Which Path in the WAN are those Business Critical Applications Taking?
“Learning about and avoiding impairments (delay, loss, jitter) along the path that business critical traffic takes.” That is what I wrote in my previous blog “IWAN’s Intelligent Path Control & Using Your Backup Link.” But how is that possible to do?
Thinking some type of probe? From where to where? Thinking the WAN edge links? But how do you know the path you send your probes over is the path that your business critical traffic is taking?
Let’s talk about what I mean by this by looking at an example.
In the above picture we have 2 sites with 1 host per site, and 1 WAN connection between the two.
- Branch2 w/ host
- Hub Site w/ host
- WAN connection w/ on the Branch2 side and on the Hub Site side.
Let’s say you check the health of the path between Branch2 and the Hub Site with some type of probe/IP SLA. You will be doing it from the 2 WAN IP addresses and Right? Continue reading