SCEP is a protocol which facilitates client enrollment with a Certificate Authorities (CA), delivery and renewal of certificates and delegation of identity verification from a CA to a trusted Registration Authoritie (RA)
A project I'm working on requires me to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on behalf client which doesn't exist yet, and deliver of those requests to the CA via an RA that I'm building. I'll then set aside the certificate and keys for installation onto the client system when it becomes available.
It seemed like ripping apart a request from a real client, as delivered by a real RA would be a good place to start, so that's what I did. I set up a CA (R1), an RA (R2) and a client (R3), performed the enrollment and captured the traffic between the R2 and R1.
There's a nice diagram detailing how a client delivers its to a CA on
this Cisco page, so have a quick peek at the breakdown listed under
Client Enrollment there.
A CSR delivered by an RA (rather than the client) is similarly encapsulated, except that both of the PKCS7 functions are performed by the RA (with the RA's private key),
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