We found it!!!
Have you ever sat at your desk, hoping on a miracle, that somebody somewhere will develop a fully comprehensive application for tracking network information??? I know I have, along with millions of other fellow network professional’s I have to assume. What exactly am I referring to? IP addresses, vlans, VRF’s, Rack Elevations and on and on and on. We all have to keep up with this information, for most it is located in spreadsheets; some in notepads; others try to lock it all away in the vast empty space we call a brain.
So, the stage is set. Yes, there are claims of applications that can keep track of what your CORE router IP address is and what vlan you assigned to one of your customers, or even where in the bloody rack it sits in relation to your other devices. Some can even keep track of which VRF routing table your management lies in along with which physical port it connects to. Going a little further, maybe the application claims to give you a basic map layout to which you can refer to…
BUT, very few paid applications actually combine most of these functions into one and very Continue reading