Ethane Changed Everything – DevOps for Networking Could be Next

It’s an interesting time in networking, isn’t it?  I can probably quote myself saying that for as long as I’ve been blogging and about a year before that.  Supposedly 2015 is the year of POCs, bakeoffs, and seeing which startups continue to get funding, and which ones slowly dissolve.  As we start to see who the winners and losers may be, I thought it would be good to highlight the last 7 years and where the major focuses areas have been and see what could be next.
Hello OpenFlow!

By now, many of us know who Martin Casado is and what he’s done.  His PhD work, Ethane, at Stanford with Nick McKeown and team led to the pre 1.0 work of OpenFlow.  For the first several years of the network (r)evolution, it was all about OpenFlow.  By 2009, the phrase Software Defined Networking had emerged and referred to OpenFlow enabled architectures.  It was easy to understand.

  • As the industry chatter increased on OpenFlow architectures, hardware commoditization, and the de-coupling of the control plane and data plane, Casado had already started Nicira with McKeown and Shenker.
  • When limitations were seen on what Continue reading

Is Data Center Trilogy Package the Right Fit to Understand Long Distance vMotion Challenges?

A reader sent me this question:

My company will have 10GE dark fiber across our DCs with possibly OTV as the DCI. The VM team has also expressed interest in DC-to-DC vMotion (<4ms). Based on your blogs it looks like overall you don't recommend long-distance vMotion across DCI. Will the "Data Center trilogy" package be the right fit to help me better understand why?

Unfortunately, long-distance vMotion seems to be a persistent craze that peaks with a predicable period of approximately 12 months, and while it seems nothing can inoculate your peers against it, having technical arguments might help.

Read more ...

The Cost of DNNSEC

If you’re playing in the DNS game, and you haven’t done so already, then you really should be considering turning on security in your part of the DNS by enabling DNSSEC. There are various forms of insidious attack that start with perverting the DNS, and end with the misdirection of an unsuspecting user. DNSSEC certainly allows a DNS resolver to tell the difference between valid intention and misdirection. But there's no such thing as a free lunch, and the decision to turn on DNSSEC is not without some additional cost in terms of traffic load and resolution time. In this article, I'll take our observations from running a large scale DNSSEC adoption measurement experiment and apply them to the question: What’s the incremental cost when turning on DNSSEC?

Installing Chef Server, Client, and Node

I want to get Chef installed and running before we dive into all of the lingo required to fully understand what Chef is doing.  In this post we’ll install the Chef Server, a Chef client, and a test node we’ll be testing our Chef configs on.  That being said, let’s dive right into the configuration!

Installing Chef Server
The Linux servers I’ll be using are based on CentOS (the exact ISO is CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso).  The Chef server is really the brains of the operation.  The other two components we’ll use in the initial lab are the client and the node both of which interact with the server.  So I’m going to assume that I’ve just installed Linux and haven’t done anything besides configured the hostname, IP address, gateway, and name server (as a rule, I usually disable SELinux as well).  We’ll SSH to the server and start from there…

The base installation of CentOS I’m running doesn’t have wget installed so the first step is to get that…

yum install wget –y

The next step is to go the Chef website and let them tell you how to install the server.  Browse Continue reading

Experimenting with Kernel-powered Open vSwitch and Docker

I've been thinking about running Docker on CoreOS and Project Atomic lately... While the deployment model would be pretty different to what we are used to, I have 50% of the work already done in docker-ovs so I was interested to see if my containers would work on a system with the Open vSwitch kernel module loaded...

As I'm a Mac User, I use boot2docker for all my docker-related things. It's also pretty easy to change the kernel config to allow the Open vSwitch module to be loaded.

  1. Install boot2docker

  2. Clone my fork

  3. git checkout openvswitch

  4. Build the iso

    docker build -t boot2docker . && docker run --rm boot2docker > boot2docker.iso
  5. Run boot2docker with the new iso

    boot2docker destroy
    boot2docker init --iso="`pwd`/boot2docker.iso"
    boot2docker up
  6. Load the Open vSwitch kernel module

    boot2docker ssh
    sudo modprobe openvswitch
  7. Run an Open vSwitch container

    docker run -t -i --privileged=true davetucker/docker-ovs:2.1.2 /bin/sh
    export OVS_RUNDIR=/var/run/openvswitch
    sed -i s/nodaemon=true/nodaemon=false/g /etc/supervisord.conf
  8. Test it out

    ovs-vsctl add-br br0
    ovs-vsctl show
    # This didn't work before
    ovs-dpctl show

This isn't a thorough test. I'd like to create some traffic and see the Continue reading

What Does SolarWinds Know About Your Applications?

In a Tech Field Day Extra briefing held at VMworld 2014, SolarWinds chatted with the delegation about the future of their product set. If you’re thinking of SolarWinds as that little company that does red light / green light and makes pretty meters that show network bandwidth utilization, you’ve lost track of what […]

[SDN Protocols] Part 3 – OVSDB

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series SDN Protocols

Today, we will be discussing the Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol, commonly (and herein) referred to as OVSDB. This is a network configuration protocol that  has been the subject of a lot of conversations pertaining to SDN. My goal in this post is to present the facts about OVSDB as they stand. If you want to know what OVSDB does, as well as does NOT do, read on.

I would like to call out a very important section, titled “OVSDB Myths”. I have encountered a lot of false information about OVSDB in the last year or so, and would like to address this specifically. Find this section at the end of this post.

If you’re new to OVSDB, it’s probably best to think of it in the same way you might think of any other configuration API like NETCONF, or maybe even proprietary vendor configuration APIs like NXAPI; it’s goal is to provide programmatic access to the management plane of a network device or software. However, in addition to being a published open standard, it is quite different in it’s operation from other network APIs.


Control vs Continue reading

Designing Networks for Selfish Users is Hard

‘ On Earth Day at 1990 , New York City’s Transportation Commissioner decided to close 42d Street , which as every New Yorker knows is always congested. “Many predicted it would be doomsday,” said the Commissioner, Lucius J. Riccio. “You didn’t need to be a rocket scientist or have a sophisticated computer queuing model to […]

Author information

Orhan Ergun

Orhan Ergun, CCIE, CCDE, is a network architect mostly focused on service providers, data centers, virtualization and security.

He has more than 10 years in IT, and has worked on many network design and deployment projects.

In addition, Orhan is a:

Blogger at Network Computing.
Blogger and podcaster at Packet Pushers.
Manager of Google CCDE Group.
On Twitter @OrhanErgunCCDE

The post Designing Networks for Selfish Users is Hard appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Orhan Ergun.

CORE Network Emulator 4.7: What’s New

The CORE Network Emulator development team released CORE version 4.7 in August 2014. I installed this new version of CORE on a newly-installed Linux 14.04 system and tested some of the new features.


In this post, I list the new features that are most relevant to researchers who use the CORE GUI to set up and run network simulations. I also list some of the defects that I found, along with workarounds.

Updates and New features

The following are the most updates and new features most visible to users like me, who use the CORE GUI. There are many other updates and new features so read the CORE 4.7 release notes to review all the changes in CORE 4.7.

Link effects

The CORE team made some major improvements to the way link effects are implemented. This alone is worth upgrading to CORE 4.7. The changes are:

  • Allow jitter to be configured on links
  • Link effects, such as delay and jitter, now can be configured between hub/switch and hub/switch connections (not just between routing nodes such as PCs and Routers).
  • Link effects can be configured or changed during runtime, after the simulation is started.
  • Allow Continue reading

[SDN Protocols] Part 3 – OVSDB

Today, we will be discussing the Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol, commonly (and herein) referred to as OVSDB. This is a network configuration protocol that has been the subject of a lot of conversations pertaining to SDN. My goal in this post is to present the facts about OVSDB as they stand. If you want to know what OVSDB does, as well as does NOT do, read on. I would like to call out a very important section, titled “OVSDB Myths”.

[SDN Protocols] Part 3 – OVSDB

Today, we will be discussing the Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol, commonly (and herein) referred to as OVSDB. This is a network configuration protocol that has been the subject of a lot of conversations pertaining to SDN. My goal in this post is to present the facts about OVSDB as they stand. If you want to know what OVSDB does, as well as does NOT do, read on. I would like to call out a very important section, titled “OVSDB Myths”.

[SDN Protocols] Part 3 – OVSDB

Today, we will be discussing the Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol, commonly (and herein) referred to as OVSDB. This is a network configuration protocol that has been the subject of a lot of conversations pertaining to SDN. My goal in this post is to present the facts about OVSDB as they stand. If you want to know what OVSDB does, as well as does NOT do, read on. I would like to call out a very important section, titled “OVSDB Myths”.

Go interfaces make test stubbing easy

Go's "object-orientation" approach is through interfaces. Interfaces provide a way of specifying the behavior expected of an object, but rather than saying what an object itself can do, they specify what's expected of an object. If any object meets the interface specification it can be used anywhere that interface is expected.

I was working on a new, small piece of software that does image compression for CloudFlare and found a nice use for interfaces when stubbing out a complex piece of code in the unit test suite. Central to this code is a collection of goroutines that run jobs. Jobs are provided from a priority queue and performed in priority order.

The jobs ask for images to be compressed in myriad ways and the actual package that does the work contained complex code for compressing JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs. It had its own unit tests that checked that the compression worked as expected.

But I wanted a way to test the part of the code that runs the jobs (and, itself, doesn't actually know what the jobs do). Because I only want to test if the jobs got run correctly (and not the compression) I don't want to have to create (and configure) the complex job type that gets used when the code really runs.

What I wanted was a DummyJob.

The Worker package actually runs jobs in a goroutine like this:

func (w *Worker) do(id int, ready chan int) {
    for {
        ready <- id

        j, ok := <-w.In
        if !ok {

        if err := j.Do(); err != nil {
            logger.Printf("Error performing job %v: %s", j, err)

do gets started as a goroutine passed a unique ID (the id parameter) and a channel called ready. Whenever do is able to perform work it sends a message containing its id down ready and then waits for a job on the worker w.In channel. Many such workers run concurrently and a separate goroutine pulls the IDs of workers that are ready for work from the ready channel and sends them work.

If you look at do above you'll see that the job (stored in j) is only required to offer a single method:

func (j *CompressionJob) Do() error

The worker's do just calls the job's Do function and checks for an error return. But the code originally had w.In defined like this:

w := &Worker{In: make(chan *job.CompressionJob)}

which would have required that the test suite for Worker know how to create a CompressionJob and make it runnable. Instead I defined a new interface like this:

type Job interface {
    Priority() int
    Do() error

The Priority method is used by the queueing mechanism to figure out the order in which jobs should be run. Then all I needed to do was change the creation of the Worker to

w := &Worker{In: make(chan job.Job)}

The w.In channel is no longer a channel of CompressionJobs, but of interfaces of type Job. This shows a really powerful aspect of Go: anything that meets the Job interface can be sent down that channel and only a tiny amount of code had to be changed to use an interface instead of the more 'concrete' type CompressionJob.

Then in the unit test suite for Worker I was able to create a DummyJob like this:

var Done bool

type DummyJob struct {

func (j DummyJob) Priority() int {
    return 1

func (j DummyJob) Do() error {
   Done = true
   return nil

It sets a Done flag when the Worker's do function actually runs the DummyJob. Since DummyJob meets the Job interface it can be sent down the w.In channel to a Worker for processing.

Creating that Job interface totally isolated the interface that the Worker needs to be able to run jobs and hides any of the other details greatly simplifying the unit test suite. Most interesting of all, no changes at all were needed to CompressionJob to achieve this.

VN-Tag you are becoming more maintstream.

VN-Tag, typically was a technology only seen in the Data Center (When using Nexus 2000 series FEXs)  however this has started changing. If you check out Cisco’s new 6800’s series Catalyst switch you’ll see they are now pushing a new ‘instant access’ model. This new model allows us to deploy ‘dumb’ switches that are centrally managed […]

What is Prescriptive Topology Manager (PTM) & DOT?

While browsing through the blog post about the Cumulus Linux 2.2 release as well as the release notes, I noticed several references to Prescriptive Topology Manager (PTM). Having not heard of this feature before, I dug in to discover what PTM is all about. First of all, here’s a PTM summarizing quote from […]

Learn what Russ Fellows Doesn’t Know

So how’s this for a condescending tweet?

It’s from Russ Fellows, author of the infamous FCoE “study” (which has been widely debunked for its many hilarious errors):

Interesting article (check it out). But the sad/amusing irony is that he’s wrong. How is he wrong? Here’s what Russ Fellows doesn’t know about storage:

1, 2, 4, and 8 Gbit Fibre Channel (as he points out) uses 8/10 bit encoding. That means about a 20% of the bandwidth available was lost due to encoding overhead (as Russ pointed out). That’s why 8 Gbit Fibre Channel only provides 800 MB/s of connectivity, even though 8,000 Megabits per second equates to 1,000 Megabytes per second (8000 Megabits / (8 bits per byte) = 1,000 Megabytes).

With this overhead in mind, Fibre Channel was designed to give 100 MB/s for every Gigabit of speed. It never increased the baud rate to make up for the overhead.

Ethernet, on the other hand, did increase the baud rate to make up for Continue reading