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On 20 September 2017, Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico. Two and a half months later, the island is still recovering from the resulting devastation. This extended phase of recovery is reflected in the state of the local internet and reveals how far Puerto Rico still has to go to make itself whole again.
While most of the BGP routes for Puerto Rico have returned, DNS query volumes from the island are still only a fraction of what they were on September 19th — the day before the storm hit. DNS activity is a better indicator of actual internet use (or lack thereof) than the simple announcements of BGP routes.
We have been analyzing the impacts of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes going back to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Compared to the earthquake near Japan in 2011, Hurricane Sandy in 2012, or the earthquake in Nepal in 2015, Puerto Rico’s disaster stands alone with respect to its prolonged and widespread impact on internet access. The following analysis tells that story.
DNS statistics
Queries from Puerto Rico to our Internet Guide recursive DNS service have still not recovered to pre-hurricane levels Continue reading
One thing we take pride in at Cloudflare is embracing new protocols and standards that help make the Internet faster and safer. Sometimes this means that we’ll launch support for experimental features or standards still under active development, as we did with TLS 1.3. Due to the not-quite-final nature of some of these features, we limit the availability at the onset to only the most ardent users so we can observe how these cutting-edge features behave in the wild. Some of our observations have helped the community propose revisions to the corresponding RFCs.
We began supporting the DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record in June behind a beta flag. Our goal in doing so was to see how the presence of these records would affect SSL certificate issuance by publicly-trusted certification authorities. We also wanted to do so in advance of the 8 September 2017 enforcement date for mandatory CAA checking at certificate issuance time, without introducing a new and externally unproven behavior to millions of Cloudflare customers at once. This beta period has provided invaluable insight as to how CAA records have changed and will continue to change the commercial public-key infrastructure (PKI) ecosystem.
As of today, Continue reading
The product also moves the partners into new markets.
Hi ,
I have enrolled for Juniper-JAUT Course and looking forward to it.
Below are the details. Its a 5 Day course and am expecting more out of this course.
My main interest lies in YAML / JSON use cases with Juniper Devices and their interaction. I will let you know how the course goes as the day progresses and over all efficiency of the course.
The post Networking and the White Box Solutions appeared first on Noction.
In this video, Russ White discusses what tunneling really is.
I got numerous responses to the “Why Does It Take So Long to Upgrade Network Devices,” the best ones coming from Béla Várkonyi and Frederic Cuiller.
Béla is sick-and-tired of the stuff vendors are shipping:
Read more ... The real IoT complexity comes from the software, not the hardware.
The cloud native platform allows the insurer to push code to production in a day.
The company previously open sourced its serverless developer platform.
Are you a scientist, or an engineer? This question does not seem to occur to most engineers, but it does seem science has “taken the lead role” in recent history, with engineers being sometimes (or perhaps often) seen as “the folks who figure out how to make use of what scientists are discovering.” There are few fields where this seems closer to the truth than computing. Peter Denning has written an insightful article over at the ACM on this topic; a few reactions are in order.
Denning separates engineers from scientists by saying:
The first concerns the nature of their work. Engineers design and build technologies that serve useful purposes, whereas scientists search for laws explaining phenomena.
While this does seem like a useful starting point, I’m not at all certain the two fields can be cleanly separated in this way. The reality is there is probably a continuum starting from what might be called “meta-engineers,” those who’s primary goal is to implement a technology designed by someone else by mentally reverse engineering what this “someone else” has done, to the deeply focused “pure scientist,” who really does not care about the practical application, but is rather simply searching Continue reading