Worth Reading Roundup: Security and Privacy
“If I haven’t done anything wrong, then I don’t have anything to hide.” This is one of those bits of nonsense that never seems to lose it’s power regardless of how many times it’s been proven wrong in history. Privacy is one of the most important freedoms we enjoy — the privacy to try, the privacy to work things out among friends, and even the privacy to fail.
So what does the ‘net say about privacy this week?
One of the most disturbing things is the growing tendency to engineer people for greater efficiency. This trend started more than a hundred years ago — remember this?
But there is something fundamentally dehumanizing about people like machines out of whom you can squeeze infinite amounts of bandwidth — but it seems to be something we’re pushing towards almost as fast as we can, in both the corporate world and in government.
Many countries are in the throes of a debate about the amount of surveillance a government Continue reading