage engineers, have to play with all kinds of hypervisors — like KVM, ESXi and Hyper-V to be more precise. As to me, I love to work with KVM most, simply because it gives you that feel that you

CI Please Build—How to build your oVirt project on-demand

All projects in oVirt CI are built today post merge, using the 'build-artifacts' stage from oVirt's CI standards. This ensures that all oVirt projects are built and deployed to oVirt repositories and can be consumed by CI jobs, developers or oVirt users.

However, on some occasions a developer might need to build his project from an open patch. Developers need this capability in order to to examine the effects of their changes on a full oVirt installation before merging those changes. On some cases developers may even want to hand over packages based on un-merged patches to the QE team to verify that a given change will fix some complex issue or to preview a new feature on its early stages of development.

The Current Build Option

Until now, to build rpms from a patch, a developer needed to use a custom Jenkins job, which was only available to ovirt-engine and only for master branch. Another option was to try and build it locally using standard CI 'mock' script which will use the same configuration as in CI. For full documentation on how to use 'mock-runner', checkout the Standard CI page.

The New Build Option

To ease Continue reading

IP Networking – generational shift in the industry to pure-L3 network stack

© Calico project (
After years and years of innovation, the networking industry is changing. IPv6 is now slowly being adopted - both by interest and need. With all of IPv4 addresses having been exhausted it is now a mandate on the requester to either move to IPv6 or pay a hefty premium for repurchase of v4 addresses. On the other spectrum I believe that Calico and other projects that do pure L3 only networking, is a newer approach to network segregation; not just solving specific problems in the networking infra but a trend that will slowly be adopted widely in the network community. This is mainly also because of IPv6 acting as a booster to moving to a L3 pure play networking solution. This move to L3 only networking can be seen across the infra stack - from physical servers to VMs to containers.

Docker networking eco-system begun with libnetwork and after that has propagated with multitude of solutions by both community and networking vendors. Unlike Flannel (CoreOS) and VXLAN which leverage tunneling and L2 protocols, Calico is a distributed L3 networking solution that works both with Virtual Machines and Continue reading

How to Setup HA for RHV-M pt3

Hi Folks.. the last time I left off, we had just finished setting up the initial pieces for hosted engine (RHEL configuration) in order to provide HA for RHV-M. Today we’re going to add an additional host and test things out.

Let’s get going!Once hosted engine is setup, adding another RHEL host to the configuration is almost identical to a standard configuration. There is only 1 additional step that involves ensuring that the HA pieces specific to hosted engine get installed along with the RHV packages.

The workflow itself is simple:

  1. Deploy a RHEL host, subscribe it to Red Hat CDN or Satellite and update it
  2. Add the Cockpit package and enable it (we won’t highlight that here, but you can see it in the previous post)
  3. Log into RHV-M, go to the “Hosts” tab, select “New”, fill in the relevant information, be sure to visit the “Hosted Engine” tab and select the “deploy” radio button.
  4. Once it finishes installing, give everything a minute or so to sync up, then test!

As usual, I recorded a walk through so that things are more clear. I sped things up significantly as my home lab is ~very~ slow.. Maybe I’ll get Continue reading

Using OVN with KVM and Libvirt

In this post, I’m going to discuss how to use OVN (Open Virtual Network; part of the Open vSwitch project) with KVM and Libvirt to provide virtual networking for KVM-based virtual machines. This post will build on some concepts around OVS and Libvirt that I’ve discussed previously; be sure to review the OVS posts and Libvirt posts on this site for more details and prerequisite knowledge.

I’ll structure this discussion around 2 key steps:

  1. Setting up OVN
  2. Integrating KVM/Libvirt into OVN

Note that I’m not going to discuss setting up KVM/Libvirt, as that’s something I’ve covered previously and is well-documented.

Ready? Let’s jump in!

Setting up OVN

The biggest “challenge” here is package availability—many Linux distributions don’t have packages available for OVS 2.6.0, which is the first release with non-experimental support of OVN. If you’re an Ubuntu user, then you can use the Ubuntu Cloud Archive for the OpenStack “Newton” release, which includes OVS/OVN 2.6.0 packages. For other distributions, you’ll probably need to compile from source. In that case, the OVS installation documentation is quite accurate and usable.

For the purposes of this post, I’ll assume you’re using Ubuntu 16.04 and will pull packages Continue reading

Technology Short Take #74

Welcome to Technology Short Take #74! The end of 2016 is nearly upon us, and it looks as if there will be only one more Technology Short Take before the end of the year. So, let’s get on with the content—time is short!


  • If you haven’t heard of Apstra, David Varnum has a great introduction to Apstra available on his site.
  • Will Robinson talks about how to structure your Ansible playbooks in the context of using Ansible to control your network gear.
  • This is an interesting project to watch, I think—it’s porting OVN (Open Virtual Network) from a “traditional” OvS back-end to an IOVisor-based back-end (IOVisor implements the data plane in eBPF).
  • If you’re interested in playing around with OVN, I’ve built a Vagrant-based environment running OVS/OVN 2.6.0 on Ubuntu 16.04. Have a look here.


Nothing this time, but I’ll stay alert for content to include in the future.


The Need for Speed—Coming Changes in oVirt’s CI Standards

oVirt's CI standards have been in use for a while in most oVirt projects and have largely been a success.

These standards have put the control of what the CI system does in the hands of the developers without them having to learn about Jenkins and the tooling around it. The way the standards were implemented, with the script, also enabled developers to easily emulate the CI system on their own machines to debug and diagnose issues.

From the oVirt infra team's point of view, the CI standards have removed the need to constantly maintain build dependencies on the Jenkins slaves and also eliminated most of the situations where jobs running on the same slave influenced one another.

The CI standards implementation we have has one shortcoming, it is not particularity fast.

We started seriously looking at this after one of the VDSM maintainers reported that the check_patch jobs for his project are running for far too long a time. In the end it turned out that a major reason for the delay was in the way the tests themselves worked, but still, we looked at and managed to speed it up quite a Continue reading

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