From OpenFlow to Software Defined Networking (SDN), there has been a lot of hype, 100s of millions of dollars in venture funding, and billions in exits within the network industry over the past 5+ years. The one thing we know for certain about the industry in all of this is that change is here, and more is coming, which is exactly the reason for this post!
Ironically, I also started this blog 5+ years ago. In the beginning, this blog was a lot of speculation around OpenFlow and the future of Software Defined Networking (SDN). Nowadays, it’s rare to hear me mention SDN at all, and the focus is much more practical on tools and technology that can help solve real problems. For those that have been reading for a while, you probably saw this shift in addition to the career shift I made 18+ months ago. These shifts go hand in hand with a new project I’ve been working on.
It’s with great pleasure that I’m finally able to announce a project that started several months ago that falls in-line with exactly the same topics you read about frequently on this blog.
What is the Project?
It’s a book! Continue reading