Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For September 18th, 2015
Hey, it's HighScalability time:
This is how you blast microprocessors with high-energy beams to test them for space.
- terabits: Facebook's network capacity; 56.2 Gbps: largest extortion DDoS attack seen by Akamai; 220: minutes spent usings apps per day; $33 billion: 2015 in-app purchases; 2334: web servers running in containers on a Raspberry Pi 2; 121: startups valued over $1 billion
- Quotable Quotes:
- A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design: Two obsessions are the hallmarks of Nature’s artistic style: Symmetry—a love of harmony, balance, and proportion Economy—satisfaction in producing an abundance of effects from very limited means
- @Carnage4Life: ad blocking Apple has done to Google what Google did to MSFT. Added a feature they can't compete with without breaking their biz model
- @shellen: FWIW - Dreamforce is a localized weather system that strikes downtown SF every year causing widespread panic & bad slacks.
- @KentBeck: first you learn the value of abstraction, then you learn the cost of abstraction, then you're ready to engineer
- @doctorow: Arab-looking man of Syrian descent found in garage building what looks like a bomb
- @kixxauth: Idempotency is not something you take a pill for. -- ZeroMQ
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