40 years of Apple: Apple’s most innovative products

Apple’s most innovative productsRecently TIME Magazine issued a fascinating list ranking the 50 most influential gadgets of all time. Not surprisingly, Apple’s iconic iPhone appeared in the top spot, while two other Apple products—the iPod and the original Mac—also managed to crack the top 10.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Feedback: Layer-2 Leaf-and-Spine Fabrics

Occasionally I get feedback that makes me say “it’s worth doing the webinars ;)”. Here’s one I got after the layer-2 session of Leaf-and-Spine Fabric Designs webinar:

I work at a higher level of the stack, so it was a real eye opener especially with so much opinionated "myths" on the web that haven't been critically challenged such as [the usefulness of] STP.

There’s more feedback on this web page where you can also buy the webinar recording (or register for the next session of the webinar once they are scheduled).

Apple hires mobile encryption pioneer amid encryption debate

Apple has rehired a mobile encryption pioneer as it continues to face pressure from governments wanting access to user data stored on iPhones. Jon Callas most recently worked as a co-founder of Silent Circle, which produced the security-minded Blackphone and has joined the iPhone and iPad maker in an undisclosed capacity, Apple revealed to Reuters. Callas is a veteran of the security industry who also co-founded PGP Corporation.He first worked at Apple from 1995-1997, then again from 2009-2011. He has two patents to his name from that second stint that are both focused on full-disk encryption, something that Apple uses in its smartphones, tablets and computers. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Apple hires mobile encryption pioneer amid encryption debate

Apple has rehired a mobile encryption pioneer as it continues to face pressure from governments wanting access to user data stored on iPhones. Jon Callas most recently worked as a co-founder of Silent Circle, which produced the security-minded Blackphone and has joined the iPhone and iPad maker in an undisclosed capacity, Apple revealed to Reuters. Callas is a veteran of the security industry who also co-founded PGP Corporation.He first worked at Apple from 1995-1997, then again from 2009-2011. He has two patents to his name from that second stint that are both focused on full-disk encryption, something that Apple uses in its smartphones, tablets and computers. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Effectiveness – Network Truths, Principles and Fallacies

I recently gave a 13-minute talk to the Irish Network Operators Group (INOG).  In this talk I argue that you can become more effective, and a happier engineer by standing back and reflecting. The talk discusses how you work –  with reference to some great truths, principles and fallacies.

I introduce The twelve networking truths and the 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing. I then describe a handful of my own learnings and fancy terms like Chesterton’s Fence and the Gordian Knot.

Check out the video folks, I’d love your feedback.

I was quite nervous preparing for the talk, but I know myself well enough by now to recognise these small fears as opportunities. This is the same fear I faced when I started this blog.

This isn’t false modesty, I’ve done talks before in Amazon and survived, but I was still very nervous. Still, it took me hours of consideration, planning and preparation in addition to a fair bit of anxiety.

I got a real buzz from doing the talk and overcoming the fear. Upon reviewing the video, I know I’ve got a few things to work on. But, by facing a small fear, I’m now slighter better at public Continue reading

Effectiveness – Network Truths, Principles and Fallacies

I gave a 13-minute talk to the Irish Network Operators Group (INOG) recently. In this 13-minute video I argue that you can become more effective, and happier, by standing back and reflecting on how you work, leveraging existing truths, fallacies and principles. I introduce The twelve … Continue reading

The post Effectiveness – Network Truths, Principles and Fallacies appeared first on The Network Sherpa.

Tech woes hamper jury in Oracle case aginst Google

As if the jury deciding the Oracle v. Google trial didn't have enough on its plate already. Deliberations were interrupted Tuesday when the 10-member panel ran into technical problems trying to review evidence from the case given to them on a PC. The jurors apparently wanted to look at some of the source code for Google’s Android OS and couldn’t get the large files to open. “You lawyers should not have done this to the jury; you should have tested it out yourselves,” an irritated Judge William Alsup told lawyers for the two sides, who huddled with the court’s IT specialist to try to figure out the problem.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

76% off Intel Compute Stick – Deal Alert

The Intel Compute Stick is a tiny device the size of a pack of gum that can transform any HDMI TV or display into a complete computer. This model is currently discounted 76% or a whopping $375 off its regular Amazon list price, so you can buy this neat little gadget for just $115.90. It averages 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon (80% rate it a full 5 stars -- read reviews). It comes loaded with Windows 10 and Android 5.1, and has both wifi and bluetooth capabilities. You'll easily connect to the internet, and peripherals such as a wireless keyboard and mouse. This is literally a full blown computer that fits in the palm of your hand. Learn more about this dramatically discounted Compute Stick from Intel at Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cisco’s Meraki spreads its cloud to voice

If you manage your whole LAN in the cloud, why not add in the desk phones, too?That's what Cisco's Meraki division has done. Its first phone, the MC74, can be managed on the same dashboard Meraki provides for its switches, Wi-Fi access points, security devices, and other infrastructure.Cisco bought Meraki in 2012 when it was a startup focused on cloud-managed Wi-Fi. The wireless gear remains, but Cisco took the cloud management concept and ran with it. Now Meraki’s approach is the model for Cisco’s whole portfolio.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cisco’s Meraki spreads its cloud to voice

If you manage your whole LAN in the cloud, why not add in the desk phones, too?That's what Cisco's Meraki division has done. Its first phone, the MC74, can be managed on the same dashboard Meraki provides for its switches, Wi-Fi access points, security devices, and other infrastructure.Cisco bought Meraki in 2012 when it was a startup focused on cloud-managed Wi-Fi. The wireless gear remains, but Cisco took the cloud management concept and ran with it. Now Meraki’s approach is the model for Cisco’s whole portfolio.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Microsoft has been conning Windows users for two months

Microsoft has been using a deceptive tactic to dupe Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users into upgrading to Windows 10 for at least the last two months, according to the company's website.An oft-revised support document that Computerworld cited in a May 16 story about Microsoft's aggressive upgrade practices spelled out the workings of a pop-up notification that Windows 7 and 8.1 users had been seeing. The notification told those customers -- primarily consumers, but also many small-to-mid-sized businesses -- that the free Windows 10 upgrade had been pre-scheduled by Microsoft.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here