
Category Archives for "Networking"

Monitoring failed login attempts on Linux

Repeated failed login attempts on a Linux server can indicate that someone is trying to break into an account or might only mean that someone forgot their password or is mistyping it. In this post, we look at how you can check for failed login attempts and check your system's settings to see when accounts will be locked to deal with the problem.One of the first things you need to know is how to check if logins are failing. The command below looks for indications of failed logins in the /var/log/auth.log file used on Ubuntu and related systems. When someone tries logging in with a wrong or misspelled password, failed logins will show up as in the lines below:To read this article in full, please click here

Edge computing: When to outsource, when to DIY

The edge is being sold to enterprise customers from just about every part of the technology industry, and there’s not always a bright dividing line between “public” options – edge computing sold as a service, with a vendor handling operational data directly – and “private” ones, where a company implements an edge architecture by itself.There are advantages and challenges to either option, and which is the right edge-computing choice for any particular organization depends on their individual needs, budgets and staffing, among other factors. Here are some considerations.To read this article in full, please click here

Edge computing: When to outsource, when to DIY

The edge is being sold to enterprise customers from just about every part of the technology industry, and there’s not always a bright dividing line between “public” options – edge computing sold as a service, with a vendor handling operational data directly – and “private” ones, where a company implements an edge architecture by itself.There are advantages and challenges to either option, and which is the right edge-computing choice for any particular organization depends on their individual needs, budgets and staffing, among other factors. Here are some considerations.To read this article in full, please click here

Tech Bytes: Pluribus Rethinks Open Networking For Better Programmability, TCO (Sponsored)

Today's Tech Bytes dives into Pluribus Networks’ Linux-based Netvisor ONE OS for white box switches. We also discuss Pluribus’ Adaptive Cloud Fabric, a distributed, controllerless SDN solution for deploying and automating data center fabrics that promises simpler operations and a lower TCO. Our guest is Alessandro Barbieri, VP of Product Management.

The post Tech Bytes: Pluribus Rethinks Open Networking For Better Programmability, TCO (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Tech Bytes: Pluribus Rethinks Open Networking For Better Programmability, TCO (Sponsored)

Today's Tech Bytes dives into Pluribus Networks’ Linux-based Netvisor ONE OS for white box switches. We also discuss Pluribus’ Adaptive Cloud Fabric, a distributed, controllerless SDN solution for deploying and automating data center fabrics that promises simpler operations and a lower TCO. Our guest is Alessandro Barbieri, VP of Product Management.

A Different Viewpoint of Lock-In

First things first: Go watch this great video on lock-in from Ethan Banks (@ECBanks). We’ll reference it.

Welcome back. Still carrying that pitchfork around screaming about how you want to avoid vendor lock-in? Ready to build the most perfect automation system in history that does multi-cloud, multi-vendor, multi-protocol networking in a seamless manner with full documentation? Nice. How hard was is to build that unicorn farm?

I get it. No one wants to be beholden to a specific vendor. No one likes being forced into buying things. Everyone hates the life of the engineer forced to work on something they don’t like or had to use because someone needed a new boat. Or do they?

Ford and Chevys and Dodge, Oh My!

What kind of car do you drive? Odds are good you’re either ready to get a new one or you’re proud of what you’re driving. I find that the more flashy a car is the more likely people are to talk about how amazing it is. And when there are two dominant manufacturers in a market for cars, you tend to see people dividing into camps to sing the praises of their favorite brands. Ford people love their Continue reading

Getting to the Core: Benchmarking Cloudflare’s Latest Server Hardware

Getting to the Core: Benchmarking Cloudflare’s Latest Server Hardware
Getting to the Core: Benchmarking Cloudflare’s Latest Server Hardware

Maintaining a server fleet the size of Cloudflare’s is an operational challenge, to say the least. Anything we can do to lower complexity and improve efficiency has effects for our SRE (Site Reliability Engineer) and Data Center teams that can be felt throughout a server’s 4+ year lifespan.

At the Cloudflare Core, we process logs to analyze attacks and compute analytics. In 2020, our Core servers were in need of a refresh, so we decided to redesign the hardware to be more in line with our Gen X edge servers. We designed two major server variants for the core. The first is Core Compute 2020, an AMD-based server for analytics and general-purpose compute paired with solid-state storage drives. The second is Core Storage 2020, an Intel-based server with twelve spinning disks to run database workloads.

Core Compute 2020

Earlier this year, we blogged about our 10th generation edge servers or Gen X and the improvements they delivered to our edge in both performance and security. The new Core Compute 2020 server leverages many of our learnings from the edge server. The Core Compute servers run a variety of workloads including Kubernetes, Kafka, and various smaller services.

Configuration Changes (Kubernetes)

Previous Continue reading

Video: Know Your Users’ Needs

After explaining why you should focus on defining the problem before searching for a magic technology that will solve it, I continued the Focus on Business Challenges First presentation with another set of seemingly simple questions:

  • Who are your users/customers?
  • What do they really need?
  • Assuming you’re a service provider, what are you able to sell to your customers… and how are you different from your competitors?
The video is part of Business Aspects of Networking Technologies webinar and available with Free Subscription.

EVE-NG Firefox and ZOC Terminal

On Windows, I use the ZOC terminal for telnet/SSH session. Naturally, I wanted to also use ZOC as the terminal for the EVE-NG web console. So when you click on a node, it opens a tabbed session in ZOC automatically. This was not so straight forward and I burned alot of cycles trying to...

11ty File Watchers Error

I have come across a file watchers error a couple of times now with new installs of 11ty and I am documenting the fix in this post for future me. The Error When starting a local 11ty dev server with the command: You get the following error: The Solution Some quick duck hunting lead me...

Improving Performance and Search Rankings with Cloudflare for Fun and Profit

Improving Performance and Search Rankings with Cloudflare for Fun and Profit

Making things fast is one of the things we do at Cloudflare. More responsive websites, apps, APIs, and networks directly translate into improved conversion and user experience. On November 10th, Google announced that Google Search will directly take web performance and page experience data into account when ranking results on their search engine results pages (SERPs), beginning in May 2021.

Specifically, Google Search will prioritize results based on how pages score on Core Web Vitals, a measurement methodology Cloudflare has worked closely with Google to establish, and we have implemented support for in our analytics tools.

Improving Performance and Search Rankings with Cloudflare for Fun and Profit
Source: "Search Page Experience Graphic" by Google is licensed under CC BY 4.0

The Core Web Vitals metrics are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP, a loading measurement), First Input Delay (FID, a measure of interactivity), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS, a measure of visual stability). Each one is directly associated with user perceptible page experience milestones. All three can be improved using our performance products, and all three can be measured with our Cloudflare Browser Insights product, and soon, with our free privacy-aware Cloudflare Web Analytics.

SEO experts have always suspected faster pages lead to better search ranking. With the recent announcement from Continue reading

Kyverno, a New CNCF Sandbox Project, Offers Kubernetes-Native Policy Management

Kyverno, the open source Kubernetes-native policy engine built by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) this week at the sandbox level. The development team hopes the software will help adoption of Kubernetes policies, by providing a method for doing so with native tools and languages, rather than requiring users to learn and adopt new ones. kubectl, kustomize. Bugwadia explained that, by contrast, cert-manager, another new CNCF sandbox project, which Bugwadia said has expressed interest in using Kyverno for policies for certificate management. Joining the CNCF, he said, leads to those forms of collaboration, which we would not have been able to do otherwise. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation and KubeCon+CloudNativeCon are sponsors of The New Stack.  Feature image by Pixabay. The post Kyverno, a New CNCF Sandbox Project, Offers Kubernetes-Native Policy Management appeared first on The New Stack.

gRPC Remote Procedure Calls in a Nutshell

gRPC: Up and Running, published by O’Reilly Media. gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Calls) is one of the most popular inter-process communication protocols in the modern microservices and cloud native era. With the increasing adoption of gRPC, we thought it was important to write a book on gRPC and share our experience of building cloud native microservices apps with it. So, before we dive into the details of the book, let me give you a brief overview of what gRPC is. gRPC is modern inter-process communication technology that can overcome most of the shortcomings of the conventional inter-process communication technologies, such as RESTful services. Owing to the benefits of gRPC, most modern applications and servers are increasingly converting their inter-process communication protocols to gRPC. The foundation of a gRPC-based application is the service and Continue reading


Multipass is a command line tool for running Ubuntu virtual machines on Mac or Windows. Multipass uses the native virtualization capabilities of the host operating system to simplify the creation of virtual machines.

Docker testbed and Docker DDoS testbed describe how to use containers to experiment with network visibility and control. However, not all software is amenable to running in containers, and so the ability to quickly create and configure virtual machines is a useful complement. This article demonstrates how to use Multipass to quickly build a virtual machine to run Mininet network emulation software.
multipass launch --name=mininet bionic
multipass exec mininet -- sudo apt update
multipass exec mininet -- sudo apt -y install mininet python-ryu
multipass exec mininet -- sudo apt -y install default-jre python-requests hping3
multipass exec mininet -- wget
multipass exec mininet -- tar -xzf sflow-rt.tar.gz
multipass exec mininet -- ./sflow-rt/ sflow-rt mininet-dashboard

Run the above commands in a terminal to create the virtual machine. Multipass commands can easily be scripted to automate the creation and configuration of virtual machines.

multipass list
List the virtual machines.
Name                    State             IPv4             Image
test Running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

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Encrypted VelvetSweatshop Password Still a Threat to Excel Files

Office documents, such as Word and Excel files, can be password-protected using a symmetric key encryption mechanism involving one password which is the key to both encrypt and decrypt a file. Malware writers use this key as an additional evasion technique to hide malicious code from anti-virus (AV) scanning engines. The problem is that encrypting a file introduces the disadvantage of requiring a potential victim to enter a password (which is normally included in the phishing or spam email containing the encrypted attachment). This makes the email and the attachment very suspicious, thus greatly reducing the chance that the intended victim will open the encrypted malicious attachment.

The good news (for the attackers) is that Microsoft Excel can automatically decrypt a given encrypted spreadsheet without asking for a password if the password for encryption happens to be VelvetSweatshop. This is a default key stored in Microsoft Excel program code for decryption. It’s a neat trick that attackers can leverage to encrypt malicious Excel files in order to evade static-analysis-based detection systems, while eliminating the need for a potential victim to enter a password.

The embedded VelvetSweatshop key in Excel is not a secret. It has been widely reported for many Continue reading