The post Worth Reading: Just Press Reboot appeared first on 'net work.
It’s not using the ONOS controller for its CORD project.
Avere earned its chops in flash-based storage.
Is MPLS mandatory for Traffic Engineering? What is Traffic Engineering in the first place ? Wikipedia defines traffic engineering as below. ” Internet traffic engineering is defined as that aspect of Internet network engineering dealing with the issue of performance evaluation and performance optimization of operational IP networks.” So we are managing the performance with […]
The post Is MPLS mandatory for Traffic Engineering? appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |
LinkedIn created the open source project, and Cumulus is an early contributor.
What is VPWS , VLL , EoMPLS ? Actually all are the same thing. VPWS stands for virtual private wire service , VLL stands for virtual leased line and EoMPLS stands for Ethernet over MPLS. All are MPLS Layer 2 VPN service and terms are used to define point to point layer 2 circuit. In […]
The post What is VPWS , VLL , EoMPLS appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |
The last weekend in February, Holberton School and Docker held a joint Docker Hackathon where current students spent 24 hours making cool Docker hacks. Students were joined by Docker mentors who helped them along the way in addition to serving as judges for the final products.
Here are some highlights from the hackathon.
In their own words:
After discussing a few ideas, we settled on the idea of doing a Docker/Alexa integration that would abstract away repetitive command line interactions, allowing the user/developer to check the state of her Docker containers, and easily deploy them to production, only using voice commands. Hands free, we would prompt Alexa to interact with our Docker images and containers in various ways (ex1: “spin up image file x on server y”, “list all running containers on server z”, “deploy image a from server x to server y”) and Alexa would do it.
The main technical hurdle of the project was securely communicating between Alexa and our VMs running. To do this we used the Java JSch library. This class gave us the ability to programmatically shell into Continue reading