In the realm of automation, the ability to respond to events in real-time is a game-changer. At Red Hat, we've been pioneering in this space with Event-Driven Ansible, which can consume messages from various sources like AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS), Azure Service Bus, and Kafka to trigger automated actions. Today, we're excited to delve into a powerful integration pattern involving AWS Lambda, AWS SQS, and Event-Driven Ansible.
Imagine this: A SaaS application sends a webhook POST request. This request triggers a Lambda function, which validates an API key or other payload data, filters the payload, and sends a message to SQS. Event-Driven Ansible subscribes to the queue, consumes the message and triggers an automated action. Let's explore this workflow in detail.
The Workflow
Here's a visual representation of the workflow with AWS Lambda and AWS SQS:
Ideally, in this model, webhook POSTs should selectively be sent to the SQS queue. Rulebooks within Event-Driven Ansible have the ability to validate that a key within the header contains the specified value – but that means the message is already on my queue. I want to stop that from happening. In this case, my Lambda function should be able to validate Continue reading
Today’s Heavy Networking, sponsored by Palo Alto Networks, discusses Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) across the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). You could think of ZTNA, as VPN evolved and SASE as SD-WAN evolved. Not only do you get an overlay connectivity fabric, but you also get cloud-hosted security services. We talk about how it all works together, the role of client software, Palo Alto Networks' architecture, integrating an IDP, and more.
Today’s Heavy Networking, sponsored by Palo Alto Networks, discusses Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) across the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). You could think of ZTNA, as VPN evolved and SASE as SD-WAN evolved. Not only do you get an overlay connectivity fabric, but you also get cloud-hosted security services. We talk about how it all works together, the role of client software, Palo Alto Networks' architecture, integrating an IDP, and more.
One of the reasons why we have been watching Nutanix since it dropped out of stealth mode in August 2011, two years after being founded, because we had a hunch that the upstart maker of a server-storage half-blood than banned the SAN from the datacenter would transform itself into a platform. …
Ethernet is the technology used to move most of the world’s data at the physical layer. What has been going on for the last few years in Ethernet, and what is coming? Peter Jones joins Tom Ammon and Russ White to talk about current and future work in Ethernet, AI, and other odds and ends.
如果您使用的产品或服务未在此处列出,那么我们尚未开始为其推出后量子加密支持。我们正在积极推出对所有产品和服务的后量子加密支持,包括我们的 Zero Trust 产品。在我们实现所有系统的后量子加密支持之前,我们将在每个创新周发布更新博客文章,介绍我们已经为哪些产品推出了后量子加密,下一步将支持的产品以及未来的计划。
Durante los últimos 12 meses, hemos estado hablando sobre la nueva línea base de la encriptación en Internet: la criptografía poscuántica. El año pasado, durante la Semana aniversario anunciamos la disponibilidad de nuestra versión beta de Kyber para fines de prueba, y que Cloudflare Tunnel se podría activar con la criptografía poscuántica. Este mismo año, dejamos clara nuestra postura de que creemos que esta tecnología fundamental debería estar disponible para todos de forma gratuita, siempre.
Hoy, tras seis años y 31 publicaciones del blog, hemos alcanzado un hito importante: estamos empezando a implementar la disponibilidad general del soporte de la criptografía poscuántica para nuestros clientes, servicios y sistemas internos, tal como se describe más detalladamente a continuación. Esto incluye productos como Pingora para la conectividad de origen,, R2, Argo Smart Routing, Snippets y muchos más.
Esto es un hito para Internet. No sabemos aún cuándo los ordenadores cuánticos alcanzarán la escala suficiente para descifrar la criptografía actual, pero las ventajas de actualizar ahora a la criptografía cuántica son evidentes. Las conexiones rápidas y una seguridad preparada para el futuro son posibles hoy gracias a los avances logrados por Cloudflare, Google, Mozilla, el Instituto Nacional de Continue reading
In den letzten zwölf Monaten haben wir über die neue Grundlage der Verschlüsselung im Internet gesprochen: Post-Quanten-Kryptographie. Während der Birthday Week im letzten Jahr haben wir angekündigt, dass unsere Beta-Version von Kyber zu Testzwecken verfügbar ist und dass Post-Quanten-Kryptografie für Cloudflare Tunnel aktiviert werden kann. Anfang dieses Jahres haben wir uns klar dafür ausgesprochen, dass diese grundlegende Technologie für alle kostenlos und dauerhaft verfügbar sein sollte.
Heute haben wir nach sechs Jahren und 31 Blog-Beiträgen einen Meilenstein erreicht: Wir führen die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit der Unterstützung für Post-Quanten-Kryptographie für unsere Kunden, Dienste und internen Systeme ein, wie im Folgenden genauer beschrieben. Dazu gehören Produkte wie Pingora für Konnektivität von Ursprungsservern,, R2, Argo Smart Routing, Snippets und viele mehr.
Dies ist ein Meilenstein für das Internet. Wir wissen noch nicht, wann Quantencomputer leistungsstark genug sein werden, um die heutige Kryptographie zu knacken, aber die Vorteile, jetzt auf Post-Quanten-Kryptographie umzusteigen, liegen auf der Hand. Schnelle Verbindungen und vorausschauende Sicherheit sind dank der Fortschritte von Cloudflare, Google, Mozilla, den National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) in den USA, der Internet Engineering Task Force und zahlreichen akademischen Einrichtungen heute möglich.
Au cours des douze derniers mois, nous avons parlé de la nouvelle référence en matière de chiffrement sur Internet : la cryptographie post-quantique. Durant la Semaine anniversaire, l'année dernière, nous avons annoncé que notre version bêta de Kyber était disponible à des fins de test, et que Cloudflare Tunnel pouvait être mis en œuvre avec la cryptographie post-quantique. Au début de l'année, nous avons clairement indiqué que nous estimons que cette technologie fondamentale devait être accessible à tous, gratuitement et pour toujours.
Aujourd'hui, nous avons franchi une étape importante, après six ans et 31 articles de blog : nous lançons le déploiement de la prise en charge de la cryptographie post-quantique en disponibilité générale1 pour nos clients, nos services et nos systèmes internes ; nous le décrivons plus en détail ci-dessous. Ce déploiement inclut des produits tels que Pingora pour la connectivité aux serveurs d'origine,, R2, le routage intelligent Argo, Snippets et bien d'autres.
Il s'agit d'une étape importante pour Internet. Nous ne savons pas encore quand les ordinateurs quantiques deviendront suffisamment puissants pour briser la cryptographie actuelle, mais les avantages qu'offre l'adoption de la cryptographie post-quantique sont aujourd'hui manifestes. Des connexions rapides et Continue reading
Today we are excited to announce a contribution to improving privacy for everyone on the Internet. Encrypted Client Hello, a new proposed standard that prevents networks from snooping on which websites a user is visiting, is now available on all Cloudflare plans.
Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) is a successor to ESNI and masks the Server Name Indication (SNI) that is used to negotiate a TLS handshake. This means that whenever a user visits a website on Cloudflare that has ECH enabled, no one except for the user, Cloudflare, and the website owner will be able to determine which website was visited. Cloudflare is a big proponent of privacy for everyone and is excited about the prospects of bringing this technology to life.
Browsing the Internet and your privacy
Whenever you visit a website, your browser sends a request to a web server. The web server responds with content and the website starts loading in your browser. Way back in the early days of the Internet this happened in 'plain text', meaning that your browser would just send bits across the network that everyone could read: the corporate network you may be browsing from, the Internet Service Provider that offers Continue reading