The more I play around with Docker and Kubernetes the more I find myself needing to rebuild my lab. Config file changes are done all over the place, permissions change, some binaries are added or updated, and things get out of sync. I always like to figure out how things work and then rebuild ‘the right way’ to make sure I know what I’m talking about. The process of rebuilding the lab takes quite a bit of time and was generally annoying. So I was looking for a way to automate some of the rebuild. Having some previous experience with Chef, I thought I might give that a try but I never got around to it. Then one day I was browsing the Kubernetes github repo and noticed that there was already a fair amount of SaltStack files out in the repo. I had heard about SaltStack, but had no idea what it was so I thought I’d give it a try and see if it could help me with my lab rebuilds.
Make a long story short, it helps, A LOT. While I know I’ve only scratched the surface the Continue reading
Survey says: Global Operators are ready for something new. Lifecycle Service Orchestration may be what they're looking for.
In this post I will give you a campus network design scenario and as always will wait your answers. You need to specify what are the mistakes, you need to recommend a technical solutions to Superent which is a fictitious company and don’t forget to give your answers based on customer requirements rather than industry… Read More »
The post Campus Network Design Scenario appeared first on Network Design and Architecture.
The impact will be bigger than technology.
Juniper Contrail is building up an OpenStack fan base.
Packet Pushers wants to know about you. Now, we don’t want to know about you specifically, because that would be creepy. We’re big believers in your privacy for the same reasons we’re believers in our own. But we do want to know about our audience as a whole. Data about our audience helps us figure out […]
The post Listen to Packet Pushers? Take Our 2015 Audience Survey! appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Ethan Banks.