Martin Lund brings a semiconductor pedigree to the software company.
Q3 disappoints, but Ciena says the Cyan acquisition points to a strong SDN future.
Are white box switches less secure than proprietary alternatives like Juniper or Cisco switches?
Gregory Pickett, Founder of Hellfire Security, did a presentation about white box security during the last Black Hat conference, triggering a multitude of news articles which we will study in this post. Without dwelling on the author mixing ideas between SDN and White Box Networking (which is quite common these days – the title of the presentation is about SDN and the presentation is all about white box networking security) the security issues raised are real.
Those security issues are either network operating system (NOS) specific (which I will not comment on as none of them are related to PicOS), or Pre-Boot related (Bootkit). I will focus on the key issues relating to security of NOS boot loaders, specific to Open Networking / White Box Networking.
Rootkit and Bootkit
The typical goal of a malicious user is to install a rootkit on the device under attack. A rootkit is a collection of software designed to enable unauthorized access while masking its existence.
Because NOS’s protection mechanisms are becoming more elaborate, a new kind of attack came up. This type of attack bypasses all NOS security by Continue reading
Streamlining opex to unlock NFV capex savings.
This is a guest repost by Siddharth Anand, Data Architect at Agari, on Airbnb's open source project Airflow, a workflow scheduler for data pipelines. Some think Airflow has a superior approach.
Workflow schedulers are systems that are responsbile for the periodic execution of workflows in a reliable and scalable manner. Workflow schedulers are pervasive - for instance, any company that has a data warehouse, a specialized database typically used for reporting, uses a workflow scheduler to coordinate nightly data loads into the data warehouse. Of more interest to companies like Agari is the use of workflow schedulers to reliably execute complex and business-critical "big" data science workloads! Agari, an email security company that tackles the problem of phishing, is increasingly leveraging data science, machine learning, and big data practices typically seen in data-driven companies like LinkedIn, Google, and Facebook in order to meet the demands of burgeoning data and dynamicism around modeling.
In a previous post, I described how we leverage AWS to build a scalable data pipeline at Agari. In this post, I discuss our need for a workflow scheduler in order to improve the reliablity of our data pipelines, providing the previous post's pipeline Continue reading
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