A case for cloud privacy brokerage
There is Software-as-a-Service, Disaster Recover-as-a-Service, SECurity-as-a-Service. What's currently missing, and the crux of much cloud-profiting malaise, is PRiVacy-as-a-Service.Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) software, something that's in the lab right now, does a great job of things like infiltration/exfiltration (read: filtration) of organizational data from SaaS applications. Some do some wicked things as proxies for user apps. The idea is to help keep users honest and prevent organizational assets from jeopardy.But when we-as-civilians do everyday surfing, answering emails and going about our business on the Internet, we're protected at the firewall level as users. Perhaps it's Malwarebytes, or a myiad of client-side security packages. And we admonish people to NEVER open spam, as spam often delivers unbelievably nasty systems attack code, disguised as benign attachments.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here