If you’re monitoring the industry press (or other usual hype factories), you might have heard about Ultra Ethernet, a dazzling new technology that will be developed by the Ultra Ethernet Consortium1. What is it, and does it matter to you (TL&DR: probably not2)?
As always, let’s start with What Problem Are We Solving?
If you’re monitoring the industry press (or other usual hype factories), you might have heard about Ultra Ethernet, a dazzling new technology that will be developed by the Ultra Ethernet Consortium1. What is it and does it matter to you (TL&DR: probably not2)?
As always, let’s start with What Problem Are We Solving?
Today on the Tech Bytes podcast, we talk with sponsor Palo Alto Networks about SD-WAN in healthcare markets. The healthcare sector has stringent requirements around the privacy and security of patient information, but clinics also need reliable and robust performance. We discuss how SD-WAN can help meet all these requirements.
Today on the Tech Bytes podcast, we talk with sponsor Palo Alto Networks about SD-WAN in healthcare markets. The healthcare sector has stringent requirements around the privacy and security of patient information, but clinics also need reliable and robust performance. We discuss how SD-WAN can help meet all these requirements.
Other than Hewlett Packard Enterprise, who wants to build the future NERSC-10 supercomputer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory or the future OLCF-6 system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory? …
Service provider using APIs to automate common functions like order processing, service provisioning, and security can make it easier for an enterprise to order and use NaaS services.
Today's Network Break, with guest host Johna Till Johnson, discusses why Amazon is pouring $4 billion into a generative AI startup, Marvell's response to accusations of an NSA-friendly backdoor in older Cavium products, why Microsoft is investigating small modular nuclear reactors, Meta using public posts to train AI, and more tech news
Today's Network Break, with guest host Johna Till Johnson, discusses why Amazon is pouring $4 billion into a generative AI startup, Marvell's response to accusations of an NSA-friendly backdoor in older Cavium products, why Microsoft is investigating small modular nuclear reactors, Meta using public posts to train AI, and more tech news
SambaNova Systems, maker of dedicated AI hardware and software systems, has launched a new AI chip, the SN40, that will be used in the company’s full-stack large language model (LLM) platform, the SambaNova Suite.First introduced in March, the SambaNova Suite uses custom processors and operating systems for AI inference training. It's designed to be an alternative to power-hungry and expensive GPUs.To upgrade the hardware so soon after launch means that there ought to be a big jump in performance, and there is. The SN40L serves up to a 5 trillion parameter LLM with 256K+ sequence length possible on a single system node, according to the vendor.To read this article in full, please click here
SambaNova Systems, maker of dedicated AI hardware and software systems, has launched a new AI chip, the SN40, that will be used in the company’s full-stack large language model (LLM) platform, the SambaNova Suite.First introduced in March, the SambaNova Suite uses custom processors and operating systems for AI inference training. It's designed to be an alternative to power-hungry and expensive GPUs.To upgrade the hardware so soon after launch means that there ought to be a big jump in performance, and there is. The SN40L serves up to a 5 trillion parameter LLM with 256K+ sequence length possible on a single system node, according to the vendor.To read this article in full, please click here
When it comes to archiving data, there are three different approaches, generally speaking. Selecting the right system hinges on technical capabilities as well as external factors such as budget constraints. Enterprise storage pros need to balance data- preservation, accessibility, and resource-optimization requirements as they weigh the various archive systems available in the market. Let's take a deeper look into the different types of archive systems.Traditional batch archive
With a traditional batch archive, data serves its purpose for a certain period before being tucked away in a safe repository, awaiting the possibility of being of some use in the future. The main idea behind this type of archive is to preserve data over an extended timeframe, while keeping costs at a minimum and ensuring that retrieval remains a breeze even years down the line. In this kind of archive system, each collection of data selected for archiving is given one or more identities, stored as metadata alongside the archived data. This metadata plays a pivotal role in locating and retrieving the archived information, with details such as project names, tools used for to create the data, the creator’s name, and the creation timeframe all forming part of this digital fingerprint. Continue reading
When it comes to archiving data, there are three different approaches, generally speaking. Selecting the right system hinges on technical capabilities as well as external factors such as budget constraints. Enterprise storage pros need to balance data- preservation, accessibility, and resource-optimization requirements as they weigh the various archive systems available in the market. Let's take a deeper look into the different types of archive systems.Traditional batch archive
With a traditional batch archive, data serves its purpose for a certain period before being tucked away in a safe repository, awaiting the possibility of being of some use in the future. The main idea behind this type of archive is to preserve data over an extended timeframe, while keeping costs at a minimum and ensuring that retrieval remains a breeze even years down the line. In this kind of archive system, each collection of data selected for archiving is given one or more identities, stored as metadata alongside the archived data. This metadata plays a pivotal role in locating and retrieving the archived information, with details such as project names, tools used for to create the data, the creator’s name, and the creation timeframe all forming part of this digital fingerprint. Continue reading
Creating energy-efficient and sustainable data centers makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint. Aside from the obvious environmental impact of lower carbon emissions, the potential business benefits include lower operating costs, reduced space requirements and a positive brand image.There’s another good reason for building more sustainable and energy-efficient data centers: Regulations and standards are emerging around the world that will require or recommend such actions.IT and networking executives and their teams need to get up to speed on a host of sustainability regulations and standards that are going to require a response on their part. Energy efficiency and sustainability are not just issues for facilities teams anymore. They are a concern for IT teams that will be asked to provide metrics, so the need for reporting will become more urgent. They will also need to select more energy-efficient hardware.To read this article in full, please click here
Creating energy-efficient and sustainable data centers makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint. Aside from the obvious environmental impact of lower carbon emissions, the potential business benefits include lower operating costs, reduced space requirements and a positive brand image.There’s another good reason for building more sustainable and energy-efficient data centers: Regulations and standards are emerging around the world that will require or recommend such actions.IT and networking executives and their teams need to get up to speed on a host of sustainability regulations and standards that are going to require a response on their part. Energy efficiency and sustainability are not just issues for facilities teams anymore. They are a concern for IT teams that will be asked to provide metrics, so the need for reporting will become more urgent. They will also need to select more energy-efficient hardware.To read this article in full, please click here
This year, Cloudflare officially became a teenager, turning 13 years old. We celebrated this milestone with a series of announcements that benefit both our customers and the Internet community.
From developing applications in the age of AI to securing against the most advanced attacks that are yet to come, Cloudflare is proud to provide the tools that help our customers stay one step ahead.
We hope you’ve had a great time following along and for anyone looking for a recap of everything we launched this week, here it is:
Dieses Jahr ist Cloudflare offiziell ins Teenager-Alter eingetreten, denn wir feiern unser 13-jähriges Firmenjubiläum. Anlässlich dieses Meilensteins haben wir eine Reihe von neuen Produkten vorgestellt, von denen sowohl unseren Kunden als auch die Internet-Community im Allgemeinen profitieren werden.
Von der Anwendungsentwicklung im Zeitalter der KI bis hin zum Schutz vor den ausgefeiltesten Angriffen, die noch erdacht werden müssen: Mit den Werkzeugen von Cloudflare sind unsere Kunden dem Geschehen immer einen Schritt voraus.
Wir hoffen, dass unsere Ankündigungen für Sie von Interesse waren. Sollten Sie befürchten, etwas verpasst zu haben, finden Sie hier noch einmal ein Überblick über alles, was wir während der Birthday Week eingeführt haben:
Durch die Verlagerung der von Unternehmen benötigten Netzwerkdienste von lokalen Geräten auf Cloudflare lassen sich die mit diesen Services verbundenen Emissionen um bis zu 96 % reduzieren.
Mit Cloudflare Trace können Sie sehen, welche Regeln und Einstellungen zum Tragen kommen, wenn eine HTTP-Anfrage an Ihre Website unser Netzwerk durchläuft.
Wir präsentieren Cloudflare Fonts. Indem Sie Schriftarten direkt aus dem Cloudflare-Netzwerk laden, können Sie Datenschutz und Performance bei Websites verbessern, die Google Fonts verwenden. Continue reading
Este año, Cloudflare ha alcanzado oficialmente la adolescencia ¡cumplimos 13 años! Celebramos este hito con una serie de anuncios que benefician tanto a nuestros clientes como a la comunidad de Internet.
Desde el desarrollo de aplicaciones en la era de la IA hasta la protección contra los ataques más avanzados que están por llegar, Cloudflare se enorgullece de facilitar herramientas que ayudan a nuestros clientes a mantener una posición de ventaja.
Esperamos que te lo hayas pasado muy bien en este viaje. Si te interesa conocer un resumen de todos nuestros anuncios en esta semana, sigue leyendo:
Novedad: Cloudflare Fonts. Mejora la privacidad y el rendimiento de los sitios web que utilizan Google Fonts cargando las fuentes directamente desde la red de Cloudflare.
Cette année, Cloudflare est officiellement entrée dans l'adolescence, puisque l'entreprise a fêté ses 13 ans. Nous avons fêté cet événement avec une série d'annonces qui profitent à la fois à nos clients et à la communauté Internet.
Du développement d'applications à l'ère de l'IA à la sécurisation contre des attaques extrêmement avancées et encore inconnues, Cloudflare est fière de fournir des outils qui aident nos clients à garder une longueur d'avance.
Nous espérons que vous avez passé un excellent moment à suivre notre actualité, et pour tous ceux qui souhaiteraient pouvoir consulter un récapitulatif de toutes les innovations que nous avons inaugurées cette semaine, le voici :
La migration des services de réseau d'entreprise équipements locaux vers les services de Cloudflare peut permettre de réduire de jusqu'à 96 % les émissions de carbone correspondantes.
Découvrez Cloudflare Fonts. Améliorez la confidentialité et les performances des sites web utilisant Google Fonts en chargeant les polices de caractères directement depuis le réseau Cloudflare.
AI Gatewayを使用することで開発者はAIアプリの制御性と可視性を高めることができるため、観測性、信頼性、拡張性を心配することなく開発に集中することができます。AI Gatewayは、ほぼすべてのAIアプリケーションが必要とする処理を実行できるため、エンジニアリングの時間を節約し、開発に集中できるようになります。
Targum (my startup) was one of the first AI companies (w/ @jamdotdev ) in the Cloudflare workers launchpad!
In return to tons of stuff we got from CF 🙏 they asked for feedback, and my main one was, let me do everything end to end on CF, I don't want to rent GPU servers… https://t.co/0j2ZymXpsL