Internet Returns to Aleppo, Syria
In the past week, we have detected the first signs of the Internet returning to Syria’s largest city, Aleppo. Internet service in this part of the country was knocked out on March 24 — over seven months ago. Internet connectivity, and the lack of it, has been a continuing subplot to this bloody civil war well into its fifth year.
A notable difference with the restored service is that it is no longer routed via Turkey (as it had been) — likely due to the fact that the Syrian government no longer controls the ground between Aleppo (in the northern part of the country) and Turkey. The restoration of Internet service in Aleppo may be an outcome of Russia’s recent engagement (with assistance from Iran) in the battle for Aleppo — and perhaps an indicator of the scales tipping towards government forces in this protracted battle.
The first Syrian Internet shutdown occurred in June 2011 during ‘Arab Spring’ protests as two thirds of the country’s routed networks were taken down for over 48 hours. As the conflict has continued over the years, Syria has suffered numerous Internet blackouts including a multi-day outage in November Continue reading