Featured White Paper: Ixia BreakingPoint Sets Standards for Performance
How do VNFs stack up against its physical counterpart? Ixia helps you find the answer.
How do VNFs stack up against its physical counterpart? Ixia helps you find the answer.
ECI says it's not practical for a single controller to control large-scale networks, so it's writing short code extensions to give autonomous control to switches.
Telefónica, Juniper, Verizon and Versa all in the top 3.
I have several friends with either photographic, or near photographic, memories. For instance, I work with someone (on the philosophical side of my life) who is just astounding in this respect. If you walk into his office and ask about some concept you’ve just run across, no matter how esoteric, he can give you a rundown of every major book in the field covering the topic, important articles from several journals, and even book chapters that are germane and important. I’ve actually had him point me to the text of a footnote when I asked about a specific concept.
It seems, to me, that the networking industry often focuses on this sort of thing. Quick, can you name the types of line cards available for the Plutobarb CNX1000, how many of each you can put in the chassis, what the backplane speed is, and what the command is to configure OSPF type 3 filters on Tuesdays between three and four o’clock? When we hit this sort of question, and can’t answer it, people look at us like we’re silly or something.
I know, because I’ve been there. I’ve had people ask me the strangest questions in interviews, such as Continue reading
When we started Plexxi almost 5 years ago, SDN was about to become a “thing.” The topic of advancing networking soon went from obscure to being coined with a name to the full fledge hay day of acquisition euphoria and main stream press. It’s fair to say we have followed the proverbial hype curve quite predictably, and some might say we are now well into the trough of disillusionment. Which leaves some asking, now what?
I’m probably not the only one that feels that we, as an industry, should have moved past the point of showing up at a conference with a “What is SDN” slide. That is, once we move beyond trying to define SDN, we see that perhaps that is the least important thing to do.
Instead of trying to define SDN, I like to try to understand why we’re even discussing it. To me, this entire journey we’ve been on has always been an indication of user discontent. By user, I don’t just mean network engineers and operators, but also the constituents that rely on the network (like the other IT stack components and their respective operators/owners), and ultimately the users that rely on the applications Continue reading
One of the key tenets of DevOps is automation, or more specifically, “Infrastructure as Code.” That means your system configuration is expressed as a series of scripts that can be executed by your configuration management software, repeatedly, across multiple machines.
Treating infrastructure as code has many benefits, including the abilities to control when and how changes are applied, to apply changes quickly and to manage your changes with version control. Most importantly, because it’s code, you can test it.
If you’ve been maintaining computer systems for any amount of time, you’ve probably accidentally broken something important when you were making a configuration change; either the change didn’t work as you expected or you typed the wrong command. What if you had been able to write your changes ahead of time and test them before you applied them to production? Infrastructure as Code enables you to do just that.
Software developers have been testing their code for a long time, and we can leverage their experience and knowledge and apply it to Infrastructure as Code. So, just as there are a series of testing tools available for software engineers, automation engineers can also draw from a collection of tools and build themselves a complete end-to-end Continue reading
A while ago I started discussing the intricate technical details of fibbing (an ingenious way of implementing traffic engineering with traditional OSPF) with Laurent Vanbever and other members of his group, and we decided to record a podcast on this topic.
Things never go as planned in a live chat, and we finished talking about another one of his projects – software defined Internet exchange point (SDX), the topic of Episode 41 of Software Gone Wild.
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