Harnessing chaos in Cloudflare offices
In the children’s book The Snail and Whale, after an unexpectedly far-flung adventure, the principal character returns to declarations of “How time’s flown” and “Haven’t you grown?” It has been about four years since we last wrote about LavaRand and during that time the story of how Cloudflare uses physical sources of entropy to add to the security of the Internet has continued to travel and be a source of interest to many. What was initially just a single species of physical entropy source – lava lamps – has grown and diversified. We want to catch you up a little on the story of LavaRand. This blog post will cover the new sources of “chaos” that have been added to LavaRand and how you can make use of that harnessed chaos in your next application. We’ll cover how public randomness can open up uses of publicly trusted randomness — imagine not needing to take the holders of a “random draw” at their word when they claim the outcome is not manipulated in some way. And finally we’ll discuss timelock encryption which is a way to ensure that a message cannot be decrypted until some chosen time in the Continue reading