
Category Archives for "Networking"

Fake News Spreads Fast, but Don’t Blame the Bots

Fake news spreads much faster than real news, and real people – not bots – are to blame, according to a recent study.

Fake news – defined by the researchers as stories debunked by six major fact-checking services – can spread 10 times faster than legitimate news stories, according to the study by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The researchers studied rumors spread on Twitter between the service’s launch in 2006 and 2017. While some U.S. lawmakers and other critics have blamed automated bots for the spread of fake news before the 2016 election, the MIT researchers filtered out tweets spread by bots for their study.

The researchers found that false news not only spread faster than true stories, but it also had a much wider reach, according to the study, published this month in Science. The top 1 percent of news “cascades” – the researchers’ word for widely spread tweets – reached between 1,000 and 100,000 people, while Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: The 4 decision makers at each company who drive how IoT is used

Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming important to remain competitive for almost every industry out there. Business goals for implementing IoT can range from improving internal operations to offering completely new services to improving regulatory compliance. But who at each company should be responsible for digging into this new world and defining how to implement IoT? We’ve learned that it’s important to have supporters across several groups to develop a truly successful IoT solution:1. Initiative lead Those who lead initiatives should always keep a pulse on competition, market conditions, changes in business models, risk assessment and supporting technologies among many other trends. This high-level perspective means executives should be the internal champions of initiatives like adopting IoT into an organization. Their involvement, however can range from setting high level direction and enabling teams within the organization to executing on an initiative directly.To read this article in full, please click here

What is the open packet optical switch, Voyager?

Modern web-scale data centers are thirsty for bandwidth. Popular applications such as video and virtual reality are increasing in demand, causing data centers to require higher and higher bandwidths — both within data centers and between data centers. In this blog post, we will briefly discuss the current challenges in the optics space as well as some of the key technical aspects of the Voyager’s DWDM transponder. In part two of this series, we will cover why Voyager is a unique, powerful and robust solution.

The challenges to accommodate longer distances

Within a data center, organizations are adding higher and higher bandwidth ports and connections to accommodate the need for more bandwidth. However, connections that accommodate longer distances between data centers may be limited and expensive. Therefore, a critical requirement for businesses with this challenge is how to support longer distance spans at higher bandwidths over a small amount of fiber pairs.

The optical industry solves the bandwidth problem using Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM). DWDM allows many separate connections on one fiber pair by sending them over different wavelengths. Although the wavelengths are sent on the same physical fiber, they act as “ships in the night” and don’t interact Continue reading

Community Networks in Mexico: For Ourselves, With Our Own Resources

Community Networks are a matter of autonomy, which has been demonstrated by the indigenous communities of Mexico and the world. Like languages, the traditional crop-growing system milpa, the communal land, assembly, and tequio – or community work – it is a tool that addresses the needs of humanity.

Radio, telephony, and community wireless Internet and Intranet networks (local content offline platforms) acquired and operated by the communities themselves, not only respond to the human right to communication and connectivity, but also to the right to exercise it from their own values and principles; to the possibility of discussing and deciding, for example, how it will work, where the infrastructure will be placed, who will be responsible for the maintenance, when it will be used, and how the network that belongs to everyone will be sustained.

The Mexican Constitution recognizes in its Article 2 the system of traditional organization of indigenous communities and the right to establish their own means of communication, in addition to requiring authorities to create the conditions so that they can operate and administer them in accordance with the law. Although the conditions are written on paper, there are persistent legal and bureaucratic obstacles that distance Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: Managing and securing the corporate WAN is the top challenge for network professionals

In December 2017, Versa Networks in tandem with Dimensional Research conducted a survey examining hundreds of participants across five continents with the primary goal of capturing how companies are managing and securing their network across branch locations. In addition, the research also investigated the expected benefits and challenges of a software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) and revealed trends when compared to a similar survey conducted in 2016.The survey found that network administrators face many hurdles when it comes to their organization’s WAN. Increasing costs due to the growing traffic volume over existing MPLS networks represented a major headache, followed by information security risks at the branch that could later erupt into a cyberattack or data breach.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Managing and securing the corporate WAN is the top challenge for network professionals

In December 2017, Versa Networks in tandem with Dimensional Research conducted a survey examining hundreds of participants across five continents with the primary goal of capturing how companies are managing and securing their network across branch locations. In addition, the research also investigated the expected benefits and challenges of a software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) and revealed trends when compared to a similar survey conducted in 2016.The survey found that network administrators face many hurdles when it comes to their organization’s WAN. Increasing costs due to the growing traffic volume over existing MPLS networks represented a major headache, followed by information security risks at the branch that could later erupt into a cyberattack or data breach.To read this article in full, please click here