
Category Archives for "Networking"

Location, location, location… it matters to the cloud

In real estate, there’s a mantra that most agents use of “location, location, location,” meaning houses that may be equal in many ways will cost more the closer you get to something of value. For example, the San Jose Mercury News recently published a story about a house in Sunnyvale, California, that sold for $782,000 over asking price. Why such a ridiculous amount? Because it’s near Apple’s new campus — location matters.Does location matter with the cloud? Given how fast data travels, one might not think so, but location does indeed matter. A recent report from EdgeConneX and Cedexis, Cloud, Content, Connectivity and the Evolving Internet Edge, shows just how much it actually does. The study conducted uses Cedexis’ RUM-based internet performance measurement tools to test how cloud applications perform in different locations and with various optimization techniques.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: What is a data fabric and why should you care?

What is a data fabric? The concept of a "data fabric" is emerging as an approach to help organizations better deal with fast growing data, ever changing application requirements and distributed processing needs.The term references technology that creates a converged platform that supports the storage, processing, analysis and management of disparate data. Data that is currently maintained in files, database tables, data streams, objects, images, sensor data and even container-based applications can all be accessed using a number of different standard interfaces.A data fabric makes it possible for applications and tools designed to access data using many interfaces such as NFS (Network File System), POSIX (portable operating system interface), a REST API (representative state transfer), HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system), ODBC (open database connectivity), and Apache KAFKA for real-time streaming data. A data fabric must also be capable of being enhanced to support other standards as they emerge in importance.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: What is a data fabric and why should you care?

What is a data fabric? The concept of a "data fabric" is emerging as an approach to help organizations better deal with fast growing data, ever changing application requirements and distributed processing needs.The term references technology that creates a converged platform that supports the storage, processing, analysis and management of disparate data. Data that is currently maintained in files, database tables, data streams, objects, images, sensor data and even container-based applications can all be accessed using a number of different standard interfaces.A data fabric makes it possible for applications and tools designed to access data using many interfaces such as NFS (Network File System), POSIX (portable operating system interface), a REST API (representative state transfer), HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system), ODBC (open database connectivity), and Apache KAFKA for real-time streaming data. A data fabric must also be capable of being enhanced to support other standards as they emerge in importance.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: How IoT can drive a productivity revolution in US manufacturing

The Internet of Things, which has captured the attention of investors and futurist alike as it continues to reshape our markets and everyday lives, is now generating buzz around a new topic: manufacturing. Business and tech analyst are increasingly coming to realize the boon that the IoT can offer to U.S. manufacturing, a fact the wealthiest companies and savviest innovators are already exploiting.So how exactly can the IoT drive a productivity revolution in U.S. manufacturing? Is it grand conjecture that’s driving this growing consensus that the IoT will reshape manufacturing, or does this idea have a serious basis of reality? A brief review of the IoT’s impact on U.S. productivity shows just how significantly it can optimize American manufacturing, and how little time we have until all of our production is seamlessly integrated with our internet.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 5 software licensing challenges in the next generation network

Every day we hear how the network is changing. Virtualization, Cloud, Software-defined Networking, the Internet of Things — it’s clear big transformational change is happening.   The technical aspects of these solutions seem to get the most attention, but if you manage IT/Network cost and delivery for a living, your success may depend more on understanding the changing network business models that accompany these new technologies and how to adapt your IT operations.I’ve assembled below what I think are five of the top operational challenges facing IT managers in the next generation network. Some of these are blocking and tackling fundamentals (excuse the seasonal American football analogy), while others are more strategic in nature. I’ll present a short rationale for why these are my top 5. I’d love to hear your perspective.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 5 software licensing challenges in the next generation network

Every day we hear how the network is changing. Virtualization, Cloud, Software-defined Networking, the Internet of Things — it’s clear big transformational change is happening.   The technical aspects of these solutions seem to get the most attention, but if you manage IT/Network cost and delivery for a living, your success may depend more on understanding the changing network business models that accompany these new technologies and how to adapt your IT operations.I’ve assembled below what I think are five of the top operational challenges facing IT managers in the next generation network. Some of these are blocking and tackling fundamentals (excuse the seasonal American football analogy), while others are more strategic in nature. I’ll present a short rationale for why these are my top 5. I’d love to hear your perspective.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cloudflare and Google Offer App Developers $100,000 in Cloud Platform Credits

Cloudflare and Google Cloud Platform logos

When Cloudflare started, our company needed two things: an initial group of users, and the finances to fund our development. We know most developers face the same issues. The Cloudflare Apps Platform solves the first problem by allowing third parties to develop applications that can be delivered across Cloudflare's edge network to any of the six million sites powered by Cloudflare. The Cloudflare Developer Fund alleviates the second by giving developers the financial support they need to fund their company. Today, we are excited to announce another initiative that will make it possible for developers to make their app dreams a reality.

Cloudflare and Google Cloud are working together to offer developers the resources needed to quickly launch and scale Cloudflare Apps. This partnership will give any Cloudflare Apps developer the chance to access a wide range of benefits including $3k - $100k of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for one year at no cost. Some startups will also be eligible for 24/7 technical support, and access to GCP’s technical solutions team. This supports a core belief of the Cloudflare Apps initiative: we want developers to focus on building great Apps, not worry about paying for infrastructure. Hundreds of startups have Continue reading

Recognizing Internet visionaries, innovators, and leaders from around the world

As the Internet Society celebrates 25 years of advocacy for an open, globally-connected, and secure Internet, we are honored to recognize some of the trailblazers who have fueled the Internet’s historic growth.

On September 18, the Internet Society gathered to honor the fourth class of Internet Hall of Fame Inductees at UCLA, where nearly 50 years ago the first message was sent over the Internet’s predecessor, the ARPANET.  Over the years, the Internet has evolved thanks to the tireless efforts of individuals, including these inductees, who believed in the potential of an open Internet.

Representing 10 countries, the 14 individuals who comprise the 2017 inductee class are computer scientists, academics, inventors and authors who have advanced the Internet with key technical contributions,  fostered its global reach and increased the general public’s understanding of how it works—in turn accelerating global accessibility and usage among us all.

Ultimately, the success of the Internet depends on the people behind it, and these inductees personify the pioneering spirit of the ‘Innovators’ and ‘Global Connectors’ that have been so instrumental in bringing us this unprecedented technology. They are some of the earliest Internet evangelists and their work has been the foundation for so Continue reading

Help managing IoT ranges from full-stack offerings to platform services

The tech industry’s approach to becoming a part of the IoT landscape is reminiscent of a quilting bee – a large number of participants approaching a central problem from a wide array of different angles and taking on different areas of responsibility.And that’s a good fit for the IoT market – companies have wildly diverse sets of needs, requiring a commensurately diverse set of technological capabilities. A factory might need a sophisticated, integrated system that can both manage complicated manufacturing equipment and track products, while a nearby hospital might need to bring expensive medical equipment onto the network.+ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD: 3 real-world examples of IoT rolled out in the enterprise; 5 IoT trends that will define 2018+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Improving BGP Convergence without Tweaking BGP Timers

One of the perks of my online courses is the lifetime access to course Slack team, and you’d amazed by the variety of questions asked there. Not so long ago I got one on BGP timers:

The BGP timers I’m using in my network are 5 and 15 seconds, and I am not sure if it's a good practice to reduce them even more.

You should always ask yourself this set of questions before tweaking a nerd knob:

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Network Access Control- NAC (Aruba Vs Cisco)

Today I am going to talk about the Network Access Control- NAC and the vendors of the NAC services providers basically Cisco and Aruba. I will talk Aruba's ClearPass and then I will go with the Cisco NAC solution named as Cisco ISE. 

As per the market and the Gartner's Magic Quadrant, Cisco ISE is leading the space followed by Fore scout and Aruba Networks. Before we start with the NAC solution, First question you guys expecting is that what is NAC- Network Access Control.

What is NAC- Network Access Control ?
Network access control (NAC) and is also called network admission control, is a method of 
strengthen the security of a proprietary network by restricting the availability of network resources to endpoint devices that comply with a defined security policy.

So as per the NAC, the end devices are being authenticated to access the network. Hope you understand the use of the NAC- Network Access Control. While the computer is being checked by a installed software agent, it can only access resources that can remediate any issues. Once the policy is met, the computer is able to access network resources and the Internet, within the policies defined within the Continue reading

Watch the Internet Hall of Fame (IHOF) Awards Tonight From L.A.

Who will be inducted into the 2017 Internet Hall of Fame? Who will be recognized for their contributions to the Internet? Find out today at 5:30pm PDT (00:30 UTC) through live video streams. There are multiple options to watch:

InterCommunity 2017 live stream


Facebook Live

The IHOF award ceremony will be recorded and available for later viewing on Livestream, YouTube and Facebook.

Additionally, there is a live transcription service:

View live transcript

You can also follow IHOF activity on Twitter via the @Internet_HOF account and #IHOF2017 hashtag.

The IHOF awards ceremony begins 24 hours of our InterCommunity 2017 event. View the ICOMM 2017 schedule to see what will be happening over the time.

The post Watch the Internet Hall of Fame (IHOF) Awards Tonight From L.A. appeared first on Internet Society.

Chambers stepping down from Cisco’s board

John Chambers, who served two decades as CEO of Cisco and for the last two years has been executive chairman, announced today that he will be leaving Cisco’s board of directors this year.Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins will be appointed chairman of Cisco’s board of directors when Chambers vacates the position.(Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins is seen on the left in the above photo with outgoing Executive Chairman John Chambers.) “With Chuck Robbins as CEO and Chairman, the company is now clearly his,” says Zeus Kerravala of ZK Research, a Cisco watcher. “Robbins will have the ability to move the company in the direction he wants to.”To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here