Hackers could have changed Facebook Messenger chat logs

Here's a Facebook hack straight from the pages of the novel 1984: A way to rewrite the record of the past."Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past," went the ruling party's slogan in George Orwell's dystopian novel.Security researchers have found a way to control the past, by altering Facebook's logs of online chats conducted through its website and Messenger App.Such modified logs could be used to control the future, the researchers suggest, by using them to commit fraud, to falsify evidence in legal investigations, or to introduce malware onto a PC or phone.Roman Zaikin of Check Point Software Technologies discovered a flaw in Facebook's chat system that made it possible for an attacker to modify or remove any sent message, photo, file or link in a conversation they were part of.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Is IPV6 Dual-Stack really a best method for IPv6 design ?

There are mainly three IPv6 transition methods; Dual-Stack, Tunnelling and Translation. Careful engineers can understand the difference between IPv6 migration and IPv6 transition. All of these three technologies are used to bring IPv6 protocol capabilities in addition to IPv4, they are not migration mechanisms. Migration means removing IPv4 completely and running only IPv6 only in […]

The post Is IPV6 Dual-Stack really a best method for IPv6 design ? appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp | orhanergun.net.

A.T. Still University greatly improves firewall performance and security with cost-effective VMware NSX solution

ATSU revolutionized its schools and clinics with the cost-effective security solution, VMware NSX, which increases firewall performance, meets HIPAA compliance, automates services, and improves agility, resulting in more affordable tuition and better healthcare services.

Some of the business benefits:

  • easy implementation
  • cost effective
  • better application performance

“VMware NSX is the most revolutionary development in our data center security in more than a decade. Not only do we save a significant amount of money in hardware costs, the micro-segmentation available through VMware NSX provides a dramatically more secure design than we could get with a physical firewall with DMZs.” — Iain Leiter, Network Engineer, A.T. Still University

Download the case study

The post A.T. Still University greatly improves firewall performance and security with cost-effective VMware NSX solution appeared first on The Network Virtualization Blog.

SIEM: 14 questions to ask before you buy

Demand for security information and event management (SIEM) technology is high, but that doesn’t mean businesses are running these products and services smoothly.According to a report from Gartner, large companies are reevaluating SIEM vendors due to partial, marginal or failed deployments. While the core technology has changed little in the last decade, its use cases and the pace at which businesses have adopted it have prompted a transformation, experts say.“SIEM was a complex technology for the most entrenched, smartest companies, but today we see it adopted by less-mature organizations,” says Anton Chuvakin, research VP at Gartner. “That’s caused the evolution in the tech that we’ve witnessed recently. It’s getting more brain power.”To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

Emergency responders might share their LTE network with the rest of us

A national LTE network for U.S. public-safety agencies would also give consumers better mobile service if a startup gets to build a futuristic network-sharing system.The company, Rivada Mercury, is one of the players that wants to build the so-called FirstNet LTE network, the government's plan to unify mobile communications for first responders. The federal government is allocating a block of spectrum and about $6.5 billion in funding for the network, which is supposed to start going live next year.Rivada Mercury is a partnership that includes major mobile network vendors, Intel Security and other companies. At the center of this group is Rivada Networks, a startup with a technology called DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Arbitrage).To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to make your USB drive faster and free

Why is your USB drive so slow? If your drive is formatted in FAT32 or exFAT (the latter of which can handle larger capacity drives), you have your answer.USB drive vendors tend to format their drives at the factory with FAT32/exFAT because every device that can read USB mass storage can read and write to these well-known formats. That includes, but is not limited to: Windows PCs, cell phones, car radios, Linux, and OS X/iOS devices. If you want maximum read/write compatibility, format with exFAT.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What’s going on with IT hiring?

CompTIA, an industry group, said about 96,000 IT jobs were lost last month across all industries, not just the technology sector. That figure includes the impact of the approximately 37,000 telecommunications jobs sidelined by the Verizon strike, which was settled this month. But it was a rough month, by some estimates.Analysts have been generally cautious this year about IT hiring trends. Although the unemployment rate for IT professionals is about half the national average of 4.7%, said CompTIA, some analysts use terms ranging from "modest" to "pre-recession" to describe IT hiring.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to survive in the CISO hot-seat

The CISO is a precarious job. Research studies indicate that CISOs typically survive just 18 months to two years in a job which is increasingly complex and multi-skilled.After all, information security is no longer solely about managing firewalls and patch management, but rather a varied role encompassing business and technical skills. Add into that continual issues around funding, reporting lines, governance and a lack of support from the board and you can see why the role is not to be taken lightly.Indeed, Deloitte says that the CISO today must have four ‘faces’; the strategist, the adviser, the guardian (protecting business assets by understanding the threat landscape and maintaining security programs) and the technologist.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to configure your Chromebook for ultimate security

A Chromebook is already an ultra-secure computer straight out of the box. Since it doesn’t run a traditional operating system and takes advantage of various Google-powered security measures, Chrome OS is well-guarded against all the miscreants lurking out there on the Web.But you can always do more, particularly if you want to minimize traces of your Internet wanderings, or prevent your every online action from contributing to an advertising profile.You may share a Chromebook with others or desire a setup that’s impervious to the latest security threats. Perhaps it’s time for a little de-Googling in your life, as the Mountain View giant can collect a lot of information about you.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Invasion of the tabtops: The new hybrid tablets reviewed

Tablets were the big thing a few years ago, purportedly soon to displace PCs. It didn't happen, and tablet sales have been dropping for several years. Except for one kind of tablet: the kind with a detachable keyboard, epitomized by Microsoft's Surface Pro. They're the rising star, both for IT organizations and for computer makers. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

Tech’s biggest Fortune 500 companies

Top techie companiesFortune is out with its latest list of the Fortune 500 for 2016 and tech companies appear frequently throughout the rankings. While the top tech company on the list likely isn’t a surprise, it is interesting to note that only two tech company broke the Top 10 largest publicly-traded companies based on full-year revenue last year.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Response: Why On-Premises Software Will Die Sooner

This is the most compelling article I’ve ever read about why on-premises applications/software are  less competitive. I am reasonably certain that private cloud infrastructure can be as efficient as public cloud and cheaper over some period. What I’m coming to understand is that many of types of cloud-based applications may be much more efficent than […]

The post Response: Why On-Premises Software Will Die Sooner appeared first on EtherealMind.

Is BGP Really that Complex?

Anyone following the popular networking blogs and podcasts is probably familiar with the claim that BGP is way too complex to be used in whatever environment. On the other hand, more and more smart people use it when building their data center or WAN infrastructure. There’s something wrong with this picture.

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Slack could host your next conference call

Get ready to start fielding voice calls in Slack. The company announced Tuesday that all users of its popular chat app will be able to ring their teammates with a couple of clicks. People who access Slack on a Mac or Windows PC using either Google Chrome or the communication service's own app will see a phone icon in the header. Users can click that button and start a voice-only call without making other participants open up a second app.  Slack This phone glyph in the header of a Slack window lets users place a call to one of their teammates.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Forensic Lab Game Zero – Level 1 Results

The goal of the post is to provide solutions for the first level of the game for "hackers" created by forensic lab of CESNET association. With this game CESNET introduces a work of forensic analysts and test your knowledge of Linux OS. They are several assignments and practical tasks included inside Debian image which is available for download here.  The question / answer sheet is located inside the home directory of user kassad.


Picture 1 - Answer Sheet

1. In the Linux image, which username is logged in automatically on boot?

Check the desktop environment.

kassad@debian1989:~$ echo $DESKOP_SESSION

Check if automated login is enabled for Gnome desktop.

kassad@debian1989:~$ grep 'AutomaticLogin' /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
AutomaticLoginEnable = true
AutomaticLogin = kassad

The automated login is enabled for the user kassad.  Now we need to compute the sha1 hash for the result.

kassad@debian1989:~$ echo -n 'kassad' | sha1sum

2. On the provided Linux image, what is the “ls” command aliased to for user from question 1 ?

kassad@debian1989:~$ type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto'

We can get the result also by checking the content of the file /home/kassad/.bashrc.

kassad@debian1989:~$ grep 'alias ls' /home/kassad/.bashrc
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

kassad@debian1989:~$ echo -n 'ls --color=auto' Continue reading