I started to think about what happened in 2014 and decide which events changed networking.
The post My Review of 2014. Who Cares ? appeared first on EtherealMind.
When I started this post, the following mental image popped into my head, and I found it an apt description of 2014:
Doing the year-end recap post. 2014 was all: pic.twitter.com/aXtC2sjN8l
— Matt Oswalt (@Mierdin) December 30, 2014
Oh well…..let’s give this a try anyways.
I’ll list off the goals I set in my post one year ago, and reflect upon how they were pursued in 2014:
Write Code – I knew when I made this goal that it was going to be hard to quantify; I just knew that writing code was something I had been passionate about. Though I have always maintained this skillset in some form or another, I knew I wanted more, and a year ago, I made the goal of increasing my involvement with software development.
In 2014 I made two more contributions to OpenDaylight, specifically pertaining to the Unit Testing and Integration Testing efforts of the OVSDB project (much thanks to Madhu Venugopal and Dave Tucker for their unrelenting patience while I stumbled through Junit fundamentals). I also did a lot of work on various projects, like Ansible and Schprokits extensions, as well as standalone projects, all of which are Continue reading
Although I wasn’t actively blogging this year, I’ve still been tracking views on the site and keeping an eye on number of visitors. I am looking forward to blogging again in 2015 so I wanted to collect the 2014 viewership statistics so I had something to compare to at the end of 2015.
Despite the lack of new content, I’m pretty happy that people are reading the existing articles and continue to post comments and email me questions. Please keep them coming!
Here are the year-over-year statistics for Jan 1 2014 – Dec 30 2014.
Overall YoY comparison:
Once again these stats are courtesy of Google Analytics. If you compare this chart to the 2013 equivalent, you’ll see that Google has changed some of the metric names. Visits are now called Sessions and Unique Visitors are now Users. And like last year’s chart, the first number in gray is the current year’s number, the second number the previous year.
While the number of Users and Sessions grew at a slower rate than in 2013, they still grew! Very cool.
As was the case in 2013, the users visiting the site are primarily made up of brand new visitors. It Continue reading
I finally got around to reading The Mythical Man Month (MMM), a famous book on large-scale software development projects (think operating systems) written in 1975, revised in 1995, and still strikingly relevant today in the neighboring field of building and managing massive networks. While multiple points land directly on those of us working on massive […]
The post A Single Architect for Your Network appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Keith Tokash.
When installing Fibre Optic cable care must be taken to ensure that cable is not bent beyond a certain radius. Most people believe this is to prevent breaking of the fibre core but there is a worse scenario.
The post Why Replacing The Fibre Optic Patch Lead Often Fixes Network Problems appeared first on EtherealMind.
The IT world is cyclical for sure. I’ve seen trends and topics repeating themselves over and over again in my relatively short time here. I find it interesting that we keep solving similar problems over and over again. I also find it fascinating that this particular issue leads to the reason why blogs are so important.
Questions abound in IT. It’s the nature of the industry. However, it’s not just new questions that we create when technology leaps past us. We keep asking the same questions over and over again. This is the field of study that created the FAQ, remember?
In recent memory, I find the same questions being asked over and over again:
You’ve probably asked those very same questions. Perhaps you found the answers you were looking for. Perhaps you’re still trying to figure it out. The problem is that those questions are still being asked. The industry should have evolved to the point where the simple questions have been answered with simple answers. Complex questions, or those questions that need more in-depth Continue reading
There’s nothing like taking a 12 hour road trip to help get caught up on podcasts. Even though I have a few more to go, I am feeling pretty accomplished with my progress.
One podcast episode jumped out at me as particularly interesting. This was the Risky Business 2014 [year] in review episode. This episode has the most interesting excerpts and commentary for breaches throughout this year. Have a listen by following the link below.
Risky Business #349 — 2014 in review | Risky Business
Disclaimer: This article includes the independent thoughts, opinions, commentary or technical detail of Paul Stewart. This may or may not reflect the position of past, present or future employers.
The post Risky Business #349 <– Wow, a LOT Happened in 2014 appeared first on PacketU.
Not ever thinking the job that’s in front of you is too little for your skill set (or pride).
Top 10 Network Management Blog Posts of 2014
As the year winds down, we were interested to discover our most viewed blog posts of 2014, our inaugural year of the Knetwork Knowledge blog. Not surprisingly, the majority of articles concern SDN. From the rise of production deployments among service providers to management concerns to job security worries, SDN continues to alter the network landscape, attempting to assert its place as the disruptive technology it promises to be.
These top 10 articles present a good snapshot of SDN’s evolution this year as well as the network issues in general. Here they are in order of popularity (See also our short summary of each one below):
Although I wasn't actively blogging this year, I've still been tracking views on the site and keeping an eye on number of visitors. I am looking forward to blogging again in 2015 so I wanted to collect the 2014 viewership statistics so I had something to compare to at the end of 2015.
Despite the lack of new content, I'm pretty happy that people are reading the existing articles and continue to post comments and email me questions. Please keep them coming!
HP Networking has three solutions for overlay or virtual networking in the Data Centre. Each solution meets different customer needs Show Notes HP Networking has three products for network virtualization and each product addresses different customers needs. NSX Federation – physical networking integrating with NSX Distributed Cloud Networking (DCN) Virtual Cloud Networking (VCN) NSX Federations […]
The post PQ Show 39 – HP Networking – 3 Virtual Network Strategies Compared appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.