It brings AT&T together with big Chinese operators.
Useful background information on oceanic cabling from Telegeogrphy.
I’ve been involved with TeleGeography’s research on submarine cables since 2000. Over the years I’ve fielded numermous questions about the submarine cable industry from journalists, investors, family, and friends.
It seems as good a time as any to provide a compilation of answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
Worth a read.
Frequently Asked Questions: Submarine Cables 101
The post Frequently Asked Questions: Submarine Cables 101 appeared first on EtherealMind.
In the pursuit of DevOps, organizations often experience temporary growing pains, resulting in increased deployment problems and outages, according to Puppet's State of DevOps report. But as operations teams become more familiar with the tools used and identify issues, they can support more rapid deployment schedules with better quality and fewer outages. In this episode of Talking DevOps, Josh Atwell, Developer Advocate for NetApp SolidFire, explains why.
In the last part of the free Docker Networking Fundamentals webinar Dinesh Dutt described the newer high-performance networking options (Macvlan and Ipvlan) introduced in Docker version 1.12.
When Facebook announced 6-pack (their first chassis switch) my reaction was “meh” (as well as “I would love to hear what Brad Hedlund has to say about it”). When Facebook announced Backpack I mostly ignored the announcement. After all, when one of the cloud-scale unicorns starts talking about their infrastructure, what they tell you is usually low on detail and used primarily as talent attracting tool.
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