FCIP – The Beginning
FCIP is notably a part of the CCIE Data Center lab exam blueprint. It is also a sticking point for a lot of candidates who have not done a whole lot on the storage networking side. Luckily FCIP has many correlations to the modern-day Ethernet networking that we all know and love, as it’s really just another tunneling technology! After some thought, I have decided to break this down into 2 blog posts. This one will cover FCIP basics, and another that will cover some more advanced FCIP options that you might have to use during the CCIE lab examination.
FCIP is used for extending a Fibre Channel (FC) network over an IP backbone. It encapsulates FC in IP so that SCSI and non-SCSI FC frames can be sent over an IP network. Normally most organizations are not going to do this simply for the sake of extending their FC network (why extend a lossless network over a lossy medium?), but rather for backup or replication jobs that need to occur between storage systems that are across some geographical distance. A typical deployment scenario is shown below:
Here we have two SANs separated by an IP network. Now, the Continue reading