
Category Archives for "Networking"

IDG Contributor Network: Can U.S. lawmakers fix IoT security for good?

While the Internet of Things (IoT) has carved out a comfortable place for itself in today’s society and markets, many still fear that the interconnectivity-driven phenomenon is extraordinarily vulnerable to outside attacks. A number of U.S. Senators believe they may have a solution to the problem, and have put forward the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017.What are the exact details of the text of the bill, and how does it intend to secure one of the most diverse and unregulated assets of the economy? What potential pitfalls stand in the bills way, and how much of a chance does it have of becoming law? An analysis of the IoT Act reveals that it’s a healthy step in the right direction, but it may not be enough.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Can U.S. lawmakers fix IoT security for good?

While the Internet of Things (IoT) has carved out a comfortable place for itself in today’s society and markets, many still fear that the interconnectivity-driven phenomenon is extraordinarily vulnerable to outside attacks. A number of U.S. Senators believe they may have a solution to the problem, and have put forward the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017.What are the exact details of the text of the bill, and how does it intend to secure one of the most diverse and unregulated assets of the economy? What potential pitfalls stand in the bills way, and how much of a chance does it have of becoming law? An analysis of the IoT Act reveals that it’s a healthy step in the right direction, but it may not be enough.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Can U.S. lawmakers fix IoT security for good?

While the Internet of Things (IoT) has carved out a comfortable place for itself in today’s society and markets, many still fear that the interconnectivity-driven phenomenon is extraordinarily vulnerable to outside attacks. A number of U.S. Senators believe they may have a solution to the problem, and have put forward the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017.What are the exact details of the text of the bill, and how does it intend to secure one of the most diverse and unregulated assets of the economy? What potential pitfalls stand in the bills way, and how much of a chance does it have of becoming law? An analysis of the IoT Act reveals that it’s a healthy step in the right direction, but it may not be enough.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Why AI is more important than big data for IoT development

While the development of the internet of things has revolutionized heavy industry, online shopping, localized data collection and virtually every other aspect of modern life and business, innovators are still struggling over the future of the IoT, and how they’ll get there. While many see big data as the driving engine behind the IoT, savvy investors and entrepreneurs have shown that the real power behind the interconnectivity phenomenon is artificial intelligence.Tapping into the potential of AI won’t be easy for innovators, but doing so will be far more profitable for the IoT’s future than relying on big data alone. As programmed intelligence grows to new and greater heights, its ability to optimize the IoT will only be enhanced.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Data centers: at the center of growth

Data center REITs have returned more than 100 percent over the last two years. Crown Castle recently purchased Lightower for one of the highest per fiber mile prices ever. What is driving the growth? Isn’t everyone using the cloud?The data center is still the safest place to store and process your data. The data center is where the cloud resides. Cross connect capabilities like connections to financial markets, exchanges, Bloomberg, Reuters, and even cloud providers like AWS and Azure make data centers more functional for companies looking to take advantage of their geography.Geography impacts latency as light can only travel between two distances within a set span of time governed by physics. Tony Soprano said it best when talking about Real Estate to his son Anthony Junior, “Buy land AJ, ‘cause God ain’t making any more of it.” That couldn’t be more true about data centers. Areas like Ashburn, Virginia, are data center hot spots because of low taxes, bandwidth availability, and proximity to Washington, D.C. and New York.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Data centers: at the center of growth

Data center REITs have returned more than 100 percent over the last two years. Crown Castle recently purchased Lightower for one of the highest per fiber mile prices ever. What is driving the growth? Isn’t everyone using the cloud?The data center is still the safest place to store and process your data. The data center is where the cloud resides. Cross connect capabilities like connections to financial markets, exchanges, Bloomberg, Reuters, and even cloud providers like AWS and Azure make data centers more functional for companies looking to take advantage of their geography.Geography impacts latency as light can only travel between two distances within a set span of time governed by physics. Tony Soprano said it best when talking about Real Estate to his son Anthony Junior, “Buy land AJ, ‘cause God ain’t making any more of it.” That couldn’t be more true about data centers. Areas like Ashburn, Virginia, are data center hot spots because of low taxes, bandwidth availability, and proximity to Washington, D.C. and New York.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Data centers: at the center of growth

Data center REITs have returned more than 100 percent over the last two years. Crown Castle recently purchased Lightower for one of the highest per fiber mile prices ever. What is driving the growth? Isn’t everyone using the cloud?The data center is still the safest place to store and process your data. The data center is where the cloud resides. Cross connect capabilities like connections to financial markets, exchanges, Bloomberg, Reuters, and even cloud providers like AWS and Azure make data centers more functional for companies looking to take advantage of their geography.Geography impacts latency as light can only travel between two distances within a set span of time governed by physics. Tony Soprano said it best when talking about Real Estate to his son Anthony Junior, “Buy land AJ, ‘cause God ain’t making any more of it.” That couldn’t be more true about data centers. Areas like Ashburn, Virginia, are data center hot spots because of low taxes, bandwidth availability, and proximity to Washington, D.C. and New York.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IoT hype cycle antidote: Sitting with the engineers

Google’s former HR chief, Jonathan Rosenberg recounts in his book How Google Works a story about CEO Larry Page’s response to an MBA employee’s PowerPoint product plan. Page told the MBA, “Go sit with the engineers.”Page’s point: An effective new product plan can be created only if the engineering details are understood.Along this line of thinking, I spoke with Joe Biron, Internet of Things CTO at PTC, because the company has staked its future on IoT, and Biron has a decade of IoT engineering experience. PTC’s mature businesses, mechanical design, and product lifecycle management are closely related to the company’s industrial IoT business, where the company is focused for growth.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Concept of Local Preference in BGP : BGP Attribute

Today I am going to talk about the BGP attribute which is widely used in many of the enterprise networks. BGP attribute name "Local Preference" is used for controlling outbound traffic in the network. It actually used when we have two different paths and want to select the preference path then we are going to use the local preference by putting the higher local preference value to the route.

Local Preference is not local to the router, the local preference attribute is part of the routing update and is exchanged among routers in the same AS. So if you applied local preference in your network it will effect the network part which is under same AS.

We have two different method to apply the local preference in the network. The one way is to use the bgp default local-preference command and the other way is by using the route-map to set the local preference. I will cover the configuration part of the both the ways in the network.

Below is the basic topology where we are using the local preference in the enterprise network. The topology and the IP addresses uses here below is for the demo purposes and has Continue reading

New design of

I used to receive many queries on design of website and we did few changes. Changes especially on the homepage. Previously the blog posts were in the and we moved them to homepage. So they are now accessible directly from the homepage which is Also, added an announcement section to homepage where you will […]

The post New design of appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

Netmiko Getting Started

Netmiko is a python library created by a living legend amongst network engineers, Kirk Byers. Netmiko aims to simplify SSH connections to network devices with python by extending the paramiko library to deal with the idiosyncrasies of SSHing to our favorite network gear. Netmiko has a huge...

Cisco CSR 1000v Vagrant Box Install

This blog covers how to install Cisco csr1000v boxes for use with Vagrant. Cisco does not provide a csr1000v Vagrant box so similar to my other post on creating a Vagrant box from the ASAv ova, I will show you how to create a csr1000v Vagrant box. This post assumes that you already have a...

Very important update on CCDE Practical Exam Result !

As you might know May 2017 exam was cancelled due to leakage and I shared a post on it on May.   It was very important step taken by Cisco to secure the exam.   Now, it seems another important step is taken by Cisco.   Below message sent by Pearson to the CCDE Practical […]

The post Very important update on CCDE Practical Exam Result ! appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

Downloading YouTube Videos From Links Saved In Google Chrome Bookmarks

The Bash script is using Python youtube-dl script along with ffmpeg in order to download videos from YouTube service. It also enables youtube-dl to convert videos to mp3 audio format. The script exports YouTube links from Bookmarks and copy them into the file bookmarks.txt. Multiple videos are downloaded and converted simultaneously in the background by the script.

Note: According to YouTube Terms of Service, you shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any Content for any other purposes without the prior written consent of YouTube or the respective licensors of the Content.

Checkpoint Portals

All Checkpoint portals are configured under the Gateway properties.
The IP address of the portal must be that of an IP of an interface on the checkpoint (loopback or physical).
Can either use a different IP for each portal or the same IP for all portals. All portals with the same IP address use the same certificate.

Virtual Reality and Skeuomorphism

Remember skeuomorphism? It’s the idea that the user interface of a program needs to resemble a physical a physical device to help people understand how to use it. Skeuomorphism is not just a software thing, however. Things like faux wooden panels on cars and molded clay rivets on pottery are great examples of physical skeuomorphism. However, most people will recall the way that Apple used skeuomorphism in the iOS when they hear the term.

Scott Forrestal was the genius behind the skeuomorphism in iOS for many years. Things like adding a fake leather header to the Contacts app, the wooden shelves in the iBooks library, and the green felt background in the Game Center app are the examples that stand out the most. Forrestal used skeuomorphism to help users understand how to use apps on the new platform. Users needed to be “trained” to touch the right tap targets or to feel more familiar with an app on sight.

Skeuomorphism worked quite well in iOS for many years. However, when Jonny Ive took over as the lead iOS developer, he started phasing out skeuomorphism starting in iOS 7. With the advent of flat design, people didn’t want fake leather and Continue reading