
Category Archives for "Networking"

13% off Jaybird X2 Sport Wireless Bluetooth Headphones (Storm White) – Deal Alert

With a regular list price of $149.99, the current discount makes the Jaybird X2 Sport is now available with a 13% discount for this deal. Features include: Premium Bluetooth Audio For Skip-Free Music Outdoors 8 Hours of Music + Calls With Complete Remote Controls Secure Over/Under-Ear Fit Options Lifetime Sweat proof Warranty Includes Comply Premium Sport Memory Foam Ear Tips, Patented Secure-Fit Ear Fins, Friction-Fit Silicone Sport Carrying Case, Silicone Ear Tips, Charging Cable & Cord Management Clips. Jump to Amazon now for additional details, and to explore buying options.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Hard-to-detect fileless attacks target banks, other organizations

A wave of attacks that have recently affected banks and other enterprises used open-source penetration testing tools loaded directly into memory instead of traditional malware, making their detection much harder.Researchers from antivirus vendor Kaspersky Lab started investigating these attacks after the security team from an unnamed bank found Meterpreter in the random access memory (RAM) of a server that acted as the organization's Windows domain controller.Meterpreter is an in-memory attack payload that can inject itself into other running processes and is used to establish persistency on a compromised system. It is part of the Metasploit penetration testing framework, a popular tool used both by internal security teams and by malicious hackers.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Hard-to-detect fileless attacks target banks, other organizations

A wave of attacks that have recently affected banks and other enterprises used open-source penetration testing tools loaded directly into memory instead of traditional malware, making their detection much harder.Researchers from antivirus vendor Kaspersky Lab started investigating these attacks after the security team from an unnamed bank found Meterpreter in the random access memory (RAM) of a server that acted as the organization's Windows domain controller.Meterpreter is an in-memory attack payload that can inject itself into other running processes and is used to establish persistency on a compromised system. It is part of the Metasploit penetration testing framework, a popular tool used both by internal security teams and by malicious hackers.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

HPE’s Mesosphere reseller agreement heats up container management market

Hewlett Packard Enterprise this week announced an agreement with container management platform startup Mesophere to resell the smaller company’s flagship product, a data center operating system dubbed DC/OS.The news marks a validation of Mesosphere’s technology given HPE is seeing demand for the product from its enterprise customers, analysts say. It also reinforces the notion that more and more organizations are embracing the use of containers – a technology used to package modern applications and run them in data centers or public clouds.+MORE AT NETWORK WORLD: Google cloud search helps enterprise users find data quickly | What P4 Programming is and why it’s so important for SDN +To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Tutorial: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Optical Networking – YouTube

Added to my to-do list to watch and re-watch this about every 6 months.

Topics include:

  • How fiber works (the basics, fiber types and limitations, etc)
  • Optical power (understanding dBm, loss, using light meters, etc)
  • Working with optics (choosing the right type, designing optical networks, etc)
  • DWDM (how it works, muxes, OADMs and ROADMs, amps, etc)
  • Dispersion and other impairments (what is it, why do we care, how do we fix it)
  • Optical Myths (can I hurt myself looking into fiber, c

Tutorial: Tutorial Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Optical Networking – YouTube :

The post Tutorial: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Optical Networking – YouTube appeared first on EtherealMind.

Geekiest alarm clock ever?

Everyone knows what to do when life gives you lemons. Well, the same can apply when technology cries wolf at four in the morning, according to a contributor to Reddit’s section devoted to systems administration. Every morning at just past 4 a.m., I get a text from Solarwinds that makes my phone beep. The alert is that one of our LDAP servers is unresponsive. Then two minutes later I get a text/phone beep that LDAP is back up. Every day.It’s OK, I need to catch the bus/train just past 5 a.m. anyway, gives me time to get ready / pack my lunch, drink a cup of coffee, etc.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Geekiest alarm clock ever?

Everyone knows what to do when life gives you lemons. Well, the same can apply when technology cries wolf at four in the morning, according to a contributor to Reddit’s section devoted to systems administration. Every morning at just past 4 a.m., I get a text from Solarwinds that makes my phone beep. The alert is that one of our LDAP servers is unresponsive. Then two minutes later I get a text/phone beep that LDAP is back up. Every day.It’s OK, I need to catch the bus/train just past 5 a.m. anyway, gives me time to get ready / pack my lunch, drink a cup of coffee, etc.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Geekiest alarm clock ever?

Everyone knows what to do when life gives you lemons. Well, the same can apply when technology cries wolf at four in the morning, according to a contributor to Reddit’s section devoted to systems administration. Every morning at just past 4 a.m., I get a text from Solarwinds that makes my phone beep. The alert is that one of our LDAP servers is unresponsive. Then two minutes later I get a text/phone beep that LDAP is back up. Every day.It’s OK, I need to catch the bus/train just past 5 a.m. anyway, gives me time to get ready / pack my lunch, drink a cup of coffee, etc.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Can VR make the jump from oddity to mainstream? I’m having doubts

In virtual reality’s latest iteration, it’s clear that 2016 and the first part of 2017 (based on the number of companies and products displaying at CES) is seeing the beginnings of mainstream interest in the concept.But after having tried several different VR headsets and offerings, I’m starting to have doubts about whether the technology can make the jump from a niche audience and market (mainly gamers) into the larger space held by the rest of the world. The rest of this year (and possibly 2018) could determine whether VR becomes as prevalent as the smartphone, or whether it becomes another gadget that gets placed in the recycling bin labeled “fads.”To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Kansas City rolls out online map using traffic, parking data from sensors

One of the trickiest parts of proving the value of emerging smart city technology is showing how city residents could benefit from data being picked up by sensors located on light poles and along streets.On Tuesday, officials in Kansas City, Mo., took steps to connect how such real-time data gathered by sensors provides benefits to its citizens.City officials unveiled an online interactive map for the public that shows available parking, traffic and KC Streetcar locations in real time with data gathered from 122 video sensors along a two-mile segment of Main Street in the downtown.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Kansas City rolls out online map using traffic, parking data from sensors

One of the trickiest parts of proving the value of emerging smart city technology is showing how city residents could benefit from data being picked up by sensors located on light poles and along streets.On Tuesday, officials in Kansas City, Mo., took steps to connect how such real-time data gathered by sensors provides benefits to its citizens.City officials unveiled an online interactive map for the public that shows available parking, traffic and KC Streetcar locations in real time with data gathered from 122 video sensors along a two-mile segment of Main Street in the downtown.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

State of the CIO 2017: The new reality

As technology grabs the lead role in modern business, all eyes are on the CIO's ability to lead initiatives that radically transform how companies sell products, reach customers and drive opportunities for new revenue streams. At the same time, the digital era's wholesale dependence on technology means there's little room for the slightest hiccup in operations -- resulting in another mandate on the CIO's agenda.One functional responsibility that CIOs don't expect to spend less time on in the future is security management: 26 percent of the respondents to this year's survey said they expect to devote more time to that task in the next three to five years, up from 21 percent in last year's survey.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

4 tips for managing multiple teams

Managers juggle a lot -- besides day-to-day business tasks, they're also responsible for ensuring everyone on the team is working to their full potential. And for managers who oversee multiple teams, it gets even more complicated."Managers have a tough job. They must bring out the best in the individuals on their team. They are responsible for coaching each individual to become a better employee, while also driving the success of the team as a whole," says Kim Duggan, CEO of Betterworks, a company that offers employee performance and feedback software.But there are a few ways you can set yourself up for success if you're faced with the difficult position of managing multiple teams. The key is building teams of workers who are so motivated, happy and engaged that they practically manage themselves.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Microsoft plugs continuous delivery into Visual Studio, Azure

Microsoft is adding continuous delivery capabilities to its Visual Studio 2017 IDE. The Continuous Delivery Tools for Visual Studio extension, announced this week, lets developers set up an automated build, test, and release pipeline on the Visual Studio Team Services cloud ALM platform. It works with ASP.Net 4 and ASP.Net Core applications targeting the Azure App Services and Azure Container Services. Developers can monitor their pipeline with notifications in the IDE that alert them of any build failures in a continuous integration run.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Open source users: It’s time for extreme vetting

Open source software is the norm these days rather than the exception. The code is being written in high volumes and turning up in critical applications. While having this code available can offer big benefits, users also must be wary of issues the code can present and implement proper vetting.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

Open source users: It’s time for extreme vetting

Open source software is the norm these days rather than the exception. The code is being written in high volumes and turning up in critical applications. While having this code available can offer big benefits, users also must be wary of issues the code can present and implement proper vetting. Josh Bressers, cybersecurity strategist at Red Hat, emphasized this point during a recent talk with InfoWorld Editor at Large Paul Krill.[ Expand your security career horizons with these essential certifications for smart security pros. | Discover how to secure your systems with InfoWorld's Security Report newsletter. ] InfoWorld: Why is Red Hat getting on the soapbox about open source security?To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)