The post Worth Reading: IT is too expensive to operate appeared first on 'net work.
Microsoft opens containers; Verizon closes Fleetmatics.
RiskIQ customers include Facebook and DocuSign.
IoT only uses about 7 percent to 10 percent of the connection layer of the network.
The tests help the industry understand the predictability of NFV infrastructure.
The post Worth Reading: Rough guide to IETF 97 appeared first on 'net work.
Rip and replace tactics almost always results in failure.
Deep learning isn't just for supercomputers any more.
Today on Packet Pushers, we talk to our sponsor ThousandEyes about their new product, Endpoint Agent, which resides on employee desktops and laptops and provides detailed insight into network and application performance, including SaaS apps. The post Show 314: ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent & Network Intelligence (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.
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IT organizations can regain control and help lead corporate digital transformation efforts by focusing on business assurance.