Junos Space Log Collector – Utilities
The Juniper documentation on log collector is a bit sparse to be honest, and once it is installed, SSHing to it doesn’t seem to produce a configuration menu any more. In order to change its config, there are some scripts, but I had to dig around for them:
[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# ls adhoc.py disableExport.sh logcollectorWatchdog.py selfhealingES.py agentScript.sh elasticDiskAllocation.py logcollectorWatchdog.pyc selfhealingES.pyc agentUtilityScript.sh elasticDiskRollover.sh logcolmon.py startService.sh bashUtils.sh enableExport.sh logcolmon.pyc stopService.sh cleanZipLogs.sh generateReponse.pl lsStatisticsupdate.sh subsequentBootupdate.sh collectSystemLogs.sh getMountLocation.sh monitorPacketDrop.sh support-diagnostics.sh configureMailSetup.sh getRebootDetails.pl mountNfs.sh syslogForwardToggle.sh configureNameServer.sh getSystemInfo networkScript.sh updateEtcHosts.sh configureNode.sh getZipLogs.pl resizeFS.sh updateIndexerip.sh configureNtp.sh initConf.pl resourceMonitoring validateIpAddress.sh configureTimeZone.sh loadFirewal.sh rootWrapper whiteList.sh [root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]#
They are in this directory:
[root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]# pwd /opt/jnpr/bin [root@LOG-COLLECTOR bin]#
An important thing to be sure of is that log collector does not have two interfaces – it should have only eth0. If it gets an IP address on eth1, you might find that logging does not work. This is probably because it received a DHCP address on eth1, Continue reading