
Category Archives for "Networking"

Meet us in Washington, DC for NANOG 69!

NANOG is traveling to Washington, D.C. for NANOG 69. We will be gathering at the Grand Hyatt Washington.  Washington, D.C. took its part as America's capital,with its neoclassical government buildings and broad avenues.  D.C. also lives firmly in the present, ranked by Forbes in 2013 as the No. 1 New Tech Hot Spot in America.


NANOG 69 takes place on February 6-8, 2017 and will offer a great opportunity to network with colleagues, freshen-up skills, learn advanced networking techniques, and discover new network applications.  NANOG 69 will be hosted by 






What’s better: Amazon’s Availability Zones vs. Microsoft Azure’s regions

Although they both offer core IaaS features like virtual machines, storage and databases the leading public cloud providers, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, take very different approaches in offering cloud services, including at the most basic level of how their data centers are constructed and positioned around the world.+MORE FROM NETWORK WORLD: What’s behind the Amazon, Microsoft and Google’s aggressive cloud expansions? (With an interactive map!) +Both companies’ clouds are made up of regions: AWS has 14 and Microsoft has 30. But those numbers aren’t quite an apples-to-apples comparison.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

19% off HooToo Shuttle Type C Hub With Charging, HDMI Output, Card Reader, 3 USB 3.0 Ports – Deal Alert

Here's an adapter you might want to have on hand. This highly rated all-in-one style adapter from HooToo charges and powers your laptop, while allowing you to connect multiple peripherals, transfer data, and even extend/mirror your screen to an external display in 4k. Ports include USB Type-C, HDMI, 3 x USB 3.0 Ports, and an SD Memory Card slot. Its display port is capable of outputting 4K UHD or Full HD 1080p video to HDTV, monitor or projector.  Its Mac-inspired design features a unibody aluminum alloy exterior, ionized finish, reinforced TPE cable coating, and Mac-style LED activity indicator. EMI protection prevents interference with wireless devices. It averages 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon from over 180 people on Amazon (read reviews). Its list price of $79.99 has been reduced 19% to $64.99. See the discounted HooToo Shuttle now on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

19% off HooToo Shuttle Type C Hub With Charging, HDMI Output, Card Reader, 3 USB 3.0 Ports – Deal Alert

Here's an adapter you might want to have on hand. This highly rated all-in-one style adapter from HooToo charges and powers your laptop, while allowing you to connect multiple peripherals, transfer data, and even extend/mirror your screen to an external display in 4k. Ports include USB Type-C, HDMI, 3 x USB 3.0 Ports, and an SD Memory Card slot. Its display port is capable of outputting 4K UHD or Full HD 1080p video to HDTV, monitor or projector.  Its Mac-inspired design features a unibody aluminum alloy exterior, ionized finish, reinforced TPE cable coating, and Mac-style LED activity indicator. EMI protection prevents interference with wireless devices. It averages 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon from over 180 people on Amazon (read reviews). Its list price of $79.99 has been reduced 19% to $64.99. See the discounted HooToo Shuttle now on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Indian banks replace millions of debit cards after possible breach

Indian banks have asked customers to change the PINs, and in some cases blocked access, to 3.2 million debit cards after concerns about a security breach.The issue surfaced in September when some banks complained that their customers' cards were used fraudulently mainly in China and the U.S. while the account holders were in India, the National Payments Corporation of India said late Thursday.India's top government-controlled bank, the State Bank of India, said earlier this week that after card network companies like Visa and MasterCard had informed various banks of a potential risk to some cards because of a data breach, it had taken the precautionary measure of blocking the cards identified by the networks.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Indian banks replace millions of debit cards after possible breach

Indian banks have asked customers to change the PINs, and in some cases blocked access, to 3.2 million debit cards after concerns about a security breach.The issue surfaced in September when some banks complained that their customers' cards were used fraudulently mainly in China and the U.S. while the account holders were in India, the National Payments Corporation of India said late Thursday.India's top government-controlled bank, the State Bank of India, said earlier this week that after card network companies like Visa and MasterCard had informed various banks of a potential risk to some cards because of a data breach, it had taken the precautionary measure of blocking the cards identified by the networks.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: The tape disk debate clouded

Save for the frequently used business critical data and the all-time low prices of disk storage, any CFO talking to an open-minded systems administrator will come to the conclusion that tape wins all the time for data archiving.When you take several regulations—such as The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which requires data to be retained for six years from the date of its creation or the date when it was last in effect, whichever is later—and other regulators like Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and Security Exchange Commission (SEC), you realize that extended retention of up to seven years is mandated by the aforementioned acts and regulatory bodies.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Mirantis and NTT launch their own partnership for OpenStack growth

It’s fascinating being a close observer of the OpenStack ecosystem. To be honest, the machinations and posturing among the different players feels almost like a John Le Carre novel with friends, enemies and seemingly dozens of shades in between.Two companies that epitomized this are Mirantis and Red Hat. Red Hat, the 800-pound gorilla in the open source world, has had long-term success commercializing various open-source projects, initially Linux, of course, but a host of others since.For its part, Mirantis is a much newer player and was borne after the advent of OpenStack. Mirantis is essentially trying to “out Red Hat Red Hat.” The two were, back in distant memory, close partners, with Red Hat investing in Mirantis and talking of potential acquisition plans. Red Hat went in a different direction, however, acquiring competing OpenStack service provider eNovance and embarking on a war of words with the upstart. In fairness, I have to point out that the war of words between the two has been mutual, with Mirantis doing its part to fuel the flames.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

The Great Multi-Factor Authentication Debate — PCI Guru

The Council brings back the Assessor Session to this year’s Community Meeting and it takes only one question to get passions flowing. The question was to get a clarification of a comment made by Ralph Poore, Director, Emerging Standards at the Council, about multi-factor authentication (MFA). First a little background to get everyone up to […]

via The Great Multi-Factor Authentication Debate — PCI Guru

Wipro is buying cloud consultant Appirio for $500M

It's India meets Indianapolis: Bangalore-based consulting firm Wipro is buying Appirio for US$500 million to bulk up its cloud applications business.With more resources behind it, cloud services vendor Appirio will be in a better position to fight back against big consulting firms like Accenture and Deloitte, which "have garnered disproportionate market share" in the cloud services market in recent years, Appirio CEO Chris Barbin wrote in a blog post explaining the deal.Appirio, based in Indianapolis, offers a range of cloud applications integration services, many of them built around -- a logical fit since it grew out of Salesforce's AppExchange startup incubator. The 10-year-old company also partners with Workday, Google and Amazon Web Services, and numbers Facebook, eBay and Coca-Cola among its customers.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

GuardiCore helps security teams see into apps and networks before they segment

The digital business era has brought with it a number of new tools and technologies, such as software-defined networking (SDN), Internet of Things (IoT), mobility and the cloud. These innovations enable businesses to increase their level of dynamism and be more distributed, but they also increase the complexity of securing the business. Old-school security methods and tools do not work in an environment where the perimeter is eroding and resources are becoming more virtual and cloud-centric.+ Also on Network World: Always be prepared: Monitor, analyze and test your security + To combat this, security professionals have embraced the concept of segmentation. The number of segmentation providers has exploded over the past few years, including VMware repositioning its NSX network virtualization product as a micro-segmentation solution. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

GuardiCore helps security teams see into apps and networks before they segment

The digital business era has brought with it a number of new tools and technologies, such as software-defined networking (SDN), Internet of Things (IoT), mobility and the cloud. These innovations enable businesses to increase their level of dynamism and be more distributed, but they also increase the complexity of securing the business. Old-school security methods and tools do not work in an environment where the perimeter is eroding and resources are becoming more virtual and cloud-centric.+ Also on Network World: Always be prepared: Monitor, analyze and test your security + To combat this, security professionals have embraced the concept of segmentation. The number of segmentation providers has exploded over the past few years, including VMware repositioning its NSX network virtualization product as a micro-segmentation solution. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

GuardiCore helps security teams see into apps and networks before they segment

The digital business era has brought with it a number of new tools and technologies, such as software-defined networking (SDN), Internet of Things (IoT), mobility and the cloud. These innovations enable businesses to increase their level of dynamism and be more distributed, but they also increase the complexity of securing the business. Old-school security methods and tools do not work in an environment where the perimeter is eroding and resources are becoming more virtual and cloud-centric.+ Also on Network World: Always be prepared: Monitor, analyze and test your security + To combat this, security professionals have embraced the concept of segmentation. The number of segmentation providers has exploded over the past few years, including VMware repositioning its NSX network virtualization product as a micro-segmentation solution. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

42% off 17-Piece Precision Smartphone Repair Kit For iPhone, Android, Samsung and Others – Deal Alert

Save money by repairing your own device. This 17-piece tool set averages 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon from over 490 people (read reviews), and is discounted 42% off its typical list price. The 17-piece kit works with iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and more. It includes several hard to find tools, constructed of heavy duty materials and lightly magnetized to make the job easier.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

MDM helps real estate developer mobilize business processes

A few years ago Edward Rose & Sons was suffering from the mother of all business process messes. The real estate developer's business processes had become inefficient. Its four divisions were using different property management, accounting and construction management systems. Employees were forced to shuffle paper for contracts and various other work documents. This made it difficult for management to consolidate and make sense of financial statements as they mulled purchasing more land. Edward Rose & Sons CIO Joe Simpson.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

3 ways Windows Server 2016 is tackling security

Every version of Windows — client and server — has promised improved security. But with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, Microsoft is going beyond the usual incremental improvements and closing of loopholes and giving you the tools to reduce the dangers of phished credentials, over-privileged admins and untrustworthy binaries.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)