
Category Archives for "Networking"

Researchers developing building-free data centers

Servers should be stored in vats of cooling, non-conductive oil instead of elaborate, outfitted structures, say engineers who are working on a radical, building-free, data center concept.French company Horizon Computing is one of the developers behind the project and provides support. It proposes using stacks of 10-gallon barrels filled with Shell DIALA dielectric mineral oil or natural equivalent. Dielectric oil doesn’t have any water in it, so it won’t conduct electricity, but it cools just like water. The computers function as normal and aren’t subject to rust either.Benefits of RuggedPOD containers The idea is that common servers are fully submerged in the barrels where they are chilled by the immersion. Expensive humidity control and air conditioning thus become irrelevant, as do buildings.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What to consider when deploying a next-generation firewall

Firewalls have become ubiquitous across enterprises over the past decade, but the combination of new and varied access methods combined with increasingly sophisticated attacks has forced network operators and security professionals to constantly evaluate their defenses. Typically, firewalls are on a five-year refresh cycle, according to Gartner researcher Adam Hils, and that gives organizations the opportunity to evaluate fairly regularly what type of firewall and what features best suit their needs.+MORE AT NETWORK WORLD: What is a firewall? +To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What to consider when deploying a next-generation firewall

Firewalls have become ubiquitous across enterprises over the past decade, but the combination of new and varied access methods combined with increasingly sophisticated attacks has forced network operators and security professionals to constantly evaluate their defenses. Typically, firewalls are on a five-year refresh cycle, according to Gartner researcher Adam Hils, and that gives organizations the opportunity to evaluate fairly regularly what type of firewall and what features best suit their needs.+MORE AT NETWORK WORLD: What is a firewall? +To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What to consider when deploying a next-generation firewall

Firewalls have become ubiquitous across enterprises over the past decade, but the combination of new and varied access methods combined with increasingly sophisticated attacks has forced network operators and security professionals to constantly evaluate their defenses. Typically, firewalls are on a five-year refresh cycle, according to Gartner researcher Adam Hils, and that gives organizations the opportunity to evaluate fairly regularly what type of firewall and what features best suit their needs.+MORE AT NETWORK WORLD: What is a firewall? +To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Why your company can be sued for using SD-WAN

When you buy your SD-WAN, or for that matter any WAN technology, you sort of assume that the vendor has the legal right to sell it to you.But what happens if they don’t? What happens if you’ve built your WAN on an illegally acquired technology?The question is not just theoretical. Last week, FatPipe sent me a press release pointing out how United States PTO Patent Court upheld a signature claim to its U.S. patent (number 6,775,235) for load balancing across disparate networks. Load balancing is a critical component of all SD-WAN products. As such, FatPipe could, in theory, claim licensing fees from SD-WAN players and their users.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Why your company can be sued for using SD-WAN

When you buy your SD-WAN, or for that matter any WAN technology, you sort of assume that the vendor has the legal right to sell it to you.But what happens if they don’t? What happens if you’ve built your WAN on an illegally acquired technology?The question is not just theoretical. Last week, FatPipe sent me a press release pointing out how United States PTO Patent Court upheld a signature claim to its U.S. patent (number 6,775,235) for load balancing across disparate networks. Load balancing is a critical component of all SD-WAN products. As such, FatPipe could, in theory, claim licensing fees from SD-WAN players and their users.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cumulus Linux + Voyager — Bringing cost-effective scalability to internet infrastructure

We’re thrilled to announce that Facebook has partnered with Cumulus Networks to bring you the industry’s first open optical routing platform loaded with Cumulus Linux. That’s right, Cumulus Networks is branching into some exciting new territory (a new voyage… if you will). We couldn’t be more honored and excited to work closely with Facebook to bring scalability and cost-effective hardware and software to the optical space — an industry that is growing rapidly.

Bandwidth for Internet services is becoming a more tangible challenge every single day, but the current proprietary solutions are too expensive and do not scale. As Facebook explained, “the highest-performing ‘bandwidth and reach’ are still fiber-based technologies — in particular, switching, routing, and transport DWDM technologies.” With the popularity of services that require a lot of bandwidth, like VR and video, there has become a critical need for better backhaul infrastructure that is cost-effective and scalable and supports high-performing wireless connectivity. The issue becomes even more critical when considering a variety of geographic conditions. For instance, rural regions need long backhaul pipes, which is cost-prohibitive.

That’s where Voyager comes in. Voyager was designed to bring the Internet to everyone — from dense urban locations to remote Continue reading

History Of Networking – Fred Baker – RAVEN and Internet Surveillance

Fred Baker joins Network Collective for a second episode, this time sharing the story about how the IETF came to an official policy regarding systemic Internet surveillance and wiretapping in data networking.

Show Notes

Fred Baker
Russ White
Donald Sharp
Jordan Martin
Eyvonne Sharp

Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The post History Of Networking – Fred Baker – RAVEN and Internet Surveillance appeared first on Network Collective.

History Of Networking – Fred Baker – RAVEN and Internet Surveillance

Fred Baker joins Network Collective for a second episode, this time sharing the story about how the IETF came to an official policy regarding systemic Internet surveillance and wiretapping in data networking.

Show Notes

Fred Baker
Russ White
Donald Sharp
Jordan Martin
Eyvonne Sharp

Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The post History Of Networking – Fred Baker – RAVEN and Internet Surveillance appeared first on Network Collective.

IDG Contributor Network: How to use the IoT for continuous business improvement

Few things are drawing as much attention in today’s markets and society alike as the Internet of Things. Almost entirely unknown to the public but a few years ago, today’s IoT is continuously reshaping our lives, changing how we communicate, do business, and share our ideas. Given that few businesses seem to know where to begin when it comes to leveraging the IoT for continuous improvements to their commercial models, then, what steps should managers be taking today to improve their future?A quick review of the IoT’s positive impact on business efficacy shows just how vital it is for corporate CEOs and small business owners alike to get moving immediately when it comes to IoT investment. It’s a brave new interconnected world out there, and those who don’t learn how to manipulate the IoT for their own success will quickly find themselves left in the dust.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How SAP is making the shift to industrial IoT

The view of the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) as billions of sensors connected into intelligent systems distracts from its true role: digital transformation. The gargantuan task and investment of making all these connections, reliably and securely, is pointless unless there is a solid business reason — and there are two very good ones.2 reasons manufacturers invest in IoT The first reason big companies invest in IoT is they are worried about being digitally disrupted by a Tesla, Uber, or the next AirBnb in their industries — disrupt or be disrupted.The second reason: a company’s slowing growth and the need for increased productivity. BCG’s Olivier Scalabre explained that driver during a 2016 Ted talk.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

15% off APC 11-Outlet Surge Protector with USB Charging Ports and SurgeArrest – Deal Alert

Be it a lightning strike that destroys a home entertainment center or consistently fluctuating power that degrades the performance and shortens the life of your electronics – surges, lightning, and other power disturbances can have a devastating impact on the valuable electronics you rely on every day. The P11U2 from APC offers guaranteed surge protection. Connect and protect up to 11 electronics, and conveniently charge your mobile devices via 2 additional USB ports. Installation is convenient and easy with a 180-degree rotating power cord and right-angle plug. Lastly, three LED indicators inform you if there is any overload, unit, or wall wiring issues. The P11U2 averages 4.5 out of 5 stars from over 1,800 people on Amazon (read reviews), where its typical list price of $34.25 is discounted 15% to $28.99. See this deal on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

15% off APC 11-Outlet Surge Protector with USB Charging Ports and SurgeArrest – Deal Alert

Be it a lightning strike that destroys a home entertainment center or consistently fluctuating power that degrades the performance and shortens the life of your electronics – surges, lightning, and other power disturbances can have a devastating impact on the valuable electronics you rely on every day. The P11U2 from APC offers guaranteed surge protection. Connect and protect up to 11 electronics, and conveniently charge your mobile devices via 2 additional USB ports. Installation is convenient and easy with a 180-degree rotating power cord and right-angle plug. Lastly, three LED indicators inform you if there is any overload, unit, or wall wiring issues. The P11U2 averages 4.5 out of 5 stars from over 1,800 people on Amazon (read reviews), where its typical list price of $34.25 is discounted 15% to $28.99. See this deal on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here